How's the gas mileage on the Purecontacts? Close to the stock tires? I am also close to hitting 100k. I'm am now trying to make up for deferred maintenance by getting the car as close to brand new condition as possible. I am giving it a full detail inside and out using the best towels/products and touching up any little rock chips on the front. I will also change the ATF fluid, engine coolant, brake fluid (under the recall), air filter, cabin filter and refill washer fluid. Hopefully I can get another 100k of problem free miles of her. Initially I thought I would just trade in for the 2015, but the thought of trading in a perfectly running 55 mpg car and picking up ~$15k+ in extra debt just isn't too appealing. Perhaps the 2020 or even 2025 model will be my next new Prius. It would probably take me 10 more years to get to 300k so that lines up pretty well with the 2025. Maybe by then all Prius models will be 100% electric with a 300+ mile range.
Well the temperature finally got above 50 for the first time since I got the tires last October so I can compare gas mileage. It looks like the Pure Contact tires will likely do better than the Goodyear Integrity tires that was on the car when I bought it last May. I got 54.6 MPG on my commute home, according to the HSI. I wasn't driving for good MPG either. I was running 60 to 70 MPH most of the way home.
I brought my 2010 in for 150,000 service. I was happily surprised that it was the usual minor service. They did find the front brakes were finally below the 3mm so I had them replace the pads and turn the rotors. Love the regenerative braking!