Don't forget us Montana folks Dianne . . . we have zero sales tax too. I think CA makes us keep it out of state registered for at LEAST 1/2 year prior to CA registration (unless they've raised it since we bought our RX hybrid). That blue sure looks nice. Still trying to work on "she who must be obeyed". We enjoyed our test drive when we came in a few months ago. sure hope the deal lasts until labor day . . . I got a bit more time to do some convincing. (ok ... pleading ) btw Dianne - (I won't say who) there's a certain individual who is in the process of installing a BRUSA charger in the gen II RAV4-ev - which basically allows you to charge at an additional 3.5kWh's faster than stock !!! It's totally reversible - so that upon lease return, Toyota will never be the wiser !! Several folks have already done it to the Leaf. Oh, and you didn't hear it from me. .
The Scion FRS Ragtop can't get here fast enough! I'm not certain when we're going to see it. Soon I hope!! We haven't had a convertible for quite a while... 2008 Solara I think. I lost track of when models end. Electric Me, it sure is. It is better plugged in for many of us. Especially in SoCal. My conciousness is greatly raised with the lease of my own EV.. planning errands... and watching my speed to ensure a better ECO score because it's fun and seems prudent to use less plug-time to go the same distance by using the car to regen... it's also pretty amazing to drive AND, in CA, wow. No mileage limit lease. Watch out Toyota. I'm gonna have 100K on mine in 3 years!!
Hi Hills!! Montana doesn't get the unlimited mileage lease... so you gotta choose... pay CA tax and register to CA to get the unlimited mileage?