There was no fence. I agree that the public hazard should be fenced in and proper signage posted to warn the public. I cannot be held responsible for this since I cannot force the woman to stay fenced in the kitchen and when in public to be forced to wear a sign stating that she is a threat to public safety.
I drive a semi all day all over town and the US. I see people that do more idiotic things than that. I've had people following behind my truck, Pass me in the fast lane, Only to exit the freeway 2 blocks ahead of where we are. I guess they couldn't wait behind me in traffic to exit. I had a guy go completely under my trailer once. Said He didn't see the trailer. Had a group of kids late one night box me in front and back, And both sides of my truck. Guess they thought it would be funny to mess with an 70,000lb truck. Seen a guy drive over a loading dock once...... That was funny seeing a car on it's side and the driver scratching his butt wondering what he just did....ound: I could go on and on with the crap I see. Generally, I see a few biased posts about people taking tests in small cars and yet to jump in a truck and drive that dangerously. 90% of the people that have never driven large trucks before will take it easy versus driving a car at first.
Let me guess? These events happened somewhere around the timeframe where a Fast and Furious movie had just come out?
I did worse than that, Oh by the way Jay, how on earth did you manage to get away with that? I was driving down a very rough dirt road at night when a car passed me on the footpath in the long grass. My girlfriend at the time told me everyone drives down that footpath so I thought why not me? I didn't know that just behind that long grass on the edge of the road was a 2 metres deep concrete drain! Well not until the nose of my girlfriends mum's car (HB Torana) was descending into said drain. Worse than this, I used a local's phone to ring my girlfriend's dad to come pull the car out. when he arrived he told me to get in the car and reverse it out while he pulled me out with his much larger Chrysler Valiant. We asked some people who came out to watch if they would lift up the front of the car to help me get traction on the back wheels of the Torana. Well the guys on the front managed to lift the front enough to get traction alright, the Torana shot backward at a great rate, slamming into the rear of the Valiant!! The girlfriend's dad hadn't even started his car!! There was no visible damage to the front of the Torana but the back was properly mashed! I laugh at this now. Valiant HB Torana
The problem is that the elderly are the most powerful political voting group in the country, and they will punish any elected official that denies them a license. We had someone's lost dog wander into our yard, so we caught it and called the owner to come pick up their puppy. It was a big adorable friendly lab. The guy showed up and picked up his dog, then he proceeded to back his truck out of my driveway and into my drainage ditch and get stuck. My neighbor came and towed him out. I kind of felt bad for him, but I couldn't stop laughing.
Oh good, another trucker participating in car forums! I really like seeing that, as it helps communicate that at least *some* of us really try to understand the needs of trucks on the road and how to accomodate them ... often made very difficult by the cowboys who love to tailgate with a 40-ton weapon, and I'm often at my wits' end what to do about those clowns other than get details and call them in. Jimmie -- do you have any particular recommendations on best practice when faced with the bad ones? You might have seen some of my rants here or over on cleanmpg about this subject... . _H*
The problem is, there are bad drivers all over now. No guarantee as to what will happen the next hill you crest ??? Do you mean the other jay? But the important question is this: did you get lucky? Smirk Although I've also had the 40 ton cowboys behind me, the ones who seem to tailgate me the most are the ricers. Like that kid last winter who slid into me at the red light, causing $4,000 damage to the front end of his car, immobilizing it, while the Fab Fours custom rear bumper on my FJ had a couple of scratches
My grandma (who lived several states away from us) used to ram her car into the beam that separated the sides of the 2-car garage at her house. I remember her calling my mom, crying, one day because the insurance co was threatening to cut her off. My mom booked a flight that day and took care of it. She called a contractor and had them remove the beam that Mimi kept crashing into. Maybe you could remove the ditch or broaden your driveway. Just a thought.
Or sending you videos of me bundled up like Nanook of the North, blowing snow and freezing my a** off, at -36 F
A few years ago, my water line sprung a leak and I had to replace the pipe from the street to my house. I had dug a ditch about 3 feet deep (using a trench digging machine) when a kid riding a bike decided to cut across my neighbors front yard and my front yard as I was standing right there watching. I suppressed my instinct to warn the kid that he was heading right for the trench, but unfortunately, he saw it just in the nick of time. He had a sheepish look on his face as he had to dismount his bike and push it back to the street to ride off.
ok. i now fall into the "idiot" category... or maybe "co-idiot" category. at work yesterday. took Pri to work (first time in over a month) this morning. now since i dont have to park at our only plug in station up front (which is a pain because front doors dont open until 8 am and i work at 6) so pull into back, back in parking at same time person next to me is pulling out. we both look at each, stop at the same time then both take off at the same time and BOOM!!!... ok, well not actually that much of a boom but enough to swap paint. (actually he lost paint, i did not...) barely a depression in the body (not nearly as much as the depression in my car and two incidents!!) and lucky that its the same spot as the first incident.
Or West. I'd have to drive a few hours North and climb a mountain in the middle of a winter storm to find anywhere near that temperature. I'm sure Jayman has excellent reasons for living where he does. I'm just not sure what they are.
This time of the year, it's nice living here. When the temps are -30 and colder, the wind is roaring, snow is flying, I have to wonder if its worth it having 4 real seasons
Four seasons? No, both Vancouver and Winnipeg have only two. Where you are, it's either mosquito season or too-cold-for-mosquitos season, and where I am, it's either rainy season or the third week of July. Even if the annual averages aren't changing much, the seasonal weather here is becoming more extreme. This last year, we set heat, cold, and snowfall records. All the California-style condos will be pretty much useless when wild weather becomes the norm, and there aren't nearly enough caves to go around.