Well, first off, I'd have to ask how many of the other "liars" based their statements on fact provided by Bush? Second off....it's not the only thing he's lied about. To me he's cried "wolf" (or lied") too many times. If he had been a Democrat, he would have been impeached long ago.
Wildkow, Your tactics are very Rovian. You divert attention from the subject, change the subject, but never actually respond to any salient points. I have made of number of very specific points in the thread "Is Bush as bad as Bin Laden", and since you couldn't respond to any of them, you directed everyones attention over to this thread. One of the points I made was that Bush is liar, and that he lied about WMD's. (See the above thread, post #114) Either intentionally, or because you lack critical thinking skills, you continually seem to miss the point. Here are a few points you miss. 1) You cannot determine whether or not someone is a liar by examining statements made by other people. To determine whether or not someone is a liar requires you to look at the statements made by the person in question, and determine whether THOSE statements are true or false. Statements by other parties are irrelevant. 2) In this thread, you are trying to make the following connection; Bush thought there were WMD's in Iraq, therefore he cannot have lied about WMD's in Iraq. This is just silly and meaningless. I have no doubt Bush thought there were WMD's in Iraq before the war. And I have no doubt that Bush lied about the topic of WMD's to trump up the case for starting a war. See "Is bush as bad...", post #114. Most people thought there were WMD's in iraq before the war, but there was significant evidence to indicate that the threat was not as great as portrayed by the Bush administration. It is quite clear that the Bush administraton specifically suppressed much of that information. It is also clear that the Bush Administion "made up" information about Saddams WMD programs to build a case for war. And a final point you miss: 3) In the words of Harry Truman, "The Buck Stops Here". Other people may have lied about WMD's, other people may have put Bush up to lying about WMD's, but Bush is the President, and he is responsible for the actions of his administration and his government. He is ultimately responsible.
You are underestimating Wildkow's idiocy He gives all Americans a bad name At age 51 he still hasn't grasped common knowledge He can't read He lacks any kind of thinking There is no hope for the guy and no further addressing of anyone's points should be expected from Wildkow as that actually requires reading and thinking. What you can definitely count on is more idiocy from Wildkow.
Thanks for that. It is becoming abundantly clear that Wildkow doesn't read other peoles posts, and he fails to grasp virtually every point placed in front of him.
Efusco, I must say that you have it exactly right. All three of the above parapgraphs are spot on. I do not think bush was lying when he said "Saddam has WMD's". But he clearly lied about the extent of the threat buy using false statements to trump up the case for war. But the part that I find sad and truly disheartening, is that so many people fail to realize how this useless war endangers us. It is despicable that our military has been abused in this manner, and put in harms way on false pretenses. And in the meantime, al Qaeda is out there in force, plotting and carrying out attacks while we squander our resoursces on Iraq. This administration is such a dismal failure.....
Bush and his gang consistently change scientific facts in reports to justify environmental actions or inactions. They have lawyers going over reports from scientists to change wording they find antioil or antibusiness; maybe that's not lying, just twisting the facts. He's got to go! Still so very sad that he was the choice of this country...TWICE!
It wasn't just facts genned up during/by/for Bush only . . . by: Stuart Cohen: Over the past fifteen years our assessments on Iraq WMD issues have been presented routinely to six different congressional committees including the two oversight committees, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. To the best of my knowledge, prior to this NIE, these committees never came back to us with a concern of bias or an assertion that we had gotten it wrong. The Silberman-Robb commission, formerly known as the Commission of the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, submitted its report to the president in March of this year. "In no instance did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their analytical judgments," the report states. "We conclude that it was the paucity of intelligence and poor analytical tradecraft, rather than political pressure, that produced the inaccurate pre-war intelligence assessments." Wildkow
Holy shinola, you guys have too much time on your hands to wrangle at this length. If my eyes spin out of focus just trying to get the whole post in view, it's too goddamned long. If you have a valid point to make, make it concisely! Believe me, most of us are NOT gonna wade through your dissertations, and will just think you're a spouting idiot. Which you really may or may not be, since we didn't read your post. If you really think you're right, you can make your case concisely. Do it. PS: I see that you, too, have a supremely helpful cat there, EricGo. Mine likes to bite my arm while I type... that's about as helpful as sitting on the keys I'd say.
Some people need to have the copy/paste feature disabled on their computer. I was watching Chris Matthews this morning on NBC. Seems as of late Mr. Bush is claiming he was very careful never to try and directly link Sadaam With 9-11.....funny thing though since the letter he sent to Congress on the day before the Iraq invasion said he was going after people directly responsible for 9-11. If he wasn't lying then, he is now. The run up to that war was full of half truths and cherry picking you know like "we dont want the smoking gun to be in the shape of mushroom cloud"..... British Intelligence tells us that Iraq recently tried to obtain plutonium from Africa.....Oh Dear God not Africa, Africa thats, thats the dark continent, god no Martha. God Bless W lets get those bastards! Last time I checked the only use for the US Military is to protect this country not to carry out someone's vision of a better Middle East, Mr. Cheney. I dont buy the conspiracy theories but I know BS when I step in it . It seems W was hell bent for leather leading to the invasion and I couldn't see why.....I wanted to believe he had intel he couldn't let us in on without comprimising it.....I wanted to believe.....I now am more inclined to believe that he had a whole other agenda that didnt involve the removal of a clear and present danger. Thats my opinion not a host of quotes I'm trying to use to bolster Bush's credibility.....but then again I listen to way too much NPR and not enough Faux News.....Hansen. Hansen. Whose that? Oh yeah. James Hansen that whistle blower. He cant talk to those liberal radio people...never heard of him.
