<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar @ Mar 30 2006, 11:01 AM) [snapback]232347[/snapback]</div> Thats good stuff, but the Bush supporters simply discount all information from sources they don't like. That's why I say it is not about sources. It is about taking a step back and thinking about what is going on. Bush is a liar and the justification for the Iraq war doesn't hold up to reasoned scrutiny. If it did, Bush wouldn't have had to change the reasons for the warBut maybe that's why they have fallen silent. If they can't quote "their" sources, and have to stand on thoughtful reasoning, well.....its no wonder they don't have anything else to say.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kingofgix @ Apr 1 2006, 08:56 AM) [snapback]233382[/snapback]</div> They are ususally silent because they don't respond to media pressure.... almost to thier detriment as in the hurricaine... they don't even listen to the media at all it seems and if so totally neglect what they hear. Its a difficult place to be in.... you want to respond to peoples concerns, but at the same time, the media doesn't represent the peoples concerns much of the time.. they are into hype and pressure and fear to get a story. If the white house responded everytime they got excited, the whitehouse would be the medias puppet. They say very very little and hold back alot because the media will take the inch and stretch it into a mile to get a big story, they exaggerate and twist the truth and misunderstand and so forces the whitehouse to get back up and reexplain and and try to remove confusion from the issue and so the whole issue is totally revealed and so our enemies know all the details to. If the CEO's of a business had to explain everything they did so the workers could understand and even give approval of it, they would never get thier job done and many agendas would be fouled and sabotoged. Running a country is much more complicated. I have seen some bad decisions that at the time with the knowlege at hand were made with the best intentions "what else could any of us do?" I've seen some people get put into power based on heart feelings rather than true credentials. I've seen the Pres being so busy that major articles of valuable info slips his attention until too late to fix it without a big price. But I've never seen him lie. When you are the pres you are damed if you do and damed if you don't. When calamity comes... everybody wants to look back and point the finger and blame as to why it could have been avoided... yet when you proactivly act to stop it in advance, the same folks point the finger and say you are spending needed funds that could go elsewhere and that there is not real danger? This is why so many state and local governments never deal with issues.. they only put out fires that could have been avoided...only fix the road after it kills someone, or the bad intersection, or the schools once all the teachers have quit and left, or the criminal until they have already done thier damage and now the cost is ten times more to fix. Just like an donkey, everybody has an opinion.. that doesn't mean they are qualified to lead, nor to condemn a leader. You can condemn a leader when you: 1. Are Qualified to lead (is your own family a wreck?.. how about your job, how about your kids?) If you haven't the ability and wisdom to keep those in order, why do you think your opinion about a whole nation should matter? 2. Have Walked in his shoes. 3. Are aware of the issues. We cannot see all the facts and issues, thats why we vote in people in congress that are more privy to the issues at hand that we do not have access to, to protect us from foolish leadership. Even though he continues to be overwhelming supported, the people keep second guessing because they cannot "control" all the decisions. This hollywood play by play coverage of the war is the biggest joke I have ever seen. Unless totally banned by the whitehouse, the media on an everyday basis divulges information as to how to make bombs, plan murders and cover them up, sensitive timing issues about the war.... anything for a story and to hell with the nation and its security... its all about money baby, under the disguise of free speech. I still believe history will praise much of what has been condemned. Its not over till the Fat lady sings. And thank God a few of the other choices never made it to presidency. They don't have the ablity to hold thier own relationships together due to their lies, manipulation and lack of communication, how could they lead our nation? To those who complain... I say be thankful you have what you have and be thankful we have not been hit many more times and hit far worse... be thankful you live in america where maybe, just maybe, God has his hand on us still to protect us. Sometimes its not all about the man who leads the country, its about the one who leads the man. Believe me.. you do not want someone leading over you who has funny little voices of confusion leading him.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 1 2006, 08:44 AM) [snapback]233401[/snapback]</div> Hmm. According to wildkow, GW is just a marketing voice. I gues it's ok to have a leader that has the not funny voices or Cheney and Rove in his head? I've seen two poignant moments with this leader. First is the video of him hearing about 911 in the schoolroom. The second is the video of the Katrina briefings. Both times he looked like a deer in headlamps. The guy is out of touch when on his own and things get serious. That is frightening in a leader.
