Edmunds and JD Power are wrong, at least from a legal definition. If we want to start making up our own definitions, they I suppose anything is correct. Definitions and standards come from three sources, in ascending order of authority: 1) Common use. 2) Trade associations. 3) Law. In this case we have a legal definition which trumps other use. It may be nit picking, but the Prius *is* a mid-sized car. Tom
For Edmunds and JD Power they package cars together which what they feel are their competitors...so the class they put a vehicle in doesn't automatically jibe with reality...
+1 That was my thought . . . almost FOUR YEARS ago ... when the newb 1st posted the OP . . . then promptly disappeared.
Again agree the traction control is very inadiquit and is to sensative to a point its dangerous and sometimes the abs goes on when it's not suppose to
The service supervisor at my dealership explained to me that were it not for the traction control, the electric motor could "spin the rubber off of the rims." He spoke with authority and didn't appear to be exaggerating. I've been in snow conditons many times and the TC's behavior is uncanny. With decent tires, the car will move to the limits of the ability of the tires to grip. Beyond those limits, motion ceases as (we all know) spinning gets you nowhere. Little or no performance in the snow is Prius' way of saying, "Time for fresh rubber - it's the cheapest insurance that you can buy for your car (and it's occupants)."
Myself and many members in my Land Rover forums have long ago deleted our ABS and Traction Control. Most people don't believe how dangerous Rovers get in snow with ABS and Trac on. When you perform the delete Rovers truly can go anywhere.
Just had my first snow drive in the Prius all day as a courier on thursday and it performed very well. The traction control helps and so does the ABS braking. I did buy snow tires, its not worth it for me to take a chance driving 200 miles a day. But I know a lot of eyes were on me as I inched up a snow packed inclined exit ramp with at least 10 cars spinnin the the tires all over the four lane wide ramp. And some guy with a big four wheeler assisting other cars. I was more concerned with someone sliding into me than getting stuck.
A saying goes: "If you want to get there in style, drive a Land Rover. If you actually want to get back home, drive a Land Cruiser." I've owned a few Disco's myself. Much of it has to do with poor engineering and very expensive parts (such as the ABS modulator) that only a dealer can repair. The Prius ABS issue pales in comparison to the serious problems plaguing the Land Rovers for many years. Talk about fun when a full size 4x4 SUV refuses to stop on bare blacktop on a warm summer day because the ABS truly sucks.