granted after my first instinct of someone passing out would be to wake them.. if that doesn't work and it is truly a health issue that has the person incapacitated.. if I was up front in the passenger seat, I'd reach down to adjust the driver's seat back and hop into the seat and into the driver's lap to regain control of the vehicle. that and hit the hazard button and grabbing the steering wheel along the way..
shifting to B does slow down the car when the foot is off the gas pedal. It slows down faster than N alone. I did a test run using B, N, reg cruise, and radar cruise. radar cruise brake the fastest but only down to 29MPH. I set the speed at 50 then use the lever to decelerate. from 50 to 30 is full regenerate braking because the cruise decelerates 5 MPH increments. From there on, you have shift to B. reg cruise decelerates at 1 MPH increment. regenerate braking is only at the H of CHG. B regens at G but it also uses the engine to create drag to slow down the car. try it and see what happens.