Tthe engine is nowhere close to redline at full throttle. It's limited to 5,000rpm and the engine's capable of higher than that (I think closer to 6,500). I think it's more of the accelerator. They don't want any SUA cases because the throttle is so sensitive.
Just added a second video. This one shows that even if powered off in ECO mode or normal mode, it defaults back to PWR mode when powering up again. I will post how I did it in later. Just FYI, there are many ways to do this mod. It all involves some sort of a timer circuit whether it's pulse timers or 555 timers.
i go by traffic. lots of traffic on the interstate or big city = power mode. i want to be able to move in a more nimble fashion. country highway with no one around = eco. there's simply no hurry and no one behind you to get pissed off for slow take offs.
Change of heart after looking at what's involved, I'll just keep pushing the button, just part of the routine now, great mod though...
WIth apologies to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts: I love power mode So put another mod on the Prius, Baby I love power mode So let's go fast and get MPG! OK, so it was a slow day today, the sick half of my brain has been working overtime. :rockon: Spent 10 hours in the Prius today, going from Danbury CT to Newington NH and back, 450 miles in all -- not even a full tank. I started this trip with 320 miles on the tank, one-way was 225 miles, I was thinking about running all the way to NH on that first tank, I chickened out at the north end of I-495 and filled up, about 30 miles short of our destination. I think we would have made it, but I didn't wanna risk running out of fuel and being late. Tried PWR mode, heavy foot (I learned to drive on the San Diego Fwy before they called it I-405, back when you could drive 70 on it most times of day) ... 49.8 MPG. Not as good as usual; but it sure beat the hell out of my last car, which would have eaten 35 gallons on this same trip. It's nice to do it in less than 10. I must have pissed off some drivers in traffic, who couldn't seem to believe they were getting smoked by a Prius accelerating from 70 to 90 just like that. That was kinda fun, the high-end torque available in PWR mode is pretty amazing. Sorry Joan, but the MP3 player made me do it!
I've tried PWR mode for 300 km ... on my route it's better to let battery work harder and recharge later than using ICE, but it's probably because I accelerate to 15 kmh max most of the time and starting ICE for 1-2 second only is very ineffective. Back to the quote - what I like in Prius is not 0-100 (0 - 60 mph) acceleration but it's availability at any speed. No matter if I drive 50 or 100 kmh... just floor it and it goes just like that... of course limited to the capacity of battery
Finally finished up the diagram here Enjoy!!
Pretty cool. Does it interfere with the oil maintenance reset sequence? (Guess I could test that by manually pressing PWR during a reset...)
61.1 mpg on the commute in this morning in heavily congested traffic with some actual stop and go. Power mode the whole way. That's my highest MPG's so far, with 770 miles on the car.
Just got done driving a tank in power mode with mild to minimum hypermiling tech. Most trips are 11-12 miles 1 way. 618 Mile tank half with AC, half without AC 25mph avg 10.8 gallon of fuel used tire pressures have not been adjusted since 20K maintenance so I'm assuming 32psi F/R 59.1mpg on MFD 57.2mpg actual For the current tank, I will drive with minimal to no hypermiling tech, 5-15mph faster than posted speed limit (keeping up with traffic), first one (or two) off the line, AC on 2 or more bars when weather permits it. The only hypermiling technique I'll use is regen braking as much as I can without using mechanical braking. So far 80 miles and the MFD is sitting at 53mpg. I'll report back once I refuel.
yup, 17's. I think the next tire I get will be the same as the stock bridgestones LRR, whatever it is.
Nah, I cannot compete with such low speed. My commute is 99% freeway so the slowest I can realistically go is 60mph and even then I make people mad.
Can U run the two lane roads instead? I got 26 mpg in the Swagger yesterday on two lane roads in northern Indiana Mike iPhone
Not without tacking on 20 more miles or so to my commute and even then I still have to go 50-55mph. lol
20 miles of fun, cruising down the highway listening to Pandora, countin the bug splats on your windshield... Mike iPhone
I have a major concern that the replacement 215/45/17 Bridgestone Turanza EL400 isn't LRR like the OE Bridgestone Turanza EL400. The replacement version isn't even rated LRR on the manufacturer's site either. I really like the OE Bridgestones on mine but I'll have no choice but to pick a replacement tire that is actually LRR. It's very common for OE and replacement tires to differ. See Barry's Tire Tech