This is what Prius vs Deer looks like at 55mph. It actually doesn't look too bad. It sunk in the headlight and I needed a new hood and bumper. Total bill turned out to be over $5000 and the dealer (Fox Toyota Rochester, MI) took about a month to do the repair. Luckly my out of pocket was $300.
Don't Worry! The Government Will Solve This!!! Hi all, I think you have all forgotten... The government is going to rescue us from deer collisions. With the new govt-mandated noise-makers on our vehicles, the deer will know to stay far away. Same with kids of irresponsible parents. It's obvious that the only reason Prius drivers are hitting deer is because the deer can't hear the Prius coming. The government will make it all better. Later, Tim (not currently) in Hollywood
well not sure if this is fully something i should link to, but if you want an idea of what happens when you hit a deer. here is a BMW vs deer granted this guy was going over 90 when he hit the poor thing. BMW vs Deer
I'm NOT going to click that link, xsmatt. No way. Scott, that doesn't look too bad, actually. I would have expected much worse.
Ok - not sure if anyone cares at this point - but I hit a deer in my brand new Prius (bought it in Sept. 07) a little over a week ago. I was on the highway going about 65 and it was just there... I killed it instantly, and my car is still in the shop. Not sure how much the total damage is, but I'm guessing close to $4,000 - luckily insurance will cover everything... mostly my passenger side door needs to be replaced and the front end bumper fell off... all things considered - I was not hurt at all - just emotionally. I was able to maintain control of the car until the next exit and again, the car was not totaled... so - there you go - Prius vs. Deer - round one - Prius wins... with $4k damage.