Yes, this too, and thunder and lightening. & On the other side of the humidity spectrum, during dry Santa Ana winds
AAHHhhhh... btit... and teh Santa Anas... Like... when I was living outside of Santa Cruz... :doh: Hmmm... This explains your bias Bra... You LIVE in a zone... and thus are tainted... and excluded from the sample... Sorry... just saying... that's the rules.
Depends on source location. For the March tsunami, those of us on the West Coast who watched the 11 pm news had something over 8 hours warning. Knowing it was coming, I still slept quite well, until about five hours later when an East Coast friend got a scrambled version from a "BREAKING NEWS ALERT!!!" and phoned us in a panic to wake us up to tell us we had to flee to high ground. We already live on high ground. And knew from the evening reports that it still had hours to go before reaching our shores. But I looked up the updated reports anyway before returning to bed. A subduction zone quake on our own coast, where we feel the shaking ourselves, is a different matter with far less warning. If I'm visiting the lowlands, then I will immediately flee.
Southern CA gets lots of warm spells, and a fair number of earthquakes. They are bound to coincide sometimes.
Actually Bra... SoCal doesn't go a day without an earthquake... but I don't think this next big one will be from there to tell you the truth... I was working for Packard Bell down in that neck of the woods when Northridge broke, and I lived just a bit north of Santa Cruz in 1989, so I know a bit about what the local Cali quakes can do (the wife at the time said I was a magnet for em, like I am for trains at a rail crossing)... I really think Alaska is going to be the next big crack, but it may well be in South America instead because they have been having an increased level of escalating in intensity quakes too. Just saying that I can see the probability for a large shaker is greater than what it was without the larger tidal influences this next new moon will bring... And I know how to use a shotgun when out hunting for something, although, hitting the target date hasn't been 100% with me, I bet it has been enough of an edge that if I were in the Italian courts right now with the scientists facing charges for non-disclosure of a coming earthquake event, they would let me go for being a good whistleblower, errrr - caution flag-waver...
I love this guy... ound: Cough cough... wheeeezze... ATTENTION... it may destroy everything... Thanks Bra...
Again, the moon has ZERO effect on earthquakes. However, predicting that there will be an earthquake in South America is a pretty good bet. It's a big place with a lot of tectonic activity. Alaska also, though I'm under the impression that S.A. has more.
I was just wondering how big a tsunami it would have to be to threaten Sacramento... Frankly, I think an earthquake that takes out a levee along the American or Sacramento rivers is more likely...
Is that because historically there's a tire question every two weeks, or do you have inside information?
This site is about eight years old (actually a little less, but close enough). 8*52=416. Googling "Best tires" on this site brings up over 500 hits (one hit=one page in a thread). Which means, on the average, it's brought up MORE than once a week.
Well there was a huge earthquake close to Mexicali/Calexico not long ago. I felt it. Please look into it.
Do Mexican earthquakes count... well... in Mexico sure... But... you're in So Cal Bra... you are expected to feel earthquakes there every single day... just ask anyone from Maine to Maryland...
That's much too generous a timespan. Not even three days have elapsed since the OP and already a quake rattled the world strongly enough to make the papers ... Quake shakes Papua New Guinea - And it's in one of your targeted regions: Not quite to your strength but making the papers elevates it beyond "background noise". Before all the pages of the two weeks have moved from the desk calendar to the dust bin this quake will get company. And the wind will blow. And rain will fall.
Never safe there... fun, yes... nice place to see and share with friends, damn straight... but safe... nope... Just my personal opinion Bra... ymmv
When it's from the Church of Bob, you can take it to the bank: Series of earthquakes strike Big Island of Hawaii
Minor correction Bra... The Church of the Living Bob Is it all coincidence that things are falling from the sky as well as the grounds shaking beneath our feet... Well... tonight after I get home and greet the margarita pitcher for the broth of wisdom, I'll see if some of y'all are just as snarky as my wife is about my predictions... she's still pissed that I didn't get the coins out of the tech stocks before we lost 60%...