I'm guessing you're being facetious because this argument makes no sense. Without further context or qualification the word "God" in Western cultures - particularly North American cultures - is commonly understood to refer to the Judeo-Christian God. I suppose it could be argued in modern times that the word "God" is now equivalent to some non-specific "guiding spirit" or "life force" but that certainly was not the case nor the intent when that phrase was put on the currency and in the pledge.
Nope. Sorry dude. The word "god" (lower-case G) is admittedly multi-denominational. The word "God" refers to one specific deity. If they put "god" (with lower case) on our currency, I'd have little problem with that. As it is, they might as well print "Muslims are all going to burn in Hell" on the currency for what it currently implies.
Haha. As in the 'denominations' on the currency. Pennies, dollars, tens, twenties, and so on. Smooth, Sufferin'. Did you know Canada has a one dollar coin with a loon on it? We call them loonies. And no, they're not multi-denominational.
So, does this mean you are the one who will go forth and tell people to their face that their non Judeo-Christian God is not the God that "God" refers? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!! You may end up starting a war or getting yourself killed. Me personally, I'm not arrogant enough to say to someone, "that 'God' reference is referring to my God and not yours." When I see the words "GOD BLESS AMERICA" - I'm not hoping the blessings are only from MY GOD. I love America enough that I would wish upon it the blessings of all Gods. If you don't, that's your right. Congratulations on not being blinded to the humor by a hatred of anything "God." Yes, I know about the Loonie. I'm guessing it is a more fitting tribute to the queen, rather than having a beaver (of all things!) on the reverse.
Loonies and Twoonies... or, is it Toonies? Twonies? Personally, I just add an "s" to the end of "God" in every context it's used. In my head, or out my mouth, as the situation warrants.
Thanks. I'm usually pretty good at keeping my sense of humour. But, I'm not comfortable with 'non-belief' automatically being labelled 'hatred'. I don't hate god(s), I just don't believe in them. I don't think it's appropriate for statements of faith to be on a country's currency. The gold standard seemed more 'real', somehow. But yes, that's just my opinion. Actually, the beaver is only on the nickel. We have other wild animals on different coins. And whether the spelling is toonie or twonie is apparently still open for debate.
From Uncle John's BRI #13 pg 192. "The Golden Rule Here are eight translations of religious texts…and one secular commentary. Christianity “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets.†Matthew 7:12 Judaism “What is harmful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is the entire law; all the rest is commentary.†Talmud, Shabbat, 312 Hinduism “This is the turn of duty; do naught unto others which could cause you pain if done to you.†Mahabharata, 5, 1517 Confucianism “Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto other that you would not have them do unto you.†Analects, 15, 23 Taoism “Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.†T’ai ShangKan Ying P’ien Buddhism “Hurt not others in ways you yourself would find hurtful.†Udana-Varga 5, 18 Zoroastrianism “That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.†Dadistan-i-dinik, 94, 5 Islam “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.†Sunnah Secular View “Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.†George Bernard Shaw" How come CHristianity is the only one that seems to be revenge?
How come is it that YOU interpret that version to be referring to revenge? Oh yeah, because you are using the King James Bible version and apparently you ain't not no good at understanding old world writings. Or is it that you are a sadomasochist looking for something to "believe" in? Matthew 7:12 "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want
WOW, judging from your harsh and vicious attack and mischaracterization I can only presume you are Christian. Well I must in haste stand corrected, I misread. Seems I read over the ye. Not withstanding, a simple "Hey you misread the line, pay attention to the ye" would have sufficed. But no, you chose instead to attack, belittle and question my sexual desires? What has sadomasochism have to do with believing in anything? Or not believing for that matter? Are you saying that a sadomasochist can't be a Chrstian? I hope not, for one I can introduce you to a few, for second isn't there room in Chrstianity for everyone reguardless of their sexual exploits? Sounds like a awfully exclusive club you have there. Besides sadomasochism has nothing to do with revenge, anger or hate, just a different kind of love. The kind you ask for, not the kind thrust upon you. Or are you saying that because I say something that seems a bit excesive or "bad" about the Republican party I can't be a Republican? Swap Christianity for Republican if you can't make the connection. Thank you for taking my belief structure away from me and making me a non-believer.
Pssssst.... note the smiley face. I think he was making the point that, if you read it a certain way in the KJV, it does sound kinda like doing "bad" to someone because you want them to do "bad" to you... Anyway, that's all I'm saying about that.
Doesn't Allah speak of god? Don't the Hindus have may gods? I thought all religion was based on some mythical being(s) that created all. I thought it was universally accepted to call that entity a god. God only knows why government need to refer to god at all. The US isn't unique in doing this though, god save the queen eh.
Maybe we should keep the plates clean and simple, and let people put their slogans on a bumper sticker instead.