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I'm afraid to drive my Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Vespasian, Nov 16, 2005.

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  1. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius


    That's another option for me at -40: walk or take the bus filled with scary people.


    As I stated previously my Prius takes a huge hit in winter, especially once the temps hit -25 C or colder. My GMC truck never did get very good fuel economy in city driving, and in similar winter conditions I could almost see the needle on the gas gauge moving.

    So when I'm sitting in traffic and my fuel economy is literally tanking, at least I'm still getting way better than anybody around me.

    As far as the "issue" of merging, I'll agree the acceleration isn't Nascar league, but I've never lacked for power. Now with the snow/ice on the roads and my Yokohama Ice Guard 10 tires on, I can easily blow away any other car or 4x4 on "all season" tires.
  2. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Hello Maggie.. I like your avatar better!

    Heres one you might like more: http://www.avatarity.com/avatar.php?aid=5191 :lol:
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    John has that in his user manual.. very nice reading! http://john1701a.com/ "look towards the bottom at the links if you don't already have it"

    When you go ahead and get up to speed quickly, you spend less time in the range where rpms are less efficient concerning the engine.... also the added punch you may need in the acceleration comes from the batteries.... once up to speed, now you have a place for excess energy to go since you just depleted a small portion of the battery.

    Many feel this is actually more efficient than babying it all the time and in essence keeping the battery as fully charged as possible... the battery is there to improve efficiency .. don't be afraid to use it! Why charge the battery if you don't intend to use it?
    Very gradual accelerations usually turn on the ICE "engine" anyway, so why bother babying it?.... about the only way to run off of battery alone is with an EV switch or get up to speed and then feather it.. "basically coast" and you will slowly loose speed unless your going below 40 MPH, then you may maintain if on a flat or downhill surface until your battery drains! But that is too slow a driving for the freeway.

    I think its good to learn what the prius will do and not, and read and absorb as many tech manuals as you can understand.. because there are definately times when you can take advantage and maximize your efficiency by utilizing the prius's resources wisely.

    But the really nice thing is the prius was "on purpose" designed to drive like a normal car.

    Anything else can be alot of effort for little payoff, until you grow comfortable with it over time.

    There is absolutely no reason to be afraid to drive this car!.. how about excited to drive.. more like!
    But some are afraid to drive a motorcycle... and many are afraid to drive in town, or on a freeway..... even cross the street!
    To those folks, I say...embrace your fears!.... they are never ever near as bad as they appear!

    Maybe we should make a slogan... "Embrace your fear!..drive a prius!" :D

    Humm pretty scary! .. :unsure:

    Turning it on is the scariest part when you never driven one before! :lol:

    ....Then just about the time your figure you got your mirrors checked and got your sh(*&(t together!.. and your ready to pull out.. the friggin engine stops!.... and you quickly look over at the salesman in the seat next to you.... and traffic is coming but you've got that 10 second windows to pull out and the salesman says..... "go ahead take off!"......thats whats scary!!!! :lol: :lol:
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Cars should never be using thier horsepower against you? .. if they are.... its not them.. its you.
    I'm really not trying to say this as a "butt hole", but even though I don't know you... I"m going to give you a piece of wisdom like a friend....

    Like the confrontation your experiencing on this forum and like so many other things... when the problem is with "everyone else".. its really not... its you!!

    Just a suggestion V.. I'm not trying to be a smarty pants.. but many folks have never really learned how to Merge into traffic efficiently!....

    Don't take this as an insult that I am giving a tip!
    I'm really bad about "preaching" in order to get my point across, because I am misunderstood so many times... and thats my fault and not yours....

    Some have never had a good driver teach them, so they have to figure it out on thier own! My dad was an excellent driver and he taught me!...

    With the exception of falling asleep once after a 3 day non-stop marathon fishing trip,
    (I can fish till I drop!) after about an hour of driving at dawn, I was about 15 min from my house and I took a little snooze on the freeway while going about 70 and awoke to a big street sign sailing over the top of my head! :unsure: :blink: :eek:

    Other than that little episode.. I have "never" had a wreck so far after 31 years of driveing! :rolleyes:

    Here is one tip that may help:

    While still on the "onramp" get up to speed thats "Faster" Than the traffic you are getting ready to merge with!..

    Here are the several advantages that gives You:

    1. You can Brake "on a dime" to fit into a hole, but cannot "speed up" on a dime to fit into a hole!

    2. Because of your speed being greater than the freeway traffic, you will literally have "more" holes you can find and merge into.

    3. Psychologically, while in crowded traffic, people will rarely "slow down and brake" for you... but they will graciously "not speed up" in order to let you in.

    I never mind anyone pulling out in front of me..... as long as I don't have to slow down to accomodate them!!!

    Folks know you need in and rarely will they go out of thier way to stop you... BUT it is very aggrivating to existing drivers on the freeway if they have to "slow down" for you in order to create a hole for you!
    Many are on cell phones, day dreaming.. you name it, and only a fool banks on them complying with braking for them!....but they still should never have to touch thier braks to allow you to merge!.... they would be braking every 100 yards on some freeways!... and its inconsiderate driving to force them to!

    4. By moving faster than the freeway traffic... it signals and forcast your intentions to them that you will be attempting to find a hole "in front" of their vehicle and so they will either let off the gas or not speed up for you.

    Hoewever, when you come in the same speed, it only confuses them and they cannot tell what your intentions are.
    And when you arrive slower than the traffic, they will all assume you will be finding a hole "behind" them and no one will afford you any grace to merge in!... you will need sheer power to merge in those cases!

    Don't be afraid to merge... that will be your worst enemy!

    If I had a motorized skateboard with no accelerative qualities, I could merge onto a freeway with that technique!
    You'll be amazed how easy it it!

    Have you ever seen someone creep upon the freeway and then stop to find a hole!... talk about wrecks and chaos!... People are looking back at traffic not forward at that person stopping in front of them!...

    It takes a bit of "faith" to use this technique... there will always be a fear that you will go racing up to the freeway traffic and not have a place to go!.... That never happens!.. I've been driving for 31 years, and used to drive ambulance... that NEVER NEVER happens!.. you can brake to merge very efficiently and traffic will alway oblige you if your onramp speed is higher than thiers!

    If you need power to merge, your doing it all wrong! Irregardless of what car you drive!

    Hope this helps.... B)
  5. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Cute Maggie... that avatar works!.....
  6. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    That's what I would like to do to Vespasian when he has difficulty merging
  7. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Hi jayman.... I've been reading abit on tire pressures... seems one fella had his tire pressures drop on all 4 tires... all the way to 17 without realizing it!....
    Once others checked, they too had significant drops... some of the winter blame may actually be tire pressures dropping which would bring worse gas mileage too!

    If a tire dropped One psi for every 5 degrees farenheit.. that would be a nice 10 psi drop from 50 degrees different.... Many of us have quite a difference in temps from summer to winter. Sound like if your temps are in the negatives.. the temp difference between summer and winter could be as high as 70 or more?

    Just something to rule out.... :D
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Now dats funny right der Vespasian!, I don't care what anybody says!... if you don't think dats funny.. you can just get the H(&(*&(L out of here!... Altered quote from "Larry the cable guy!"

    Word of wisdom #2:
    Ok Vespasian.. you better laugh at yourself or everyone else will!

    Lighten up dude!

    Added: For those in the Portland area who may be interested!.. http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0F003B659E645EA0
  9. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Duluth Georgia
  10. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
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