. Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Your ratio sounds realistic. Mine is out of this world. I am going to continue to monitor and hope more pure EVers join in. Basically I like it, so I will not do anything to change it like reset or reboot.
I am not speaking of hills or regeneration. But only your HSI. MPG and how fast it increases from trip to trip or day to day. Are you able to drive several days in EV?
i'm not sure what you mean. i generally drive once a day in ev and use up all my charge. when i go further than my charge will take me, i toggle back and forth from ev to hv depending on the route. as soon as i leave ev for the first time, it drops from 999 to 2-300 pretty quickly and by the time i'm done, i'm down to 90-100 mpg.
i would love to see ford release their video of the hybrid program for the next century from 1996 like toyota did.
Somehow, between my lastpost and today my incredible HSI MPG readings have returned to normal, only have 110 mpg average now. So, it was some strange glitch that was causing the rediculous hsi readings. Iyam tho thad!