Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III Yeah, mine's a POS, too. The worst part of it all was, when I got into an accident, the airbags went off and the seatbelts pre-tensioned and everything. Not even any blood to make my friends sympathetic. I even had to go to back to work! Waaahh!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III +1. Indeed. You remind me to be grateful for my few minor issues. Never again will I take my fickle gps for granted again! Best of luck man... luck of the draw and all that.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III That is great!!!! Thank you for making me laugh! I was worried when I saw the title.......
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III My wife can drive over 90 mph and if it weren't for my hand-held GPS, I would not have known. Furthermore, we still got better than 45 MPG for the trip with the A/C running (probably why I didn't notice the speed.) At this rate, it will take years to burn up the last of the gas and oil. Oh, did I mention the lump in my wallet from the cash not spent on gasoline? A guy could get a bruise there if they sat somewhere other than the Prius seats. Bob Wilson
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III There should be a Post of the week award! You have my vote! Actually I am just posting to bump this one back to the top!
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III So it was Bob Wilson I saw crouched in fear while adding a data point to his speed v mpg graph. Blew past me so fast I wasn't sure...
I don't even know why we got our 2010 Blue Prius in December. We just saw it on the latest Desperate Housewives episode. It's like, now everyone will be driving them. So much for standing out and making a statement which is the only reason I bought the POS to begin with. We should've bought the Suburu Outback. The salesman there even mentioned tree huggers. We didn't tell him we were considering a Prius at the time. He would have thrown us out of the showroom. Yeah, and 48 MPG around Boston in winter. What a joke.
Wish I had your problem... The day after my 2010 Model III had it's 1 month check-up the brakes started grabbing while backing... It has happened 4 times in 5 days..... A minor glitch.... but we are teaching our 15 year old to drive and wife no longer wants her to drive this car.... I am concerned because I contacted the dealer and was told no brake problems were on the Prius...... The very next day info comes out about "PRIUS BRAKE PROBLEMS".... Wife was now more concerned..... I am calmly waiting .....Haven't had brake problems with bumps..... but look forward to having a PROPER FIX and getting on with enjoying my car...... P. S. Took me months to talk wife into buying a new one.. then one month after we did all this happens........
To the poster with "grabby brakes": after pushing the start button, try waiting until the yellow triangle with the exclamation point disappears from the display before shifting into reverse or drive. All my "grabby" brake episodes appeared to be correlated with shifting before the car had completed its power-on cycle. Other posters may be able to confirm this (or not). In any case, cycling the power always fixes the problem.
That's terrible, I feel so horrible for you :} ..Yesterday, I drove my brand-new Prius III off the lot in Blizzard Pearl with a bisque interior. Your "complaints" are all on my list as well!! In fact, I "hate" it so much, I went back to the dealer and canceled the extended warranty I had originally bought (under pressure at the end of an exciting day, bad mistake) and told the dude, "hey, I just bought a Prius, that's warranty enough for me..." So glad you are as "unhappy" as I am...gee...we have it hard.
You guys are boring and need to create some excitement in your lives. Start driving your Prii so you can experience the bugs, flukes and tragedies reported daily by the news media. You'll never feel the exileration an unintended acceleration, brake failure, threat of electrocution or the bone breaking rattles if you don't get off your, ..., you know, your ... computers and go out and create a front page news story in your Prius. Come on guys, phone your lawyers and go for a spirited drive in your Prius. You only live once and deserve to experience adrenalin rush of life in the fast lane, driving a Prius. Don't live vicariously through others; experience the thrill of the Prius.
Re: I Hate My 2010 Pruis Model III You better talk to a lawyer; I think you've got a case. That lump in your wallet caused by the Prius could promote sciatica or deep-vein thrombosis. Can you believe it; another engineering cover-up by Toyota. :cheer2: