I never go over about 120 miles in. My normal commute, the catch is I sometimes have to go out twice, or even 3 times... Without time to fully charge in between... It would be scary having to sweat it. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy s3 with Tapatalk 2
Neither are you or John are representative of Prius Chat either. So, what is you point, assuming you have a point (or not)? DBCassidy
yea, that's where a DC fast charge station or a range extender works. It seems most of the fast charge stations/EVs are capable of getting about 80% charge in 30 minutes. For some reason Austin hasn't put in any fast charge stations, yet. They are pretty expensive compared to a L2 charger. Tesla is installing a network of solar powered fast charge stations to support cross country travel, some 250 stations initially with Dallas and Houston covered, but not Austin until the second phase. Elon is chairman at SolarCity and his cousin is CEO. An Austin based Telsa owner could get to Dallas, get a quick charge to run around Dallas, then another quick charge to get back to Austin. A Tesla can plug into a standard L2 charge station and add about 25 miles of EV per hour of charging (7KW).
Must be boring at Freds place.... Monday night, what do you expect? Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
I added Tesla to my watch list, I didn't realize they had gotten so serious... The more I read, the more I'm impressed.. Still pretty ritzy... But at least your getting cutting edge with great warranty backup rather than feeling like your paying a premium for copy cat technology. Price is the "only" negative. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
I'm talking with a local dealer about trading my car in. It sounds like they will give me a respectable amount for my 2012 and they are willing to match the lowest prices I've seen for the 2013 Volt. With the discounts, rebates and incentives I would knock $13,500 off the price of the car. I'd lose the TTL fees I paid on my 2012 but since I used the hell out of it (30,000 miles) it's not such a bad deal. Obviously I'd lose on the payments I've made thus far but it seems like a fair trade considering what I'd save on a better car. Frankly, I'm tired of the rattles and poor seating in my car.
I see nothing criminal in wanting change. It's not always about the best deal financially. It's a new toy. If you don't frequent long trips much and aren't concerned with GM its a no brainer. The worst that could happen is you'll change your mind later... So what? There will be even better options to choose from by then. My cars are like cell phones, every so often I have to upgrade to the new... Have never yet regretted it. While I want my car to be rock solid while I have it. I really don't care to drive one till it totally drops.... I can put 200 k on a car pretty quick. My 2010 has 92k, and my 2006's have about 190k. Life is too short to run them all out to their last days. There's something to be said for "been there, done that" Someday I expect I'll have to get a tesla. Heck if many people simply drop one addictive habit, they could afford a $500.00 a month payment added to what they already pay "if snything anything". So many folks who are the most contentious about saving A nickel won't admit they too buy what they want disregarding the expense. Do the math on just one or two Starbucks a day! How about one or two packs of cigarettes? Alcohol cost?, I'm in the medical profession and I notice most of the poorest people have the most expensive addictions. It's not the single hit of cocaine the well to do spends that's a waste, it's the everyday guy that spends a little "every day!" Its not the big hole that drains the pot, it's all the little ones! If you want a volt, I would just get it and not feel guilty.... It's a nice rig for the right person. It doesn't fit as well globally, but it's close....... Neither does the tesla! Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Typically when you trade in a vehicle for another through a dealer you get credit on the state sales tax of the trade and only pay tax on the "difference" . registration/license is annual anyway so that just leaves title fee which shouldn't be too bad.
You know that we are going to beat your unfaithful treasonous Quisling a** to a bloody pulp for this blasphemy. But don't take it personally. Hurry back to tell us all about it.
Lol, that didn't take much arm twisting! Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
In defense of the Toyota, it is the Toyota Prius' excellent residual/trade-in value that is making F8Ls trade worth considering. Normally trading a fairly new vehicle would be financially prohibitive. With the Prius being manufactured in Japan and the exchange rate going against Japanese exports to North America, last year's Prius are holding value even better than normal. Toyota is only partially hedged against currency swings with some manufacturing in North America. Migrating Prius manufacturing to North America would be a good thing.
Agreed, Toyota earned its name and people trust it. That goes a long way in determining value on something. For my wife at least, ill prob be getting another non plugin prius for her. She doesn't want plugin. But when my comes around, well see... My wife just told me if we ever get an all electric it would be the tesla.... It's rarely only about the money or folks would just get a corolla ... Hassle of plug in and the amount you save only works for some. Close commutes and those who get free electricity at night! It's about other factors as well. The more manufacturers make you feel like your getting something special for your money other than less gas usage, the more successful they will be. When Prius first came out there was an essence of glee to drive a car that had the new innovative hybrid technology... Now it takes more to get the same glee. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Wait list is long and prices are scheduled to go up in January. You need to put $5k down, fully refundable but non-transferable, to get in line and keep today's price. If I was you, I would get in line for two because the wife is going to take the first one.
Hopefully price will become more competitive in the next couple years if they can produce more... They are still pretty spendy. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
They are planning/targeting a $30K model, but it will be after the Model X ( AWD SUV format ). But they need early adopters to flow the cash and grow the market. Step Up!