Mine is 8 days old and 900 miles and I'm coming to the conclusion that strange things like this are just part of the complex Prii psyche or personality. Or multiple personalities, one for each of the 12-14+ (Who really knows) computers. :juggle: Generally speaking, if the lights and beepers aren't too annoying, and no really bad smells or sounds are present, you just reboot and resume if it runs. The other day I was napping a bit in the car and some VERY strange noisee woke me up ! I swear it sounded like squirrels jumping up and down on the roof ! I got out an no squirrels... ? Read something about some fuel thing that might happen 5 hours after shutoff. Maybe... Had a brief light flash on the trouble board the other day when I lost my brakes briefly. I was coming to a very gentle "partial stop" at low speed, and I don't recall anything slippery on the road. Hasn't recurred... Yes, the Prius has various personalities, gremlins and perhaps a few ghosts of Toyota engineers who paid the ultimate price by Karōshi: KarÃ…Âshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (過労死, karōshi?), which can be translated quite literally from Japanese as "death from overwork", is occupational sudden death. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress.:flypig:
Hi Michael, Five hours after IG-OFF, the engine coolant heat recovery pump may come on so that the engine ECU can assess the ability of the coolant storage container to maintain the hot coolant at the expected temp.
OK, cool, thanks... but does it sound like squirrels loudly banging on the roof or should I check for critter holes in my car ? Or maybe it was just a bad dream.
I just read through this entire thread again... I'm going with solar flares. If they can take out an entire electrical grid, they can reset a Prius. Bob
so i filled up on saturday before a road trip (hit the reset on the mfd and my trip odo) and everything was looking great. I was near costco today so i filled up again (had 3 pips left). My MFD was reading 47.9 before i filled up. When i calculated my MPG, it was only 38? I do not drive the car hard AT ALL!! Why such the difference? Any ideas?
You know, I have read the manual, read the posts on this forum and I have to admit, I still don't understand what the heck this car is doing or capable of doing. I've told my wife that I'm about ready to give up and let this car do whatever it wants. I'm in peace.
Believe it or not my right side rear window has gotten stuck down twice. Somehow it magically fixed itself and I haven't had any problems with it since last year so maybe you aren't the crazy idiot of the day after all.
I'm sure this is not the case since the ICE still runs. But, when you mentioned the kids, it reminded me of an incented years ago, before locks on the gas tank door. My buddy's kids were soooo proud that they filled up Daddy's car just like he does, except with the garden hose. How do you scold them when they're soooo proud of themselves. I know this wasn't the case here, it just gave me a chuckle when I remembered it. Do you know anyone with a OBDII scanner that could check for any trouble codes for you. Also, I had intermittent problems on an older car with the float valve in the gas tank sticking. Just thoughts, hope you resolve it. It would make me nervious too on a new car. Good luck!
Interesting quirks - resetting trip odo A resets the MFD, resetting trip odo B doesn't. I filled my tank a couple weeks ago and the MFD milage reset, but nothing else did; Not a trip odo, not the MPG on the MFD. I just went ahead and reset trip odo A and the MFD reset at the same time - no problems since. I'm just guessing that Toyota hired some software engineers from microsoft. If the issue repeats, I'll check with the dealer.
Do you have kids - My 3 year old has been guilty of holding the switch down contiunuously and tripping the thermal breaker in the window motor. After waiting a few seconds, I was able to put the window back up.
Repeats consistantly - it seems that when i fill the tank, (complete or partial) the MFD resets. i couldn't find anything in the manual about this. Anybody know if this is normal? I'll have to try just opeing the fuel door or in conjunction with removing the cap withour adding fuel to see what triggers this reset. OK - this appears to be intentional for some reason. When you put in enough gas (not sure how much it takes) you get an autopmatic reset. After filling up, you drive for a minute or so and the MFD milage will automaticlally reset. AWpparently, based on the initial post, if your fuel leve sender gets confused, it will do the same thing.