Well, for your info you might like to know, "In God, We Trust" motto is all over many our government buildings. Even sculptures of some of the bible's characters too. But there are also, many Greek gods/goddess symbols all over the country and in government too. So take your pick!
I’ve lived in Alabama for about 8 months now. I’m not quite sure what you question is? Am I serious that they have the license plate? Yes, they have it and it is very popular. Am I serious that I was surprised that Alabama has an “In God We Trust†license plate? Yes, I can see them having a special plate that you can pay extra for but not a standard plate with no additional fee. I find that to be a promotion of religion which has I understand it is the job of churches not states. Am I serious that I think that having “Stars fell on Alabama†on a license plate is stupid? Yes, I do. Surely something better has happened in the history of Alabama for them to be proud of.
This is the question I was refering to. Why would the people in a state be proud of a meteor shower..... step outside your door and look at them LOL. I feel like Carlos Mancia talking about people who live in boarder towns. Sorry if I offend any of you Alabamians, ROLL TIDE, but it is a dumb motto. Where abouts did you move to?
I moved to Helena, which is a suburb just south of Birmingham. They are very proud that they were voted 91st best place to live in Money's best places issue. That makes me question Money's selection process because Helena is just another generic suburb with too many people and not enough roads for everyone to drive to Birmingham to work, eat, shop. I can understand your comment on the people. My wife and I have seen two very different Alabamians. She works for a biotech company with a very ethnically and geographically diverse workforce. They have employees from all over the country and world working together. I worked at an automotive supplier in Gadsden. There you had a very monolithic workforce with the attitude of of "Damn Yankee Go Home!" They order their lives around "BAMA football", bass fishing, and Jesus in that order.
Surprised Jesus came in 3rd. I know Helena well, rivals and all. I grew up in Hoover, then moved a little more south into Shelby Co., Alabaster (puns done to death). They are trying to invite a more diverse social setting but the 50th generation locals are pretty set in their ways. Amazed me there were people who were born, lived and died in the same town and never left, even to go to another state. Take a trip down 119 to Montevallo, nice drive, you'll see plenty of those houses on the way.
They say Jesus comes first but if church interferes with football, fishing, or hunting then Jesus has to settle for 2nd. I've quite very familiar with 119. I currently work in Selma, AL so I take CR17 to 119 to 139 to 22. I also pretty familiar with the extreme regional nature of some of the local people. I moved from Morristown, a small town in eastern TN. I was amazed at the number of people that had never been out of the state and thought that driving to Knoxville, TN was a huge deal. Knoxville was about 50 miles away. If you asked them if they grew up in Morristown they would look shocked and offended then tell you that they grew up in some tiny intersection of a town 5 to 10 miles away. Even though I've been around it for 8 years now, I'm still amazed by a mindset that is suspicious of anyone not in ones family or church circle. It's not just a southern thing though. I know people that have lived in Vermont and Maine and found the same thing.
There's a rock quary out there, I can't remember where and I thought the name was Blue Water but I can't find it on a map. It's somewhere close to there. Really neat place. 100' deep, full of rain water, maybe 50 or so foot cliff to jump off of. Don't hold your breath when you jump, you'll just have to take another breath before you hit, and no diving. I saw a drunk man dive off and shuttled away in an ambulance, pretty funny. If you like to scuba you can check out all the machinery they left behind, dozers, cranes and such. I heard it was a pretty cool place ro dive. I swam down about 12', it turned black and cold, I thought Jaws was going to get me so I swam back. Yes I was kid and Jaws was everywhere trying to get me, even coming through the front door. Still the scariest movie ever in my opinion. No other scary movie has put actual terror into more people. Anyway, enjoy the Bowl.