As I stated in the original post, I was already driving 10MPH+ the speed limit. And I remember there are cars in front of me. So I don't know who's inconsiderate here. Responding to the mileage part, I drive defensively and conservatively. I anticipate stops and go with traffic flow. I accelerate moderately (faster than 50% of other cars on a local road). I even drive up to 70+MPH if traffic permits and I feel it's safe. So I don't think I am being a road hazard. I am sure most of you know mileage depends on MANY conditions (temperature, terrain, driving condition, break-in of your car/tires, etc). I got over 60MPG for the past 3 tanks with temperate in the 70's to 80's. After this morning's commute, my current mileage is 56.6 MPG. I think it's due to temperature dropping to 50’s and 60’s. So next time when you see 50+ MPG from other people, it's not B.S.
"Your point is pointless. Since when does driving the speed limit make you in the wrong?" If the flow of traffic is going 15 over the speed limit and there is a lot of traffic, it is more dangerous to drive the speed limit than it is to drive 15 over, along with the other traffic. The basic speed law says you will not drive faster than is safe. You can also drive slower than is safe.
Anyone can be a jerk, regardless of what car they drive. I'll wager there are a few jerks driving a Prius out there as well. A particular car does not make someone a jerk. Driving an SUV does not make you a jerk. A jerk would be that way even if they were walking. They're the guy who coplains out loud at the post office, annoying everyone else, for having to wait. They're the person who smokes in a no-smoking area. People don't get into a car and suddenly have a drastic personality change. They are always like that. It bugs me that so many people think SUV drivers are jerks simply for driving one.
He wasn't a jerk because he was driving an SUV. He was a jerk who happened to be driving a SUV, right Scotty? A tad defensive aren't we?
You know those white, rectangular signs you see along the road? Yeah... you know the one's I'm talking about... the ones with the two, large, black numbers written on them? And in smaller print, right about the numbers... it says, "SPEED LIMIT?" I guess I just missed the part of the driver's education class where the instructor told us that they were simply the, "suggested" speed limit. Humpf.. have ta' remember that the next time the uniformed representative of the state pulls me over. "Sorry officer. Yeah, I saw the sign, but, you know... I thought that number was a little low."
Read the whole thread again. Or read many posts here on PriusChat where people are labeled as idiots or jerks simply for driving an SUV. Many times they may not say it directly, but their implied meanings are clear as day. It happens over and over.
:shrug: How is this any different than people on other car forums labeling Prius owners as wimps, retards or with questionable sexual preference? That happens over and over. Tough. Your feelings get hurt.
You got the point there. I never said everybody drives in a SUV is a jerk. I just happened to get tailgate and honk by someone who drove in a SUV a while ago.
Hear, hear! Many state laws require slower traffic to keep right or maintain the "speed of traffic" whatever that may be; not to mention that people sometimes get shot for trying to impose the speed limit on others. I'd rather arrive safely than be right or righteous. (I should mention that I made this easier for myself by choosing to live within a 5 mile surface-street reverse commute from work, so when I'm on the highway it's usually outside rush hour and without much time pressure.)
If I'm going 10 mpg over and someone's tailgating me, I just slow down to the speed limit. Some drivers really do not realize that they are tailgating. I've been in plenty of cars with friends that are right on someones nice person, but I tell them to back off and they're just like "eh." Even in my Camaro SS I'll go the speed limit just to piss them back off. And if they still refuse to get off my nice person I'll slow down even LOWER than the speed limit. If it's a no passing zone, however, I'll usually stay at the speed limit. If I'M not speeding in my sports car, than no one else should. (I've been tempted sooooo many times to flick a penny out my t-tops at a tailgater if they're extremely persistent, but haven't brought myself to do it yet.)
I'd like to see that IN WRITING. I don't think any state would be dumb enough to post a speed LIMIT, and then have a written law allowing you to speed if "everyone else was doing it". Don't get me wrong, I DON'T drive the speed limit, but I don't get pissed off at people who are driving AT or slightly above the speed limit. I don't *expect* people to break the laws of the land just for my convenience, especially when the fines and penalties are so high here.
You "guys" are all missing the point. Speeding is illegal whether it is one mile or 10 miles over the speed limit. On a three or four lane highway if you are not in the far left lane as long as you are moving with the flow of traffic, everthing should be okay. As far as I concerned they can pass me in the next lane to the left and if they can't wait because the left lane is occupied. Then when they get f--king wings they will learn how to fly. That's for any car I've ever driven.
The original post described a 1 lane road, about 30 to 35 MPH limit, and Scotty was already 10 over the limit. Someone comes up to from behind and starts to tailgate him, honk at him... He has a couple of options. -Increase his speed to appease the jerk driver, and risk getting pulled over for speeding excessively. -Pull over to the side of the road (illegally) to let the jerk driver by. -Do nothing, drive normal. Which would you choose?
Do nothing, drive normally. As I said in my post When he gets wings he will learn how to fly!!! Other than that he can wait.
Actually, that is the law in California, or at least in the Bay Area. Imagine you have four lanes of traffic cruising smoothly at 70-75 mph with one vehicle in the middle lanes driving 50 mph. This causes everyone else to swerve around him creating a lot of lane changes and braking. A cop can pull over the slower driver and give him a ticket for "obsructing the flow of traffic". Dan
So what are both the maximum and minimum posted speed limits in your example? If the minimum posted speed limit is 45-50, no way. If the posted minimum speed limit is greater than 50, way.
Maximmum speed limits in the Bay area are usually between 55 and 65 and minimum speed limit is 45. One of the CHP's primary missions is to maintain the free flow of traffic. It makes no sense to pass out speeding tickets to 200 drivers at once. This becomes more disruptive since everyone else will slow down to rubber neck. In these situations, they concentrate on the excessive elements, the "speed and weavers" and the "road blocks". Dan
The law does not require you to speed up, that would be a violation by itself. It does, however, require you to yield to faster moving traffic. 21654. (a) Notwithstanding the prima facie speed limits, any vehicle proceeding upon a highway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21650-21664
Exactly my point! They're basically saying "if you insist on driving LEGALLY, stay in the righthand lane". There's NO WAY they're going to give you a ticket for driving AT the speed limit, no matter how fast the rest of the traffic is going, how much traffic is on the road, or whatever other fairy tales your father told you.