[That is frightening in a leader. [/quote] Beg to differ, we have no leader. We have an a-moral corporate mouthpiece.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Apr 1 2006, 12:20 PM) [snapback]233453[/snapback]</div> Bush is not perfect and he is just a man, but he has good intentions and a good heart. Many presidents promise tons of stuff while campaigning, but once in power toss them because they don't have the heart to pay the price. Even when they do have the best intentions, they actually do not have the power and support to pull it off... so they fail and appear as liers. I too would like to see someone in power that could sway the power of the corporate world... unfortunately coorporate power is similiar to the mofia in the old days... I'm not sure how to do that without massive public support....that leader would get crushed if he tries it on his own. I agree we have far too much befriendment with coorporate powers, but they make the world go round for us..... Unless you can figure out a way to turn the US economy upside down and shake them out, I'm not sure there is a solution other than to try to work with them so its a win win. A smart leader will figure out a way to get the powers that be to work in his favor because they win somehow too, rather than trying to crush them and end up getting crushed. Whenever a new CEO comes to a company, the successful ones try bring change without destroying the good thats already there by reinventing the wheel and firing people right and left. If a president tries to stand up against them, when the coorporate world puts in the screws and the public starts squealing they all run for thier skin and will not support him any longer. Look at the war for a good example....... we were all for it in the beginning, but when it started costing "us" something we want to bail... yet the leader still has the agenda to finish what was started, but we all want to recreate Veitnam and bail out.... we should never say we are behind you Mr. President and then want to bail when its time to pay the bill. People are very fickle... I would not want to be the leader of this country and get myself in any place where I am dependent upon the people I lead... they will let you down every time.
True, but like I said its just an opinion... too late for a vote "although it would count in an election", its worthless now and if you don't meet those credentials your just blowing in the wind and not credible enough to challenge the president of the united states any more than a 12 year old who thinks he knows everything can challenge his dad... but I bet you did that too?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SteveS @ Mar 28 2006, 10:23 AM) [snapback]231452[/snapback]</div> The initial reason was not just WMD's there were 8 other reasons can you name them? I will give you a hint or two below. When WMD's were not found in Iraq the reason for the war was not apparently changed because we "cared so deeply about the people of Iraq" we care deeply about all the people of the world equally. One of Bush's reason's for going to war was to instigate "Reform in the Middle East" thereby changing nations of subjects to nations of citizens or as some would put it. . . "A more muscular U.S. diplomacy has advanced democracy and assisted freedom movements in the sclerotic Middle East." Hmmmm, I wonder if that would be a good search term for Google that might lead you to the other reasons Bush had for going to war? President Bush and his surrogates broached a peculiar notion: that the Arab world was ready to embrace representative government. History said otherwise--and it wasn't as if the Arab street was clamoring for Iraq to show the way. The most succinct evaluation comes from Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.): "Every time the 27 million Iraqis have been given the chance since Saddam Hussein was overthrown, they have voted for self-government and hope over the violence and hatred the 10,000 terrorists offer them." The White House was correct in predicting that long subjugated Iraqis would embrace democracy. And while Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites have major differences to reconcile, a year's worth of predictions that Sunni disaffection could doom self-rule have, so far, proven wrong. Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kingofgix @ Mar 30 2006, 07:38 AM) [snapback]232329[/snapback]</div> Thats nice but go ask a weatherman he/she will set you straight. Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kingofgix @ Mar 30 2006, 09:23 AM) [snapback]232412[/snapback]</div> OK, it makes sense because we have eliminated a madman that would have supported terrorist in the future. Second it makes since to have fought the war in Iraq in a conventional manner because there were conventional forces on the ground opposing us. Third, what makes you claim that we are only fighting terrorism in a conventional manner or with conventional forces in Iraq? We are fighting terrorism in all sorts of diverse manners all over the globe. How can you deny that? