It's not pimped out yet...still a work in progress, hope i don't take to big a mileage hit with the 22" rims, don't really care, the chicks will dig it.
what i dont understand is... i was under the assumption that urban driving would net better fuel economy and the EPA ratings also suggest that 48hwy/52city. why am i getting better mileage in rural areas as opposed to the more urban areas. From reading this post it seems others are having similar results..
Accelerating from a dead stop (at a red light for instance) then hitting the brakes a few hundred yards later (to stop at the next light) is very inefficient, even with the Prius's regen braking. The evidence here seems to indicate that conservation of motion seems to be the most efficient way to operate- as in more or less steady 55-65mph driving on major roadways. Evidence also seems to suggest that getting up to cruising speed quicker (as is achieved by use of power mode) is more efficient than milking the gas pedal to slowly get up to speed in ECO mode. This behavior does seem counter intuitive- but my results in power mode also tend to support these findings. FWIW- this morning I drove my normal commute (28.8mi total 16mi@60-65mph 12mi @mixed speeds) in power mode. It was 48F as indicated by the car'sOAT display. Upon arriving at my destination I was surprised to see my second highest reading ever of 55.6mpg! My highest reading ever was 56.x mpg.
I decided to try PWR mode for a few days too. I have to say it is really fun in traffic as I don't "lag behind" anymore! I'm not sure it saves fuel, but oddly, it does help with P&G once you get the hang of it. My only gripe is that PWR mode is not "sticky" as is ECO mode.
A lot of thing happen in the various modes. You like the PWR mode and that is the most responsive mode in both acceleration heating and air conditioning. ( I use this mode in winter to get the operating temperature of the ICE more quickly.) You will notice that the computer will govern the heating and air conditioning in each selected mode. EV, ECO, PWR. It will compute the best blower speed for your setting. The accelerator pedal response is gated differently which help you to have better accelerator control to achieve the best fuel conservation by making it easier to keep the information to the gages in the range you choose to drive. I occasionally drive in the default mode with out any of the ECO or PWR indicators on. The accelerator is gated to more response than that of ECO or PWR. with good MPG results. I also in the past drove in the PWR mode for a full tank and my MPG was 45.9. I see no reason to waste fuel but at 45.9 that is still better than a Hummer. [FONT="]More power to ya. . . use the PWR mode[/FONT]
That and Viagra can get you where you're going quicker, but some prefer to relax and enjoy the moment.
I noticed that in ECO mode, the automatic fan speed when the engine is cold is off. Surprised me a little at first. - Chris
What? The AHR is not activating as the gee forces push you back in the seat? This is disturbing news for the Power Mode mob.
It's always off when valid air temperature is not "ready". When you want more heat in the car and engine is cold it will heat up engine as long as it is possible to deliver at least warm air into the cabin and then start fan. More over it will increase it's speed over 2 bars only if air temp is really high to overcome windchill effect when blowing only lukewarm air. As to ECO/Normal/PWR modes - as I read here at PC european Prii have different accelerator mapping in ECO/Normal modes (more agressive) so our finding may be a bit different from US and Japanese cars. Most of the time (no matter which mode) I'm trying to keep HSI 2/3 of hybrid zone. What I don't like in ECO mode is that PWR zone is more ON/OFF than smooth area. Totally opposite in PWR, where high acceleration can be applied very smoothly.
Well I just did a pretty true test. It is an 11.1 mile round trip to the post office. Speed limit ranges from 45-55. There are no lights or stop signs. A/C is on. The first trip of the day for the car I used Eco mode 54.1 mpg 39 mph average In power mode after being parked for 3 hours 56.0 mpg 40mph average. (there is a stretch in my neighborhood that I can drive 25) I'm shocked because there were parts of the trip where I was getting under 25 mpg and I didn't think it could be made up. Tomorrow I am going to make power mode the first trip of the day. I also wonder what would happen with the A/C on in heavy traffic, but I'm really surprised by the results. iPad ?
I like Power Mode, too Everyone seems to be on point. I'll share my report. This is Day 6 for Pri and me. Odometer is a little over 400. My 25-mile commute (one-way) is a pretty mixed bag of hills, speed limits, and fairly heavy traffic. I really don't know how to drive a hybrid, e.g., not so adept at the pulse-and-glide. In ECO mode, I was averaging 46-48 mpg per trip and feeling a bit disappointed in myself. I thought PWR mode was for making other drivers eat my Prius dust :doh: Today, I turned on/stayed in PWR mode and averaged 50-51 mpg on my two trips. This included a long stretch of driving in heavy traffic through several miles of closely-spaced, non-timed traffic lights on a hilly highway with a 45-mph speed limit. If I'd taken a different route, things might have been even better! On the other hand, I popped an Aleve immediately after the morning commute. Wrath of the jackrabbit... out:
When I drive my 2012 Prius in ECO mode, I get around 48.5 mpg. I switch to power mode all the time and am getting 51 mpg..same commute Also, what I have noticed is with power mode, you can pulse and glide faster and more efficiently..
Well I tried from an overnight cold start to have a fair comparison this time for power mode. I got 53.3 which is still better than eco, but not close to the 56 yesterday. --- I am here:
I only use Power Mode and I am an aggressive driver. I get around 44-45 mpg in colder months and summer last year I get around 46 ish. When I first got my prius I only used regular mode for the first few tanks. The best I got was around 48 mpg. Other times in the 46-47 range. They way I drive I will not use Regular or even Eco mode. I don't mind sacrificing a 2-3 miles mpg for a better driving experience.
No I didn't, but I have been driving all day running errands in power mode. I am at 56.2 for 39 miles of stop and go traffic. I need to let the car not be used for 3 hours to get the same conditions. I will try Eco at about 8 to get a good comparison.
Just got back from my 3 hr rest Eco mode drive. I got 56.3. So to sum up. First trip from overnight cold start Eco 54.1 power 53.3 Car used with 3 hour rest Eco 56.3. Power 56 Eco wins both times. --- I am here: