Have you read anything here!?! Do any of your own research? Please supply one source or something other than baseless accusations. <_< You have gone to the Dark Side Ken, walk towards the light. . . :lol: Wildkow
Dude, I suggest that you do the reading and research. The news media that you mention did not know (or report) about the silent disenfranchising of almost 10000 black voters in FL. But, curiously the BBC was appalled by the lack of coverage of this issue in the US and did it's own investigation. The results were conclusive and documented. After that the NY Times and even the WSJ picked up the story. If you actually read the links posted you would see that the investigations and lawsuits are current. Diebold's head has resigned pending investigation. Get your head out of the sand.
I was pretty much apolitical most of my life, and didn't see much of a difference between Dems and Repubs. Shrub jr, the oil corps in power, neoconism, Iraq and AK were enough to motivate me to register and become one more of the JUST-NOT-REPUB electorate. As for the shrub, he causes me physical nausea.
I cling to hope and hold forth the notion that it's not to late for you and others of your ilk to come to your senses. Find a willing soul and a 2x4 and have him or her whack your Grey Matter container until you come to your senses! Assuming of course you did possess them at one time or the other. I would volunteer but your type is a profligate bunch of breeders and my dance card is full. In the alternative find a stout stick and beat yourself about the head and shoulders until I have a cancellation or opening. I’ll do my best if you promise to do yours! :lol: Wildkow [snapback]229906[/snapback][/quote] I admire your persistance. There are always going to be a number of people on the for end of the bell curve. They will have their chance to affect our nations current policy at the end of the year with the next elections. If their concern is truly centered around American casualties and "stirring the hornets nest" they will be able to rest easy soon. As you can see American casualties continue to decline at an amazing rate (more American soldiers are killed in accidents during their service than in combat in Iraq) and Iraq's are going be assuming a larger and larger majority of their own defense responsibilities. Few people will be able to complain if Americans are their in advisory capabilities as we are in dozens of nations around the world.
Well sorry I don't put much credence in the Ny Times or the BBC both far left rags as far as I am concerned. However, the WSJ seems to be less biased and I'm willing to take a look how about a cite? Wildkow
Wildkow: Your political thought process obviously follows a very narrow path. I've lived within the ultra-conservative realm in the past so I do understand. I've also known many folks who reside on the very far left. For some reason those of you who house yourselves within the extreme ends of the political spectrum have a rather serious problem hearing anything said that falls outside your tight little communities. I hope that someday, for your sake, you can break free, loosten the reigns, and finally broaden your tight little manner of listening. Best regards .. And good luck. Ken
Loosen the reins, too, while you're at it. But do agree with the "inability to hear" part. When a discussion turns into name-calling, listening has ceased...
Hardly far left rags, the BBC is a govt owned broadcast group. I can appreciate your skepticism. Virtually no US media is untainted these days. Right or Left, it's a real travesty. I don't have the time or resources to dig up the WSJ article. An attorney that I commute with showed it to me. He and I had discussed the BBC program that investigated the accusations, so when the WSJ printed an article about it, he showed it to me. I'm guessing this was about March 2001? Probably easiest to examine the actual govt. report: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/main.htm or go to the blackbox.org site I previously mentioned and look at the status of current info that is surfacing due to the many lawsuits against Florida county and state officials. It's pretty damning stuff when votes are being registered on their machines on days other than election day. And for those that can handle all news and come to their own conclusions, here is the original BBC newsprogram. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/events/newsnight/1174115.stm
Since I just ripped though this fast, perhaps this may help to get back on track. Do I think Bush is a liar? Well gee...that's a tough one. Since you can't swing a dead cat in D.C. without bowling over a hundred liars...well then, yes, I think Bush is a liar. But in the same breath, I'd also like to agree with some other posts here that I think he's an idiot. Before I turn blue, I'd also like to point out that I think he's a puppet as well. To recap: Bush = Liar-Idiot/Retard (added that one)- Puppet. If you require proof...gee another tough one. There have been soooo many things to pick from...how about this for starters (kind of a Letterman's Top Ten List, if you will): 1.) Failure to sign on Kyoto. 2.) Blatant corporate kiss-ups to allow relaxing and even elimination of EPA standards/penalties of some of the biggest polluters in the country. 3.) Nonchalantly wanting to piss away national park property to benefit big biz (not just for drilling either). 