So, why is it called "swearing" anyway? Is it even taboo to use the word "cursing" ? Is that why some say "cussing"? But as a kid, I always did enjoy Deputy Dog yelling out "Dag Nabbit!" Or was that the sherrif, yelling at Deputy Dog? And how come the sherrif was human, but the deputy was a dog???
Well, there's the United Nations gang, the Independent Soldiers, the Red Scorpions, the locally infamous Bacon Brothers, and of course the Angels. Not to say Asian gangs aren't a problem, just saying they're not the only problem. Supply issues of the green apparently sparked a shooting war early this year, and some gangs switched to the white, which has turf issues of its own. So, yes, some things have changed since the 2004 article.
Whether Winnipeg or Vancouver, one thing I've noticed about gang activity is that nobody appears willing to do anything about it. What use is having stricter gun control laws than the US, if no real penalty exists for possession of an illegal and/or "unregistered" firearem?
Actually bloody hell is an oft used phrase in Australia. An ad campaign pretty recently used the catch phrase "Where the bloody hell are ya?" It was dreadfully unsuccessful because a large number of Americans found the phrase offensive.