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Betelgeuse @ Mar 30 2006, 07:57 AM) [snapback]232344[/snapback]</div> Nope have never seen a whole episode. Watch Lost, West Wing, and just about anything on the History Channel, Discovery, TLC and Sci Fi channel. Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Apr 1 2006, 11:20 AM) [snapback]233453[/snapback]</div> Just like the one before him, ad nauseum. Wildkow p.s. As I have said before "The more things change the more they stay the same."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kingofgix @ Apr 1 2006, 07:56 AM) [snapback]233382[/snapback]</div> It makes me sick when someone claims that the war in Iraq was not justified. How can you say that about a man and a government who has killed, tortured, gassed, raped etc. hundreds of thousands of people? Wildkow Edit: Not to mention the numerous times he has done untold harm to the enviroment.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 2 2006, 12:36 AM) [snapback]233663[/snapback]</div> LOL, and YOU know that??? How?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 2 2006, 04:53 PM) [snapback]233910[/snapback]</div> Well I would say that he has given over or around 50 million people the right to pick their own form of government. He stopped a no good murderous SOB from killing, terrorizing, raping and torturing countless others. He also stopped the imbecile from doing any more harm to the environment over there. I think that says a lot about the man. YMMV. :lol: In the face of brutal unfounded accusations he has not responded in kind which I think that says a lot about the man. YMMV. Wildkow p.s. You on the other hand seem a bit mean-spirited. Anytime someone has a different opinion than yours you go off on them. What's with that? Go take a little Blue Pill maybe a stiff dose (pun intended) of Priapism will open your eyes. :blink: :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Begreen @ Apr 1 2006, 11:14 AM) [snapback]233436[/snapback]</div> Speak for yourself I never said that or implied it. Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 2 2006, 12:36 AM) [snapback]233663[/snapback]</div> LOL, and YOU know that??? How?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 2 2006, 04:53 PM) [snapback]233910[/snapback]</div> I've watched him pretty close and I have more in my favor than you that would prove he does not. He could have played it safe like most other presidents that already have thier position in the bag, but instead the took alot of risks and stuck his neck out on the chopping block in order to give freedom a chance and at the same time "didn't" take a chance that they would hit us again. He took extra measures to prevent that and all the whiles the democrats were wanting him to slow down and jump through hoops that they could control that would only give terroists a chance. People keep forgetting this is still a time of war... this talk of impeachment and such makes me laugh so hard and only shows the idiocity of the mentality of hate. He may be a cowboy... and to many that whole mentality seems funny and foolish, but its what won the US and that no nonsense approach to terrorism is the only thing they respect and fear. The more you want to negotiate and play patti-cake with them, the more power you give them. If all he cared about was his own skin and family and office, he would just sit back and not take the flack and play it easy like so many other presidents have done. I respect him for having balls.. You do know "everything is big in Texas?", even if all his decisions aren't perfect... I think History will see him as great.... and that won't be too long from now. They are already finding tons of WMD's vindicating his actions, but he has so many enemies, their hate cannot see the truth.... hate sees only blood and has veneom that poisons the senses to percieve reality correctly. If he turns evil, I will be the first to crucify him, but so far I have seen noble actions from an imperfect man...give the guy a break..... I would like to see you do a better job?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 2 2006, 09:20 PM) [snapback]233937[/snapback]</div> where did you watch him? And what do you have in favor? And how do you know what I have?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 2 2006, 06:31 PM) [snapback]233946[/snapback]</div> Your aren't too quick are you?...... if you challenge me for claiming he has good intentions, common sense says you think he does not..... common sense means you can see the obvious.... but thats what I was trying to say... you cannot. And if you want to be able to judge character.. you watch how they treat people they dont' have to impress.. and how they treat people when no one is watching..... if you can read his family.. wife and kids, you will see he has the fiber it takes to care about people.... without that..... decisions that toss peoples lives this way and that becomes scary.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 2 2006, 10:00 PM) [snapback]233965[/snapback]</div> LOL. And where did I ask you where I stand on this issue? were my questions too challenging so you invented your own question and answered it. Dude, last time you were claiming that Rush Limbaugh was I good thinker, you must be followig his steps.