Bleh! No way in hell! These are my sunglasses... [Broken External Image]: Smith Salsa in black. Yes I like the color black. Edited to add: those 'insectuous' sunglasses look like the style that Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka might be interested in. [Broken External Image]:
Hey Jen - you're gonna have to change your signature block soon - maybe after your first fillup you can upgrade your greenhybrid data...
I know! I might just remove it in the meantime since I won't have the Saturn any longer come 7pm. But having only put ~55 miles on the Prius thus far, I think I will go ahead and wait till the first fuel up to add the greenhybrid data for it.
Wow. Yet another former Saturn owner switches to a Prius. What is it with Saturn to Prius drivers? What did you have? I had a 1996 SC2 Coupe. It was also black with a tan leather interior. Sold it to my sister and my nephew is driving it. Now swears he'll never drive anything but a stick. I have a 2005 Black #1 with ivory interior. Congrats and I am with you. The Prius has spoiled me for all other cars. I'll never drive anything else unless they make an even better Prius. I'm waiting to see what 2009 has in store.
I had the same car as you, but with tan cloth interior and it was an automatic. Soon to be gone... Thank you, Ebay
Actually, it means that this whole time I figured you were just another guy waiting for a Prius. Perhaps even one of the guys in your avatar. Oh trust me, it's a pleasant surprise and with more women coming on board the 2007 Priuschat calendar is taking on a whole new perspective in my head.
Funny...I think I've had my name (a very female name, I might add) in my signature since somewhere around post #5 of mine; I've also have one of 2 pictures in my profile for the last few months too. Thought those would be dead giveaways.
You're counting on people's level of "observance". As a nurse I am pretty observant, that is not the case with lots of folks (especially guys!) I knew you were Jennifer and you did post another picture on a forum didn't you?
Check out what I remembered about my first girlfriend... ...15 years ago: (I'm Sportbike Cowboy)
When I saw Jennifer in your signature, months ago, I clicked on your username and up popped your picture. I thought that everyone did that.
Jeez! Would you guys please zip it back up! As soon a a chick posts on any website the horndogs go nuts. No wonder the Internet is really one big sausage fest. Maybe you missed the part about her husband? Ok... might as well join the fray... Hey Rancid! Nice color! You what they say... heh heh... once you go black... heh heh hehehe hehehhehehhehehhheeh
8 Miles on the odo means the car was test driven and when people test drive cars they floor the hell out of it, hence the 12 MPG. I hate that, I initially found a prius with 7 miles on it and the wife didn't want it unless we couldn't find another one anywhere else. Found my Prius with 1 mile on it, fresh of the truck, just prepped and ready to sell at Carson Toyota, they sell above MSRP now according to those here. Alex
CONGRATS JENNIFER!!!! I love the view of your Prius from the window at work! I love "odd" angle photographs... Did you mail off your DMV application, yet? ENJOY!!!! Karin