Salsawonder, I think you're referring to the feature on the Prius that keeps the car from rolling backwards on an incline. If you press down hard on the brake pedal for a couple seconds you'll hear a beep. Then you can take your foot off the pedal for a couple of seconds without the brakes disengaging.
Thanks Danny. I was being a little sarcastic in the fact that folks get into the Prius and just don't pay attention to the fact that they are no longer driving the old fashion Buick or whatever. Many issues could be alleviated by folks reading their manuals and learning new techniques for driving in general.
I meant they are built to the exact specs supplied by Toyota. CTS is not at fault nor are the workers!
Days of child labor are behind us. As I nurse I hate unions because they allow substandard nurses to keep their jobs. It is very difficult to fire a union worker. Seeing as how workers all get the same rewards there is no motivation to excel. I also left a state job because I did not like working for a unionized workplace.
Yes, the thing of interest is the VSC feature which manipulates both gas and brakes under emergency situations to prevent you from skidding. Apparently something in the timing of transition between the modes of operation is giving a feeling of momentary loss of control. See this for a demo of what it's made for: The question that will always remain is if you stand on the brakes, and go over a small slippery surface which causes it to momentarily switch to VSC, and then back to ABS, did the interruption of your hard stop cause you to go an extra 20 feet and have a fender bender which you otherwise would not have had, or did it prevent you from losing complete control and skidding sideways and having an even more serious mishap. You can never know, because you can't go back and have the same wreck again with VSC disabled....
Unions were set up to protect the workers (often underpaid and over worked) by companies. It is my belief the much of the propaganda concerning the lazy union worker was started by the companies who did not want to pay fair wages to the workers. Of course there will always be a bad apple or five, and perhaps modern unions could use a revamping, however to say all union workers are lazy is an insult to the thousands of union workers who have worked hard all their lives and continue to work hard everyday. My father was one such hardworking union worker and as daughter of a union worker I am glad to say because my father had a union job I was able to go to college and have a better life. So I find this innuendo prejudical and personally insulting.
Hey! It's the class-action lawsuit guy again! Let me say this to you for the 4th time. Your car is safe. What don't you understand about that?
You two are a pair of loonies, take 2 Valium, each, wait for the fix, get it taken care of when it happens. Then GET OVER IT!!! or.... You could also contact the guy who drove Charlie Sheens' car off a cliff last night. I think his number is 1-800-DITCHIT
People are overreacting to this brake issue. Toyota is going to fix it. Wait for the fix, and drive carefully in the meanwhile. Period. Stop moaning, every car manufacturer has made mistakes in the past and will make in the future, unless the good Lord himself decided to start building and selling cars.
Indeed. And I'm finding it to be really strange that we're not hearing about the Ford recall announced yesterday. They're trying to soft pedal it by saying it isn't a full blown recall, but it's a software update in their hybrids to cure a problem in the timing of switching between regenerative breaking and ABS. Sound Familiar? Makes me prone to think there's a conspiracy between the media and Ford to keep it low key. If it were a new Toyota discovery, I'd have received 3 email breaking-news (pun intended) alerts from various news papers, and it would be on CNBC once an hour with a blow up of Ford's stock price in reaction to the news. After I saw the mention of it here on PriusChat, I went looking for it and had to Google with the inclusion of the name of the guy at Ford who made the announcement before I finally found an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
If you bought it through Costco I am sure you could return it for a full refund! However, I diagnose your sentiment as a severe case of Buyer's Remorse, brought on by an overload of media hype, hysteria and complete mis-representation. May I suggest a 3-month sojourn to a remote island in the South Seas as a recuperative measure!
Toyota supplies the specs, but CTS has the freedom to implement the instructions in ways of their choosing, based on their background of experience as suppliers of similar products to other manufacturers. They compete with other sub-contractors for the business from Toyota. Denso in Japan is apparently an alternative supplier to Toyota. Simply pointing a finger and yelling "it's their fault" is the action of an ignorant idiot with no understanding of the complexities of the mass production engineering business.
I feel your pain. How dare those nasty, cold hearted people at Toyota produce an automobile that is not perfect in every way. You paid your hard-earned money and should receive unconditional absolute perfection in the automobile you bought. Furthermore, it should meet or exceed your constantly changing expectations of value and performance during the infinite lifespan of the automobile. Keith P.S. I think your mother should spank you for your whining and immature temper tantrum.
Call Toyota. Perhaps they'll pay to relocate you to a location with no ice or bumpy roads until a fix can be applied to your car.
Uh... (He lives in Marina Del Rey - Southern California.) No ice or bumpy roads there. That is it!!! He should sue the State of California because the roads in his backyard are not quite perfect. Keith
Brakes, shmakes. Hell, just put your foot out if it doesn't stop. Be sure you wear thick soled shoes, though.
'sorry but your video is so funny like female tennis players HU ah HU ah HU HA and the ball go's from left to right
They've got a slogan around here for LOTTO... "You gotta be in it to win it". Well, I bought a ticket for the mega millions and I didn't win crap. But I was in it, they said I gotta be in it to win it, and I didn't win. I want my $2 back... Ahh, if life worked that way. I'm sorry you feel you were defrauded but I cannot come up with a single reason why they should just take your car back or issue you a refund because of what's going on...