I drove from Central Fl. to Northern Ohio and avg 47 mpg, driving speed limit and had A/C on most of the way. I love this car, wish the next generation of Prius would come out with even better fuel economy. Has anyone used Synthetic oil and if so does it improve fuel economy. If more people would drive this car we could reduce our need for foreign oil. Right now oil is going to push into a serious recession.
Alright, here's a photo: My other post of 3.0l/100km is true, but the engine was already warm at the time. The photo above included cold-dead starts to-and-from work (3 days, 70km roundtrip avg).
I am happy to report that my second fill up was one gallon-ish less (8 vs 9.5 gallons) and I traveled 49.5 miles further. Lastly my MPG jumped from 47.51.. to 59.86... First tank = 430 miles @ 9.05 gallons = 47.51 MPG (mixed traffic --200 Hwy) Second tank = 479.5 miles @8.01 gallons = 59.86 MPG (mixed traffic -- 75 Hwy) * Temps were 50 plus average for first tank. * Temps were 60 plus average for second tank. I improved my hypermill/P&G techniques. I can't do it at will, but I am able to go stealth quite often from 50MPH dropping to 43 MPH and again at the usual under 41 MPH, that helps a lot No, I will not be reporting every tank fill up. This was just such an unexpected jump in improvement. Note: I edited my original post because in my haste, I forgot that I did not clear my trip odometer after leaving the gas station from my FIRST fill up. Hence I shorted myself 19.5 miles to home, and my calculations for my second tank (speed kills). Looks like I was just shy of 60 MPG. In a way I am glad. I don't want things to come too easy. But I am going for it.
OK after a year of driving (> 18K miles) my Prius I feel it's now OK to join this club. See signature for data. This spring every tank has been >60 MPG and the numbers are rising with the warming temperatures. LMPG = 57.1 (since the 5K break-in period = 58.8 MPG) ... now if I could only stay off the HWY - ~50% of my driving is on it. Best tank (last one) 63.5 MPG driving 542 miles.
my last tank i got 49.1 which is not at all bad considering i live on top of a hill and half to go up and down about 4 times a day...that was mixed highway and in town
So is this exclusive to Prius or can the TCH join in? I got 65 MPG on the Prius, and 39.9 on the TCH.
i have learn how to drive again. city last 3 tanks avg 59.6 ( 56-62mpg) i found out to remove my shoe and drive with my big toe hwy im still getting 44mpg due to avg speed of 75 OD to date 4400miles
Yeah, I'm missin' my F150; but HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, I just filled up my new '08 Touring and calc'd 60.02 mpg! Holy CRAP! I am LOVIN' this car!! KMA, Osama! :whoo:
I have just managed to get my first tank to beat, if only just, the official 65.7mpg, getting 66.6mpg (UK) over 624 miles (single 10 gallon tank). I did this by bringing the car up to speed (25mpg) then keeping the throttle light to give 75mpg on the consumption screen, amounting to an assisted glide on the flat. The air temperature was typically 20 C which helped, and the upper grill is blocked.
My first 3476 miles with an average of 49.3 MPG (3476miles / 70.497 gallons) of mostly western NC highway which is going up or down with curves. I only trust miles divided by gallons used for true MPGs.
I have had my prius for 5 weeks. Best MPG, so far, was 51.2. I seem to be averaging between 48-49 mpg. 2008 Prius
Trip from Las Vegas to Sacto, I was able to maintain 60 MPG, with some intensive drafting. Maintaining 3-4 car lengths. Always looked for a 18 wheeler going 60 -65, (hard to find). It seems the higher the price of gasoline the faster the traffic is moving. Totally contrary to logic.
To Bushface: The main problem with calculated mileage is; with this peculiar bladder tank plus the auto shut off systems is, one cannot tell when full is full. also calculated and after two years gave up. I now just trust the computer. We are now appparently ALL doomed to trust computers.
I am getting about the same 46-50mpg - I think I'll get better as the temperature warms up - we're still in the 30's in the am and the 50-60s in the pm.