Major correction. He was not the "choice" in either election. He won on a technicality in 2000 that his cronies pushed through the courts in order to win the electoral college vote. GW never won the popular vote. Further inspection found that the FL 2000 election was totally rigged. Had the thousands of blacks voted that were denied the vote in FL due to fake felony charges, the outcome would have been certainly different. This could only happen in his brother's state. It's the crime that keeps on stealing. They're both cheats. Now lawsuits are turning up direct evidence of Diebold tinkering in Volusia and Palm Beach counties. http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=217&row=1 As to the 2004 elections, don't blame it on the people's vote, blame it on Diebold and ES&S. The election was rigged and filled with improprietries. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/ http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=392&row=0 http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/usa_vote_facts.html If you want to do one thing to change this, insist that your state always has a paper trail for any major vote.
With the best of intentions, politicians operate on political expediency, not accuracy. Bush is not a liar, but a mouthpiece for others.
Interesting point - Bush is not a liar, but a mouthpiece for other liars. So is he made of wood and not culpable because he's just a puppet? Or is he as guilty as the manipultators because has chosen to be the commander in chief, aka final decision maker and is where the buck stops?
Make up your mind! <_< or are you flip-flopping? :lol: (Speaking of Bush'd comment's regarding mobile Labs, where Bush relied on information supplied from the military or CIA in the field. I guess if you agree with that you could say all the weathermen in the world are liar's.) :lol: You also make the accusation that Bush hid, cherry picked information pressured CIA to make the case. Yet you offer no evidence. The (bi-partisan) Silberman-Robb commission, formerly known as the Commission of the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, submitted its report to the president in March of this year. "In no instance did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their analytical judgments," the report states. "We conclude that it was the paucity of intelligence and poor analytical tradecraft, rather than political pressure, that produced the inaccurate pre-war intelligence assessments." "They also know that intelligence agencies from around the world agreed with our assessments of Saddam Hussein," he added. "They know the United Nations passed more than a dozen resolutions citing his development and possession of weapons of mass destruction." Stuart Cohen: Diverse agency views, particularly on whether Baghdad was reconstituting its uranium enrichment effort and as a subset of that, the purposes of attempted Iraqi aluminum tube purchases, were fully vetted during the coordination process. Alternative views presented by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence in the Department of Energy, and by the US Air Force were showcased in the National Intelligence Estimate and were acknowledged in unclassified papers on the subject. Moreover, suggestions that their alternative views were buried as footnotes in the text are wrong. All agencies were fully exposed to these alternative views, and the heads of those organizations blessed the wording and placement of their alternative views. Uncertainties were highlighted in the Key Judgments and throughout the main text. Any reader would have had to read only as far as the second paragraph of the Key Judgments to know that as we said: "We lacked specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD program." Wildkow
You make a lot of accusations but back it up with squat. Or with biased opinions <_< Where as most of my evidence is from bi-partisan sources or from partisan leftwing sources that back up Bush claims. :lol: :lol: :lol: PATHETIC :lol: :lol: :lol:
He didn't have to make that claim the Left Wing mouth piece Richard Clarke made it in his recent book. As did every intelligence agency in the world. Yes and he was at that time, in Afghanistan, and in other parts of the world. Are you trying to imply that the invasion of Iraq was his only action against the people directly responsible for 9/11? If so you offer no evidence except the accusation which is weak at best and quite frankly a cheap shot. By the way Al Queda is in Iraq and they also found WMD's there as well as WMD equipment just not in the gross tonnage that was claimed before the war. http://schadenfreude.cogitox.com/archives/000243.html Read the Silberman-Robb commission report, a bi-partisan report. Of course since it doesn't agree with your view of things I'm sure you'll find some excuse to dismiss it. http://www.whitehouse.gov/wmd/ I don't think you do because the BS the far-left has been spoon-feeding to the public via the media has you licking your lips and begging for more. :lol:
The problem is your not making any points your just making accusations. Could be wrong but I don't see any evidence or facts to back up what you are saying. I on the other hand have supplied quite a lot of material. To much for some I guess. Wildkow p.s. Give it another try, you can do it!
I voted Republican from 1960 through 2000. No more. I've lost all respect. When Bush speaks I switch channels. When he speaks there's no way I can know whether he's telling the truth, not telling the truth, presenting cherry-picked information, or what. Why listen? I don't like to be B.S.'d.