They want about ~$1674 for labor alone (which apparently has about a $200 pad for things like fluids and such ) ... it would also take about $200 for a tow-ride to the location. (The ICE is likely in the high hundreds and a refurb I'm guessing in the thousands) of course toyota wants $2600 for LABOR ALONE -- they claim upwards of 20 hrs labor while small shops start around 14 hrs ...
XGUAGE SOC reports 26.5% -- Does the HV fall everytime I turn the IGN on, even while charging the 12V ? Once I turned it on and there were several bars and then back down to one after ~a minute.
26.5% SoC is VERY LOW. I've NEVER seen my normally operating Gen 2 Prius have an SoC that low. IIRC, if it gets near 40%, 1 or 2 bars on the MFD (see Prius Palm Mileage Simulator), the ICE will run. I don't think I've seen it fall below 35% SoC w/the engine roaring while climbing a steep grade. (I'm using an SG II and using an XGauge to monitor % SoC.) Putting the the car in READY mode (on a normally functioning car) should cause a drain on the HV battery, esp. when it tries to start the ICE.
IGN on will not drain the HV battery. The the System Main Relays (the contactors connecting the HV battery to the inverter and DC/DC converter) are only closed in Ready Mode. On each attempt to start the ICE, MG1 cranks the engine for approx 6 to 10 seconds (assuming the engine will spin). Each of these start attempts will drain the HV battery approx 1%. At 26% remaining, you won't have many chances before the HV battery SOC goes too low and the HV-ECU locks-out further attempts.
another accidental (force of habit) while moving the thing it tried a start so it is prob down to 25.5% soc now .. (or i could just check the scan guage II!!) ***** I have some pics of a potential replacement engine ... this 2005 salvage car (same year) was impacted from the front left (where most of the engine is closest) .. so a broke bracket and pipe in the front ... but .. otherwise would appreciate your feedback on it .. thx .. ***** [/IMG]
here you can see a broken bracket (down by flywheel ) and chinked out piece of pulley on right (which will require both being pulled from hydro-locked motor)
here is the very nice looking (pretty bright red tube covers- which I hope were put on immediately the day it was pulled) flywheel (back-side) of engine .. it is humid in florida and no doubt this shop is not air conditioned or even de-humidified, evidenced by the layer of rust on flywheel
intake side (removed - i'm sure it got crushed somewhat) - notice pipe that is mangled and crushed a bit ..
Here's photos of a "good" engine. The brackets on the exhaust side are not needed. The water pump side should look like below. If you transfer over the metal coolant tube from your old engine (under the intake) make sure you get a new gasket from the dealer. And before you put the engine in might as well install a new water pump...much easier to do on the bench than in the car. AISIN pumps are cheap and identical to the Toyota pump...except the word "Toyota" is ground off of them.
are those gen1 engiens NW10 ? .. yeah i know .. the crap is rusty because its humid in FL .... but supposedly less than 50k miles ... maybe if i make a low offer he will take it to get rid of it ....
The engine in my photos is a gen2, 2006. There may be internal differences in the engines so best to use a Gen2 engine if your car is Gen2. I wouldn't worry too much about external surface rust, as long as the engine has lowish mileage and good internals you should be fine. Make a low offer, recyclers don't sell a lot of Prius engines, plenty of supply, not a huge demand (yet).
i think i'm going to concentrate on a little higher mileage motor but the wrecked car did not have the serious impact right at the motor corner so there wont be broken and bent crap to replace and hopefully less rust as it has been sitting shorter .. its bad enough to do the labor on the swap let alone the unknowns of how bad was damage done to the exterior connection to the block ...
i was reading in the tech svc manual and they want you to pull the dash top out to be able to get to some exhaust removal thing ... i wish they would have put a typical time allotment next to each procedure !!
The only thing near the dash that has to come out is the engine wiring harness (5 plugs) behind the glovebox. I think "book time" for Prius engine swap is around 18 hours, but it takes less the more times you do it! The factory repair manual often makes things look more complicated than they have to be.
its amazing how hundreds of dollars changes a mechanics mind ... the guy 20 miles southe gave me the best deal of $500 + 100 (max for extra fluids and crap) but threw a fit for paper quote (ie email /fax) so .. i just decided he was not really that interested (though his mechanic claimed to have done a camry hybrid engine before) ... then the guy i am sending the engine to shop (to avoid the redisential delivery fee) -- i asked what the R&r to the prius would be .. at firest he said no, had afriend killed working on high voltage .. then he said he couldnt find it in his books to work ono ahybrid .. i had to convince him there was not much danger once the high voltage was unplugged and there was no programming computers because it is a mechanical swap ... then he kept asking ' how much do you want to pay into this' -- (which sounds really like a real estate or car lot salesman ageent saying 'how much money do you to buy a house/car today' --- then he was trying to get inbetween the btm. quote and the run of the mill book quote .. --- this without is shop having done a hybrid before .. am perfectily willing and able to get it to an enclosed shed with lots of space to work on ... but if a mech shop can get it done in a few days that '__sound-__' nicer than me spending weeks on it ..
If the guy is an experienced mechanic and has Prius specific questions I'd be happy to talk to him on the phone, but if he's done an echo/yaris/corolla it's very similar. Once the orange plug is pulled there is no way he can get hurt with HV electricity in the engine bay.
yes , i had to tell this guy that .. and thats is purely a mechanicel change with electrical connectors to be unplugged .. i think the key word was 'there is no computer reprogramming' necessary .. but the fact that i had to tell the guy that and when u hear ' how much are u looking to spend' it sounds to me like ' hey sucka, how much cash can i suck from your billfold, ' - its gonna be hard to get someone htat actually has done much work on hybrids and i may just not want to entertain their learning curve on my dolla
well i have the motor -- it is in great shape seemingly AND I can turn the crank by hand 1/2 turn each way (though i dont try more as oil is drained out of it) - 2 little connector broken (1 is ground wire and the other is a small red/black to something) -- all in all it looks great, EXHAUST is on , INTAKE and A/Cleaner on (small tab broken but i'll put my old one on inplace) -- no bend and mangled water pipe under intake, no chink out of idler pully and no broken brackets!! There is almost NO DEMAND for a prius engine --- because they are the least likely thing to go bad in the car ...
ws wiper assembly off, transported car to shed -- radiator and fan assembly out , invertor out .. then i was reading the manual and ----- taking the dash out ? taking the wheel drives, tie rods , etc out ??? every dang procedure refers to another page and yet another .. and some even more ... ---4000 pages and probably gonna have to print 250 of them ..