4.) His outright attempt to censor a NASA scientist that warned of dire consequences if global warming alarms (broken ice flows anyone?) were not dealt with in the next TEN (not a 100) years. 5.) His hypocritical stance on dependence on oil--now wearing the costume of SuperEnvironEnergySaverMan--when daddy paid for his drunken Yale years with a few thousand barrels of crude. 6.) Constant, force fed diet of religious dogma forcing our democracy to teeter on the edge of theocracy (separation of church and state anyone?). 7.) Speaking of which, his Joan d'Arc-type crusade to rescue every unborn fetus from the evil clutches of abortion (or as I call it--choice)...even to the point of all but wiping out stem cell research (from fetuses that would have been discarded as approved normal procedures). I'm a guy, but if it was about a man's right to choose there wouldn't be an issue--abortions on tap! 8.) Speaking of tap, ah yes! Who could forget the whooshing sound of my rights going out the door as the NSA listens in to me telling my girlfriend how much I love her and what I'd like to do to her right now. All in the name of the evildoers. 9.) Evildoers! Ah yes...9/11. Who could forget his "deer in the headlights" approach upon hearing the news of the WTC attacks (notice the puddle under his chair?). One might think he'd start squealing like a little girl and diving under a desk while using a couple of kids as human shields. 10.) Which then leads us to the natural progression to the Iraq War--or as it should be known: Gulf War II: This One's For You Daddy! Well over 2000 dead to date...GOD KNOWS how many casualties since the DOD won't share numbers with the rest of the kids--hell they don't even like candids of coffins coming back all pretty with the flags and everything. As I said, there are soooo many more, but ah soooo little time. So yeah, I guess he's a liar. About the WMDs too you say? Funny you should ask...I spotted a book called Saddam's Secrets on Amazon. I saw an interview with the author on The Daily Show (yes, I am one of those people) and I was curious about the book. He was Saddam's #2 military advisor and swears that there were WMDs in Iraq, but they were spirited out and sent to Syria. As I started reading the reviews, they all seemed to be a bit one sided--like "nyah nyah, told ya there were WMDs!" I did find one review that caught my eye though...not just because it railed on the book, but in the way it made me think. Too many things seemed too convenient. So here it is...you can decide for yourself. But I still think Bush is what I said he is...and thank goodness that I live in a country where I can express my views. Post Disclaimers: Images in your mind may be larger than they appear. Symptoms may include painful discourse, blank stares, or sudden swelling of the pride. Consult a doctor before thinking. And as always at PriusChat, YMMV. ----------------------- Edited in form only for slightly easier reading... Just as George W. Bush's popularity begins to sink lower than a snake's belly in the Grand Canyon (March 2006), along comes this "honorable" gentleman Georges Sada , a former Iraqi air force general in Saddam Hussein's rogue military, a military strategist who very likely helped to plan the invasion of Kuwait, and now three bloody years after "Operation Shock and Awe", this former Saddam loyalist leaps onto the world stage with this great Republican agitprop piece suggesting that Bush was right all along and wily Saddam actually did hide his WMD in a Syrian outhouse !! Surely American military intelligence would have learned about these "secrets" from Sada long ago if he were indeed the honorable man he claims to be. Why did he sit on these "secrets" for three years? I suspect Mr. Sada will soon be living in a very posh condo in Palm Springs, California, courtesy of some southern California Republicans who just can't admit that Bush led the American Army on a wild goose chase across the dry, hot, harsh deserts of Iraq. The Republican Party owns a great many publishing companies and can print whatever rubbish it likes. Sada would say anything to win favor with the Bush Administration and secure his own future in the new "democratic" Iraq. The fact that he claims to be a good Christian simply means that he has all the more reason to fear deadly reprisals from former Baathists still loyal to an imprisoned Saddam or from southern Iraqi Shiite fundamentalist Muslims who resent all Christians and Sunni Iraqi. Sada wants to save his own skin and line his pockets. He might be almost as wily as Saddam, especially since he survived all those years under Saddam's rule. No small feat in itself. As Ronald Reagan himself used to say "trust, but verify". I wouldn't trust anyone who was a loyal servant of Saddam. Sada has simply changed his loyalties. Any apolitical survivor would do the same. Read the book but don't forget who Sada was faithful to for so many years. Sada willingly served an evil master, why? Why didn't he abandon Iraq after Saddam ordered his military to carry out a deadly chemical gas attack against Kurdish civilians in the late l980's? Sada was very comfortable serving a ruthless dictator. Now are we to forgive him and embrace his version of events? Wake up America. DON'T be neo-conned again and again. Sada appeared on a late night comedy show because not even Bush takes this doddering old fool seriously. And as other readers have noticed, the book was in all likelihood written by a ghostwriter, one who perhaps has links to the Republican Party.
