Its fine to comare the Volt to Gas cars.. just choose the right price/quality class.. say a Audi A4, or Buick regal or at least a Buick Verano (same Delta II platform). Check its ratings.. Best Upscale Midsize Cars Rankings | U.S. News Best Cars
Sounds like a lot of money $12,000 for a hand full of extras, such as a hard drive built into a stereo s $20, heck your iPod can do that. You ca't answer why you spent all tat money when ou could ave got. Cruze for plenty of savings. Heck th extra as cannot offset the as savings. Tat s why no one s buying Volt
I think that can answer that question. Let w ask t this way, there has to e a better reason to purchas a Volt than you can drive 40 miles on electric.
I think that can answer that question. Let me ask it this way, there has to be a better reason to purchase a Volt than you can drive 40 miles on electric.
I think that can answer that question. Let me ask it this way, there has to be a better reason to purchase a Volt than you can drive 40 miles on electric. GM says the Volt and Cruz are the same cars with t exception the Volt is. Long range hybrid with som different components.
The volt is in the middle of the pack of all cars sold.. so if "no one's buying" it then neither are more than half the cars on the market. If all you want to save money, don't buy a new car.. get an old one or even a bike. We buy cars because we want them. The volt is work 40K to me.. that is all that really matters. I could afford any car I wanted, its what I chose. I don't have to justify that to you any more than you have to justify living in the overprices southern California to me.
Can you provide a reference to support that assertion. Lots of people that are trying to "dis" the volt use that comparison, I'm not aware of any GM statement saying that.
Yea, there is a reason, because it's better than a Prius. Drives better, more comfortable, uses less gas, less maintenance, etc.
Next year will be 30 years... And she trust me that if I break her 40 year driving /parking habit of never having to plug in and unplug... It will be worth it for the family and herself and not just to appease my ego to save a few cents... A guy may actually enjoy the task of plunging in and unplugging and tends to enjoy changing his oil, washing his car, putting in gas and regular maintenance.... A woman usually has an ungrateful man to maintain and that's harder. I'll be nice for now and not pry into your personal life to protect the innocent. SCH-I535 ? 2
Come on John it is Volt vs gas powered car. Why is the average guy not coming to r same conclusion as you?
Because they have a hard time doing the math on a cash flow basis and the ones interested in the ownership costs buy on a 5-7 year schedule ? Another valid reason is a large portion of the population don't have a way to charge at home or EV subscriptions like Austin. People are buying a lot of EVs in Austin, not 3:1, but a lot.
Every wonder why noone buys any cars like kids buying iphones. Maybe its because cars cost 1000's of time what iphone does. Every wonder why Volt haters grasp at invalid comparisons to try to put down the Volt, the car with highest customer satisfaction of any car rated by consumer reports? Greater satisfaction than any Porche, BMW, Toyota, Ford, Cadillac, Audi, MB... That alone may explain why its worth 40K.
Why are hybrids and EVs only 3% of the car market. Because efficiency is only one dimension, money is another and most people don't do long-term analysis. Why do most people owe money on their credit cards... Impulse rather than planning. Why is the volt outselling all other EVs in the US.. out selling all of them combined?
We're nearly there too (28) but she needed absolutely no "training" to plug in when she parks it in the garage. When plug-ins first started making headline, I also thought plugging in would be a hassle and something I would frequently forget to do like I sometimes do with my phone. Nope, never been an issue for either of us.
Been 30 for me. No retraining is necessary. My wife's comment on plugging in was she has no problem remembering to plug in her vacuum, phone, laptop or hair dryer.. the car is just as easy and plugging is better than hanging out in a lot in the freezing cold and ending up with a disgusting smell.