Got my 2007 in early December, and I am still loving it! I drove my first tank the same way I used to drive, which is better known as "crappy". I got 41 mpg. That was disappointing, but I thought "I bet there is more information out there to read about". Boy, was I wrong about that. There's a TON more information out there. My fourth tank still has 3 pips left, and I'm sitting on 54.1 mpg / 402 miles. After that baby breaks in by the warmer spring, I plan on going for 60 mpg / 600 miles. Then my buddy who claims "nobody can get advertised mileage" will be getting a digital photo of the MFD. Sucker. Thanks to all the knowledgeable folks for sharing their wisdom.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MegansPrius @ Jan 4 2007, 10:38 AM) [snapback]370702[/snapback]</div> So far the experiment is working. We have taken two trips one to GA and one to NYC from VA, average of 42mpg on Interstate 95 going 65-75mph. For two adults, plenty of room and comfortable ride. We did get aftermarket leather seating ($895), through the dealer, which really adds to the aesthetic value. I used mine as SUV for loading Lime and Fertilizer bags in the back, it did fine. These replaced a 2001 Mazda Tribute and 2000 Avalon. Nothing beats the Avalon as the best car made, but the Prius does fine. If it does not workout to have two, then my choices would be 2008-9 Highlander or Avalon. Green is nice, but is not my whole life.
This time I remembered to take a picture of the MDF at fillup. This tank was about 97% highway driving with speeds of 50-75MPH. Because of this, I'm using the EPA highway estimate of 51 MPG. (Sorry for the picture quality - I'm going to have to start taking my camera everywhere I go so I can stop using my phone for my mileage pics.) My previous tank was a little over 55 MPG. So that tank should count too since it was both highway and city driving. But, alas, I don't have a picture.
i just filled up for the first time and i avg. 58.0 mpg on the computer. i'm now on my 2nd tank with 137 miles at 60.3 mpg on the computer. too soon i believe to start calculating by hand.
I finally did it! :lol: I'm used to be a fairly aggressive driver, so its been tough for me to average better than 55 mpg before. I was doing REALLY good, >57mpg, until that cold snap ealier this week. I thought I was going to drop below 55 mpg, but I always managed to find some time to pulse-and-glide my way back up again. I managed 55.2 mpg and 503 miles by the time I made it to the gas station.
I have been doing a regular "once a week" trip from NW Vermont to Central Mass for the last 3 months. Round trip ~ 400 miles - 99.9% Interstate, I/89 to I/91. Since the trip is very predictable, I did some tests. I fill up on the way to work, car sits there for 5 hours (until 1 PM) then I go to MA. Car sits for 1 hour then I come home. I stop at the same 2 rest areas every time (about half way) for about 5 minutes (no actual time to 'rest' ). After plotting my mileage I can tell: Wind direction if significant ( > 10 or 15 MPH) I have seen as high at 57 MPG for the trip home with a south wind. With no wind, the trip down is always several MPG better than the trip home. Relative Temperature Speed (Tests done at 58 MPH and 68 MPH) Even on the cold winter days (temps in single digits F) I average over 50 MPG at 58 MPH. When it was warmer (started in Nov so range is around 40 - 50 F), I averaged about 54 MPG at 58 MPH. This beats the EPA test ratings for 'highway' especially given their tests have a much higher ambient temperature range, a lower average and top speed and I have LOTS of hills, they have none. I can't post the chart at the moment, I'm at the Toyota dealer getting the oil changed. WAY too frequent even at 5,000 mile intervals since my 'normal' driving is ~ 1,000 miles per month and I've added 1,600 extra miles! My MPG at 68 MPH is about 15% lower and the trip takes 1/2 hour longer each way. What would people give to get 15% interest on their bank accounts?? What DOESN'T change at 58 MPH vs 68 MPH- I am passed by almost every car I see in my rear view mirror at both speeds.
So, are we going to be seeing a lot of new posts given the EPA's new ratings, or is the unwritten rule going to remain pre-2008 mileage standards? More info from USA today:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Apr 14 2004, 04:10 PM) [snapback]11617[/snapback]</div> Posting here is fine, but it's a lot better to post your mileage on the government fuel economy site:;model=Prius After creating your free account, the site will automatically calculate your MPG while maintaining a record of your fill-ups, mileage, fuel cost, and dates. You can also look at what MPG other owners are getting, and share your MPG with others.
My Girl Friend and I just drove 336 Miles this weekend. We achieved 59 Miles Per Gallon. We are very very happy. I took a picture of the Energy Display monitor for proof of this amazing event. My journey began by driving over to the local Highway Patrol office, and asking an officer what was the lowest speed I can travel on the freeway. He said, " Are you driving a Hybrid "? I told him yes I was. I told him the Gas mileage goes up a little when I drive around 60 Miles Per Hour, but that I wanted to know the lowest legal speed I could go. He said, just keep it over 50 miles per hour and stay in the right lanes on the freeway. So I keep her at 55 or 56 Miles per hour, at times I've had her up to 65. Want to keep the wind resistance low though. and plug I really enjoy driving at the lower speeds, it's an entire new experience, coming from a background of car racing and motorcycle racing, now here I am in my prius trying to maximize my Miles Per Gallon and getting just as excited as if I won a race or something. It's really grate, It's like I'm racing to get the best MPG's rather than a speed race to waste them. I love my Prius! Joseph M. Pasadena, CA.
Winter ! ! ! Best winter tankful (come on you first 20mile's in the tank/only posters! . . . show us your WHOLE tank ...) so far: This is driving freeways speeds with 2 or 3 other carpoolers ... between 38 degrees and 55 degrees end of So. California winter. Good year integrities (suck for wear and tear ... 2nd set in only 54K miles ... just installed Michelin hydroedge's yesterday, so we'll report later how they affect mileage) were the tires used on this last winter tankful. Sorry about the lousey camera pic. The PiP was blinking for the last 20 miles and I HAVE gone as far as 50 miles on the blinking pip ... to get 600 miles per tank, but during early morning driving? Not as many gas stations open so I didn't chance running out.
For my first 30,000 miles typical 51MPG, highest 53MPG for full tank averages. Just had Toyota install HydroEdge tires at 30K service and first tankful average is about 49MPG. Expect to improve as tires break-in.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusSpace @ Apr 20 2007, 06:26 PM) [snapback]427026[/snapback]</div> Hi PriusSpace, & welcome! I'm on my 4th tank after installing hydroedges. Warmer spring temps haven't helped me regain the same mileage as I was getting on the Integrities. First spring tank DID beat the new epa (I got 580 miles on the tank at 57.8mpg), but but the old 60mpg epa? The hydrogedges are going to make that a tough row to hoe. Trade off is that the tires are warranted 'till NINTY thou ! ! WOW ! !
To date one of my best averages, it's a Dutch screen, and it's about 63.5 mpg. Normal European driving without slowing down any traffic. To see all my stats (as well as other European Prius's visit ) It's German/English and self explanatory [attachmentid=8139]
My 2007 Chevy Tahoe is rated at 21 mpg highway and over the weekend I drove 351 miles and averaged 23.7 mpg with 4 adults in the vehicle.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aussie_ @ May 18 2007, 12:04 PM) [snapback]444957[/snapback]</div> Whoa. The hardest thing is to wrap my mind around the fact that lower numbers are better; when I first looked at your screen, I thought that it was a remarkably poor run. Well done. . .