"Near landslide"?!?!?!? What are you smoking?!? It was one of the closest presidential elections in history (although, I guess not compared to the 2000 election). Popular vote: Bush 50.7% Kerry 48.3% Electoral votes: Bush 286 (53%) Kerry 251 (47%) It is utterly rediculous to claim that this is a "near landslide." It's just like how Bush claimed that he had a "clear mandate" with this same election. Yeah. A 0.7% majority. That's what I call a "clear mandate." 1984 may be the only election in recent history that could be called a "landslide."
this topic is lead by the pseudo-cons thus will never end unless you agree & conform with thier way of thinking..
Your right I was under the impression that they (talking heads) considered landslides to be 5% or more. Here is a better list of landslide victories. . . President Lyndon B. Johnson's 486 electoral votes to Barry Goldwater's 52 electoral votes in 1964 President Richard Nixon's 520 electoral votes to George McGovern's 17 electoral votes in 1972 President Ronald Reagan's 489 electoral votes to Jimmy Carter's 49 in 1980 President Ronald Reagan's 525 electoral votes to Walter Mondale's 13 electoral votes in 1984 Don't get so excited about the popular vote America was set up just so the majority would not be the way the government, it's laws or it's leaders were choosen. Wildkow
What are you all bickering about? The mission is accomplished. And as for any insurgency, it's in its last throws. All the chaos and looting and killing is just a normal part of nation building. And that 50 to 70 billion dollars for the war that is going to balloon to a trillion...or more...well, we we're cutting benefits to the poor who can't even get their butts out of the way of a hurricane! Talk about incompetent! I hope everyone is signing up for the National Guard... and your kids are no doubt enlisting as well. I mean, our volunteer army is overwhelmingly populated by people who live considerably below the national average in income. Certainly proud well-heeled Prius owners can step up to the plate in our country's time of need. Don't just wear your Uber patriotism on your blog, put a little blood behind it...like Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz did in their war years. Hua!
Good one! Heard there some enterprising folks attending college GOP events and handing out directions to the nearest recruting offices. :lol: Seems the young GOPers are taking offense at it though. Funny you'd think they would be at the head of the line wanting to sign up, unless they were... oh never mind. :lol:
I am a registered independent have voted for both parties and have been on both sides of an issue. It’s amazing what people assume just because someone takes a stance on one side of an issue. I decided that Bush did not lie about WMD’s in Iraq because there is essentially no evidence to support that determination. Since we are at war I deem it a disservice to our country amnd our men and women over there for our leaders to take such a stance which undermines everyones efforts over there. The fact that there are no WMD’s in Iraq (some have been found and also equipment to produce them) lends no weight to the issue. Do you call your weatherman a liar because his weather prediction does not come true? He takes all the information that is available and applies it to come to a forecast. That's all Bush did. A bi-partisan panel found no pressure or cherry pocking of evidence was found. No other evidence has been forth coming to support these accusations just shrill accusations for political purposes. Essentially what is happening is that he is declared Guilty before his trial and now must prove he is innocent. Not the American way and you can't refute that point. I have no use for people that do that. Wildkow
The military isn't for everyone and it's hard to understand why anyone would want to lay aside college, before finishing, and go into the military. Even after all the time and money spent to get a college education I would say few would want to join the regular army unless they had a specific objective in the military. The National Guard or the Reserve is a different matter. At least they don't advocate blocking the recruiters from the campus while taking federal money. I’m curious what you thought they were? Because you seem to hint they are cowards? Also curious to see some evidence or facts to back this assertion of yours. Probably just 2-3 were upset and your just assuming/labeling all young GOP’ers as such. BTW did you serve? I hope so else you would have absolutely no room to criticize others. Wildkow Begreen: How about you care to answer that question?
Hmmm, well, I didn't exactly see any of the anti-war folks protesting with enough vigor and conviction to make the news last weekend. Last I heard, no cares enough to set themselves on fire on the White House lawn, or even make some other such grand scale bold statement (i.e. organize a giant "die in" wheras when viewed from the sky, is a huge portrait of Bush with a circle and slash). Were YOU part of the protests?