For most of us men, that phrase is completely foreign So is "pick the used undies off the floor" and "don't pee in the shower"
I wish I knew stuff that I know now when I was younger, i would have had an easier time dealing with men. I know now that you just got to let it go. I would probably better at relationships now but now I'm the one too stuck in my own ways!
I'm not exactly sure why women need to deal with men anyway. My GF needs me because I help her find her purse and car keys every morning and I can drive the motorhome. Otherwise she could get along fine without me.
no no ... qbee42 meant that he votes to have a bikini avatar for you, of HIM. Trust me, you don't want that ... it's not a good look. I wish he'd keep his blinds closed when he puts that thing on. Great, now HE'll be delivering the same photo, too. It was bad enough watching him through a frosted hotel window, stomping in the Detroit snow last January ... with his fuzzy slippers and thong. It's definately time to go gouge out my eyes, if it's on each of these guys' threads. .
Thanks! It was my halloween costume ( really just and excuse to get to be a fairy princess) Hey... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Well shoot, I was just uploading that photo of me in a Speedo when I read Hill's post. If he doesn't like looking at guys in bikinis, how does he explain what he was doing in Detroit? Tom
Nahh, Vegas already has the market cornered on that slogan. What happens in Detroit, ends up on Prius Chat...... with pics!
Now THAT'S a Princess! Great avitar! Do you get much lift from those wings? What's take-off speed? :first:
I think I've also got a nice frightening photo of me in a Speedo. I'm pretty sure I would need written permission from the Geneva Convention before posting it ....
That was the situation with my wife, so I asked her to leave. Now she has to find her own keys in the morning, hahahha. Well you were watching, no one made you do it. How I spend my time Do not open at work!! I might use this as my avatar The picture isn't actually me.