My Hybrid Prius consumes about $75-$80 a month. If my wife drove it it would be about $40. If it were a PIP it would be about half or possible none if I took advantage of the free charge near my office. For the nominal fee I get the most important advantage "Peace of Mind", reliability, low to no depreciation based on 3 years, a company with a positive track record in the Technology, a Financial sound company backing me, a back seat fit for 5 adults, an iconic design, 0.25 drag co,a smart phone type of data and feedback that makes it fun for a techie, and many Prius owners with over 300,000 miles and still rocking on. I like the Volt and yes it is an extended Hybrid with a powerful engine but the Risks of GM poor legacy and financial problems, and it's poor Volt sales (prius is outselling the Volt) is to big a risk for me to take. The Prius is the #1 sellking car in California, and #10 in the USA. Volt is not even on the radar.
None. There are 160 charging stations around Austin so I can usually plug in within a block or two of anywhere I am going. I typically get a full charge before I head out for lunch. I can do 40 miles of errands during lunch and get fully charged before heading home as well. I have had a couple 120 mile pure EV days.
I read it takes 3 + hours for a full charge. That must be a bankers lunch. John that is not an advantage. Theer are a slew of free charging places including one in my High Rise office parking lot. That is not a differentiator.
Why are you covering up the obivous??? Try gross Mismanagement with their heads stuck in the sand IE: Ostrich mentality. John, you darn well know GM was takened by surprise by the launching of the gen1 Prius. Yet GM corporate has said numerous times "there is not market for a hybrid - directly aimed at the Prius. For years corporate has been in denial, pushing gas guzzling trucks, Hummers and large V8 powered SUVs. GM was fat, happy and DUMB! My, my how things have changed in the last couple of years. GM gasping to stay alive, can't get additional monies from the banks (due to the financial meltdown). The saving grace - the U.S. taxpayer. Now, the Treasury Dept. has a 26% stake in GM. The goverment is also holdinging GMs' feet to the fire for underfunding, for years the pension plan for its' employees. So PLEASE! don't try to give us the bull**** story that the employees healthcare and pension system "BANKRUPT" the corporation. Time for you to face reality and the truth. DBCassidy
John I wish you luck. Perhaps I'm lucky to live in a CARB (spelling ?) state for the no worries battery warranty, and Texas is not a CARB. I'll have to read about what is the requirements for CARB But you and I know you are taking a risk. GM track history in the EV with the EV1 was a disatster for the company and the consumer. The fact that you are giving them a shot on the Volt in my mind is a risk. If some guy wants a job at my company and he went bankrupt, can't feed his children or give them healthcare or questions why he should, and has a horrible track record, I'm not giving him a job. You're a good man to give Volt a shot. maybe because Prius was not in your state duer to limited roll out. Frankly the Volt is a money loser for GM, and when the rebate expires and it will taking into consideration the mood in Washington with the fiscal cliff tax breaks seem to be going bye bye the Volt will go away in a heart beat because no consumer will pay the price without the tax incentive. However Prius Hybrid is selling good without any incentive #10 in the USA #1 in California.
Huh? I get a full charge BEFORE lunch, not during lunch. It takes 4 hours for a full charge from empty on a L2 charger which gets me about 45 miles of EV. Charging rate is the only complaint I have about the Volt. It has a 3.3KW onboard charger and the charging stations support 7.2KW. I think GM should have put in a 6.6KW charger to support 2 hour L2 charges. It's great you get free charging at your office parking lot. Do you have a plug-in?
Yeah right, zero time to charge up. It must be nice to day dream. If you claim "none" time, then you must be really putting a heavy charge on the batteries. This never has and never will prolong the life of the batteries in your car. Qiute the opposite - you really shorten the life of them. You must be itching to replace your existing batteries soon. DBCassidy
These problems did not come to GM because they make great cars. GM has been in decline since the 1950's. Perhaps the Volt is the turnaround of GM, but frankly with it's low sales volume and high preice point it does not seem likely. I drive to work every day and see Priuses all day long. A Volt sightening is as rare as seeing a DoDo Bird. GM has a hard time puting themselves in the mind of the consumer when they develop a car.
Yes, the Volt has competition with the Prius, Leaf - there is now doublt about it. The biggest competitor for the Volt and especially GM is.............................................................................its' past DBCassidy
I have more confidence in the Volt battery lasting 10 years than I would have in a PiP's battery, especially if charging it more than once a day. I gave Toyota a chance when I got my first Prius so I am a bit of a risk taker for sure. I am also not inclined to ride a dead horse, especially when a new filly is ready for the track. I like the Volt, but I will be giving it up to my son in a few months, it is his after all. I might get another one but now that I am more comfortable with an EV I will probably get a Tesla. BTW, Toyota has stated that they are loosing money on the PiP.
A new report from Kelley Blue Book projects that the 2013 Volt will have better residual value than a 2013 Prius Plug-in. Chevrolet Volt earns resale value award | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Check out this Prius Chat. 70 people took a survey and the results are outstanding. Prius Ownership Survey | PriusChat 1) Why did you purchase a Prius? Save $ of Fuel 72.9% Save the Planet 14.3% Political Statement 4.3% All of the above 18.6% None of the above 5.7% 2) How do you feel about your Prius Ownership? Approve the Decision 98.6% Regret the Decision 1.4% 3) Do your passengers approve the Prius? Yes 84.3 % No 1.4% Not Sure 14.3% 4) Will your next car be a Hybrid or EV? Yes 78.6% No 1.4% Not Sure 20%
29.5% PIP vs. 30% Volt in 60 months is akin to splitting atoms. Will GM be around in 60 Months or will the Volt be around? The abismal sales make the Volt the likely candiate for retirement. Prius is selling exceptionaly well top 10 is USA. Volt is a money loser. Can GM afford to lose more money? I'll be the first to say GM Hail Mary Pass to profitability to the Volt in the end zone came up short. The GM Spark is hoping for a 99 yard run back to save the day but that to is undecided.
based on this I find it somewhat common that when a Prius advocate is confronted with a Volt they tend to retreat to bashing GM, and some even revert to bashing America.
What does "lasting" actually represent? And how much will a 4.4 kWh replacement be in +8 years? Perspective please. Look at how many traditional transmissions require replacement at that point. That's a red herring. We all know about the discounts to clear out 2012 inventory.
Just for Calrity, when Toyota introducted the Prius the Gen 1 sales were not that good. Toyota had to make a huge financial investment to create patents and forge relationships and internal arguments were long and protracted. However they stuck to it and retained #1 selling car in Japan, #1 in California, and top #10 in all car types in USA. The Volt is starting it's Journey. But you Volt guys should show some respect because the Prius is #1. Just remember we own the Hybrid and EV market, and we welcome the competition.