Uh....not really. Priuses are actually fairly nimble from zero to about 20, but after that they're nothing to write home about. Some 4x4's have vehicle speed limiters that stop them from accelerating past 90-95mph, and so (eventually) the G3 will reel one of those in, but you have to be careful about putting cash on the table, since many 4x4 owners delete this 'feature.' As far as the HD statement is concerned, you must be talking about the Harley Davidson edition of the Ford F-model truck, which is a stickers and emblems "upgrade" for that truck. My HD motorcycle would be both faster and quicker than my G3 from a standing start through to either vehicle's rated top speed.....and might still be with one spark plug removed. Remember...there are a lot of threads out there about Prius hate, and I'm sure that some of these are warranted, but many are not. Let's face it. There aren't many 15-year-old males with posters of monster Priuses in their bedrooms. Most "Prius Hate" that I see is caused by a malfunction between the seat and the steering wheel. There's not four feet of trunk and bumper behind the rear glass, so that car behind you really isn't closer than it appears to be. I also see more than a few interesting comments in this forum when the subject of left lane driving is concerned.....and as a reformed hypermiler myself I can tell you that most people on the highways and byways aren't interested in beating their 'personal best' for tank mileage. They're just trying to get where they're going. They don't notice or even think about Priuses unless they run into one plugging up the left lane or creeping away from a stop sign at 5 MPH trying to keep their accelerator input in the "ECO" range....or drafting.....or driving in the dark with the headlights off. There are a few things that you have to remember about the late Mr. Dangerfield: He outlasted many people in his field. He was also wealthy and successful. Play to the Priuses advantages: Longevity Frugality Anonymity and to a lesser extent, being Eco Chic. Let the kids have the 0-60 times, skidpad ratings and standing quarter mile stats.
I lived in the NYC suburbs until a year or so ago. I've never had any issues with drivers in NY other than some poor drivers. Now that I'm down in South Florida it's a different story. It's not that the drivers dislike the Prius, they dislike ANYONE in their way. There will be a red light and I see it coming up so I start coasting. These idiots speed up to red lights. MORONS. Forget about driving here on the highway. If you go with the flow in the center and left lanes expect to be going 10-15 over the limit. I like to go a little over the speed limit so I stay in the right and sometimes center lanes. There may be some Prius hate out there but it is not as pervasive as you may think. I think what you may be experiencing is that some drivers have experienced SLOW Prius drivers. Heck, even I try to steer clear of some Prius drivers but I certainly don't exercise poor driving manners around them.
Aerodynamics is the deciding factor when outrunning Large Pickups at higher speeds. Although I had a 2003 Ranger 4x4 that had a 90 mph governor so that could be a factor as well. Harleys usually have less horsepower than my Dirt-Bike (89 Honda CR500)(60 Horsepower) and are usually all out of breath at 90 or so.
Trouble is a lot of people think the freeway is a NASCAR circuit: Driver's inches off each other's bumpers. Well, ok, 1 car length off bumper ahead of them, but still, that is insane at highway speeds, even at 30 MPH. I used to follow somewhat closer to cars ahead, maybe 2 seconds or so, but last year I got a nasty 18" crack in my Prius windshield and spent two week battling with insurance to get 'dealer glass' (Toyota) windshield installed (I'll skip details, but trust me, there was a VERY good reason for wanting Toyota glass. Anyhow, now I stay at least 3 seconds, maybe 4 seconds off car ahead AS IS recommended by all driver safety courses. TROUBLE IS, the nutjobs on the road think 3 or 4 seconds is lagging way back or going to slow, and they sometimes whup a lane change and speed ahead. Whatever. Perhaps they'll learn when they get a 2 foot crack in their windshield. No, wait, these are the people that drive around with a 2 foot crack in their windshield (which is illegal) and don't give a darn.
I keep 3-4 second buffer most all the time. It's easier on the nerves, and if there's a slowdown you can cost through that extra space, avoid needing to brake as often as not. Other drivers flit in and out of that space, make left turns through it, pull out of side roads into it. Works for all parties.
I'm sorry, but although aerodynamics is important, the most important thing is still thrust-to-weight. The Dodge Challenger is about as aerodynamic as a cinder block....and almost as sophisticated. I'd be careful about tangling with one on the interstate though. My Kawi Vulcan only has 54BHP, but will slaughter my (work) Prius in all regimes, from a standing start to the Prius' terminal velocity (108-110?) That's because my VN900 only weighs about 790 lbs, wet and with a rider.......plus or minus a Happy Meal. 60 horsepower may not sound like much, and in a 3200# Prius it wouldn't be. However (comma!!!) even on a fairly heavy bike, you can knock down some pretty impressive numbers with 54 ponies. 0-60 times are about 6.0 seconds (10+ for the Prius) and standing quarters are somewhere in the high 13's for the bike, and 17 and change for the Prius. My other bike is a Harley, and it has 125BHP and weighs 700#. I'll let you do the math. Priuses DO get respect. They're probably one of the main reasons that many small sedans now get close to 40mpg. They're real-world reliable out to 200,000+ miles. They're hatches that try valiantly to break the hatchback='econo-box' stereotype. (I call them eco-boxes ) They've been around for over 15 years - and will likely be around for many more. They're good at what they do. Performing on racetrack or dragstrip, or playing grab-nice person with bigger kids on the interstate isn't their thing. Good Luck!
I also think that people driving hatchbacks (including the Prius) tend to notice tailgaters more because of the design of the car. People coming from sedans are used to having a trunk area behind the end of the sloping portion of the rear window. In reality, people may have been tailgating the sedan's rear bumper just as closely, but it didn't *feel* as close! Yes, SUV's and minivans also have their window at the end of the car, but the entire window is vertical or gently sloped, and typically starts out farther behind the second row passenger seat.
Racetrack? Dragstrip? I never said anything about "Standing Start" Off the line a Prius is Bland at best. 60 mph to 100mph on the freeway in passing situations. (Yes, Reckless SoCal Driving) CVT gives instant high RPM, aerodynamics make higher speed acceleration easier. It's not a race car, but in that situation, it works well. Better than a 5000lb+ Lifted 4x4 pushing lots of air out of it's way. No Offense to 2 Cylinder Street bikes: I'm not well informed on Harleys that have 125hp without plenty of aftermarket engine modifications. I've ridden a 1200 Sportster & a 1340 Heritage....Both would hit 105 or so, and felt like 13 to 14 second quarter mile bikes. V Twins just aren't my style, I've owned several Inline 4 & V4 Jap Bikes and Miss all of them. Ninja 1000r, VF1000r, GSXR 750, V65 Magna, Gpz 750 Turbo.
Nope, I draw the line when someone who is so close to my Camry's @ss that I can no longer see their headlights in my rearview mirror. In other words, their headlights have disappeared past my trunk line in my rearview mirror.
I sold a Corvette convertible [ my third ] and bought my 2014 Prius. Hate to tell you this-- folks LOVE, LOVE to pass a Corvette any chance they get.... I have not noticed any ''disrespect'' in the Prius, occasionally someone will blow by us and we will laugh and say, ''Bet that goober wishes he was getting 55 mpg'', wife is driving her third Prius, and we both hate to buy gas, we laugh at the idiots while they are laughing at us----all the way to the gas pump.