Perhaps in pure dollar and cents. If your 12,000 miles is mostly highway the diesel model coming out might have a bigger advantage. However, if you want the features of the Volt, the Cruze will be $23-$24 thousand. The diesel will probably be up there in price too.
$15,000 at 3 bucks a gallon is 5,000 gallons at 40 Mpg is 200,000 miles. The Cruze is the better deal. The volt is better for the environment.
The Volt = commuter car only, just do not let the ice run. The Prius = commuter car, short and long distance vehicle. DBCassidy
He said she had bikes on the bike rack. That impedes MPG. There could be more like she drove with the windows open into a head wind with a lead foot on a gen 1 with the AC blasting and she miscalculated the MPG. Just saying anything is possible.
...if you have a reading comprehension problem. If not, then you will have noticed the *many* posts documenting that the Volt with a full charge uses less gas and is about the same or cheaper to fuel when driven on trips of 100-150 or more miles than a Prius. Once again, using EPA numbers for a 100 mile trip: ------------- 100 - 38 (EV) = 62 miles gas-only in Volt 62 / 37 (EPA combined) = 1.68 gallons gas 62 / 40 (EPA highway) = 1.55 gallons gas 1.68 x $3.50 (Premium gas) = $5.88 1.55 x $3.50 (Premium gas) = $5.43 13 kWh * .11 = $1.43 $5.88 + $1.43 = $7.31 total in Volt $5.43 + $1.43 = $6.86 total in Volt -------------- 100 / 50 (EPA combined) = 2.0 gallons gas in Prius 100 / 48 (EPA highway) = 2.08 gallons gas in Prius 2.0 x $3.30 (Regular gas) = $6.60 2.08 x $3.30 (Regular gas) = $6.86 ----------- My actual work commute (varies 91-120 miles): 100 - 47 (EV) = 53 53 - 23 (EV 1/2 charge at work for free) = 30 30 / 46 mpg = 0.65 gallons 0.65 x $3.90 (Premium CA) = $2.53 12 kWh x $0.11 (yes, in CA) = $1.32 $2.53 (gas) + $1.32 (EV) = $3.85 total with partial work/public charging ((100 - 47) / 46 mpg) x $3.90 + $1.32 (EV) = $5.81 (home charge only) (100 / 58 mpg) x $3.70 = $6.40 (hypermiled Prius, CA Regular gas) Actually, it's often lower since I stop in a local downtown area for free charging on my way home so I often use 0.3 gallons of gas or less. Soon, I'll have real 240V charging at work instead of sharing a 120V outlet so I'll use even less gas and often none at all with a total commute fueling cost of just >>> $1.32 <<<. As for long road trips on vacation, I just did a long drive from the San Francisco area down to Southern California and back and averaged about 46 mpg gas-only and around 54 mpg overall with charging included. I'm perfectly happy to drive 60 mph in a Volt instead 75 mph in a Prius to get that mileage. I had a pleasant drive and enjoyed using a reasonably priced public charging station just 3 short blocks from where I was visiting.
I had the bikes on the Volt. We drove together, probably within 25 yds of each other the whole trip. She keeps the windows up but she doesn't use much A/C, she likes it about 80 and I like it at 74. She was driving our 07 Gen 2 with a fresh oil change and tire rotation with the tires inflated to 40. I guess next time I could put the bikes inside the Volt and get 46mpg CS on the highway like other Volt drivers.
If I just worried about minimizing cost I would have kept my 95 honda.. Nothing would have put me in a Cruze, if I had not bought a volt it would have been a Model S.. Cruze may be cheaper up front but that does not make it a better deal. Quality of drive/life counts too. Gas is not $3, and the 12,000 miles was just using the average.. I do a bit more and expect the financial break even to a cruze to be about 8 years.. And I get a much nicer car and its better for the environment as I buy green power.
Good point, I on the other hand could not add up my bank account with savings of multiple short commutes, as mine tend to be 75 to 125 miles in general. However, since I definitely drive farther than I can trust going soley on battery as with the leaf, for my case I would have to choose the volt if forced between the two. I'm just the opposite as you.... Because I make so many long trips, I save more that makes up for the few times I do a short commute. SCH-I535 ? 2
have you actually tracked each driving trip from home? I know a lot of people who say the same thing (because they do drive 100+ miles a day, 5 days a week) but still have a lot of shorter non commute trips where it would work for them. now, in a household where both commuters drive that far, an extended range hybrid is your best bet, but if one of you has a shorter commute, then its hard to dispute the advantages of an EV DaveinOlyWA: November 2012 Driving Stats There is also exceptions to the extreme. Steve Marsh works at Taylor Shellfish Farms in Shelton WA (about 20 miles from me) his commute is 130+ miles round trip. he does charge at work (VERY nice employee perk!) which is why his LEAF is exceptional. that and the fact that he has 57,000+ miles on his LEAF in 18 months of ownership
I think you might not be understanding the math. You would use less gas driving a Volt, with a full charge, for your "75 to 125 miles" than you use in a Prius. That puts more " in the bank" and then your shorter EV only commutes put even more "in the bank". That Prius used to be considered a gas-sipper compared to a 20mpg sedan but today it's a gas guzzler in comparison to an EV or a PHEV.
I know figures may be conservative, but at best its a wash, while it would be fun to drive with much more electricity. We both drive into fort Worth so trading does not help... My next car will be for my wife and teaching her to plug in every time will not be worth it. She is an executive and while fun to show off to others, she would be embarrassed to force adults to sit in the back the way your feet are cramped under the front seat. We are getting closer... Prius made a hit by making a car that's practice to ride all yourself as well as use as a family car. The volt is more of a sports car. With the extreme rise of popularity of minivans, crossovers, and hatchback type subs, it's apparent cars are expensive enough to insure, register and have a place to park that many folks really need the versatility rather than have have many cars like several pocket knives. Not to mention depreciation. I think I'm going to save her the hassle, save some money, and give her a car with more interior room. The prius plug in is still on the table, while ev doesn't compare to the leaf and is a third of the volt, the Extended range is great... The larger battery combined with existing technology makes for an efficient machine. If the volt had a little more rear feet space and a lower price, it would be a much harder choice to not turn it down for all around use. I think the rear compartment should be smaller to afford more rear passenger space.... You can always throw some groceries in the rear seats if the back fills up. SCH-I535 ? 2
I will agree that the rear seats can be a little cramp, especially if the front seat occupants are tall and have the seats all the way back. The second row seat of my old Land Cruiser feels more cramped though. I can't remember ever riding in the back seat of the Prius so I won't compare. People say it seats three but my kids complained that it really didn't. For the driver, and front passenger, I find the Volt much more comfortable than the Prius. I can't lower the seat enough on the Prius and I have to constantly lean over to see traffic lights at intersections. Too bad your next vehicle has to be for the wife. It sounds like you would get more out of a sporty PHEV. Skip the PiP until they increase the range of the battery though. There seem to be lots of charging stations around Dallas/Ft Worth. I should send your wife a brochure for the Tesla S.
Tesla would be " myyyyy" car! Sounds like it's pretty tight inside though.. I haven't studied it due to the high price. Pm me if you think i would be interested... Don't want to high jack the thread. SCH-I535 ? 2
Numbers you are showing are really too small potatoes. Its' like splitting hairs, not at all impressive. As far as the free charging, godd for you, enjoy it while it lasts. DBCassidy