Are you suggesting that Digby and the Great Dane were french kissing? I hope the Dane is a girl. What would Dingo think? (Ramses would be happy to console her.)
Actually, the Bull Terrier sorta makes sense because he does a thing that only Bull Terriers are known for doing: Also, I have wondered if he could be part JRT, because he has a similar body type. But I never would have thought of a Great Dane. It still makes me LOL.
No, the Great Dane next door is named Oscar. I'm pretty sure he's been "altered" because our neighbor got him from a rescue organization.
I think my Trixie must be part bull terrier, too. She looks just a Carolina dog, but she's more muscular. She also does totally assholic things like that dog in the video. What is that all about, anyway? Trixie is a pretty bad dog. When my kids were littler, they would get really disappointed when they'd go to somebody's house and the dog would just sit there instead of attacking people, trying to pull off their pants and gloves, snouting people really hard, etc.
Digby's about 10% of the size of a Great Dane, and has maybe 10% of the hair of a Pekinese. Maybe that's what they meant.
I love that video of the bull terrier. Did you notice his tail was wagging madly the entire time? I love that in a dog. I wouldn't mind having a bull terrier. Not sure I could keep up with a Jack Russell. I need a dog that doesn't have separation issues and won't be destructive when I'm at work. Ramses is OK as long as I'm not gone more than 12 hours.
Digby had some major separation anxiety when we first adopted him. I read about a way to cure it, and it worked: Each morning before you leave, give the dog(s) a diversion that they like. I would fill a Kong with cheese and peanut butter and give one each to Digby and Dingo. It wasn't very long before they were happy to see me leave the house. After a few weeks, I tapered off on the Kong treatment, and eventually stopped altogether. Now they just accept that we leave the house from time to time, but no theatrics or damage. Now Digby waits for us before going wild: Excitable Dog -
Well, the last thing I do before leaving is put his breakfast in his bowl. He's fine during the day. This doesn't last forever. But over 12-14 hours and he is not a happy camper. Once I stayed at school for open house. Left at 6:30 am. Got home at 8 pm. Many broken clay pots and dead plants scattered around the yard.
I would say the only way Digby has any bull terrier or great Dane in him is if it had been in his food. I know I won't be wasting any money on such a test now. I'd say Digby is a Miniature Pincer perhaps crossed with a short haired Chihuahua explaining the ears. Henry was my bull terrier Whippet cross, now deceased. He was the most beautiful, devoted and affectionate dog. By patsparks at 2007-04-13 By the way, Digby is gorgeous!!
Actually, Digby could have them way up in the grandparents, great grandparents level. That's where Ramses has his Chihuahua and Dalmation, at less than 10%.
Maybe you should consider a sister for Ramses. They can keep each other company during the day. They still won't like it when you are gone for 12 hrs, but Ramses won't get so bored/anxious if he has a playmate.
He's extremely bonded to me and I don't think a 24-7 companion would go over very well with him. We do visit my parents once a week and he plays with their dog. He's fine as long as I'm not gone more than 12 hours. And if I come home, even for an hour and then leave again, he's fine. It's just the really loooong stretches he doesn't like.