Wow. I'm surprised to hear about FireEngineer and freshmtt's experiences with the staff at the Days Inn. Being a lifelong New Yorker, I'm kind of used to receiving that type of ornery treatment on a daily and often hourly basis. It seems to be the standard operating procedure for service providers here. Walk up to any NYC MacDonalds cashier or call any NYC government office help desk, and the mere act of saying "Hi" becomes, at best, a negotiation. But I wouldn't have expected any of that from service providers in Wisconsin. Maybe I've been spoiled by the shiny, happy people at Lands' End, and by ericbecky and galaxee?
As you can imagine, the manager, Steve, is very concerned about any misinformation or problems that are happening. I talked again with him this morning. Now, to be honest, I must admit Hybridfest asked for some unique requests regarding extending the pricing beyond our room block date. So this could be adding to the confusion and I apologize for our part in the complexity. As of this morning there were a few rooms left, in limited configurations, with Saturday being the bottleneck. The hotel has been very accommodating in many other ways, so please come in with an open mind. We always have an electronic survey after Hybridfest so please consider responding. Feel free to give honest feedback, both positive and negative so that we can make the Hybridfest experience even better in 2009.
WEll, I only did talk to just one kid when I called, it is very possible he was brand new, but he did not mention that he was new and did not understand all the ins and outs of the reservation desk.. So maybe other reservation agents knew what to do, I was reallly not much a big deal though, I just went online and booked a room with my government rate which was comparable and in the price range of the rooms that had been set aside for the Hybridfest members. I was just taken aback some that he actually told me not to call back till Saturday, and I was calling them on a Weds, I half expected him to tell me to call back later in the evening or the very next morning, but almost 3 days later was like,, WOW,, but then again he could have been brand new on the job. I am really looking forward to the event and the stay at the Days Inn. The place looks pretty good from the pics on their website. I'm just now waiting to see if I am supposed to get anything else from the registration I did for Hybridfest. I paid the $85 fee online and did get my confirmation from paypal that my payment was made to them. Eric, I guess when I get to Hybridfest my name will just be on the registration info when I go to the booth to check in? I did sign up for email alerts so will more info be sent out via email? I'm counting the days till July 19th..
Everyone will get an email this weekend with some "housekeeping" items. - details about additional member only things - where to stay - heads up of items that will be mailed to you and you need to bring with you - address for the park - cab option between hotel and Hybridfest - etc. If you have other things that you'd like us to clarify, let me know.
Just got my vacation papers signed today. :high5: Still wondering - has anyone gotten/used the Napier Dome-To-Go tent, and can it be set up by one person?
We just sent this email out to registered members. Please PM me if you think you were missed or had trouble opening it. * * * * Third weekend in July. Madison, WI. Dane County Fairgrounds/Alliant Energy Center. Hall B Thank you for joining us for Hybridfest 2008! Since you have chosen to become a Hybridfest member you will enjoy "backstage" access to all the fun things that happen at Hybridfest 2008! So far members from the following states will be attending Hybridfest 2008 with you: Alabama, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, as well as locations in Canada. Hybridfest could not exist if it weren't for your membership support. We look forward to seeing you here in Madison. The rest of this email contains some initial housekeeping reminders. More will follow in July. HOTEL The preferred hotel is the Days Inn of Madison. 608-223-1800 Reservations must be made by Monday, June 30 to receive the Hybridfest rate. If you have not made your reservation at the preferred hotel, please do so ASAP. There are only a few rooms left, in limited configurations. Please contact the hotel directly. If this hotel completely fills we will announce the other hotel options via email and on the web site. There are two other hotels directly west of this hotel about a mile away. NAME TAG INSERTS Name tag inserts will be sent to everyone who is registered beginning July 8th. You MUST bring these name tag inserts with you and present them at the Hybridfest Member Check -In area to receive your goodie bag, pre-ordered meal tickets, etc When you check in you will be given a lanyard that will hold your name tag. If you are arriving on Saturday or Sunday, the name tag will be your pass to get through the Fair gates to the Hybridfest Member Check-In area. Without your name tag, you will be required to pay the $6 entry fee into the Fair. No exceptions. IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Days Inn of Madison: 4402 E. Broadway Service Rd., Madison, WI 53716 Olin Turville Park (All Friday activities are here): 1156 Olin Turville Ct., Madison, WI 53715 Dane County Fairgrounds/Alliant Energy Center: 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way; Madison, WI 53713 (We will be entering the Fair parking lot via Rusk Avenue through the Fair's Rusk Avenue Gate) LINKS TO MAPS In the case of Olin Turville Park and the Alliant Energy Center, the street addresses, while helpful, don't exactly align with their actual location or how you really get there. Using google we have created maps with actual directions. Here are links to two maps that you may find helpful. From Days Inn to Olin Park: From Days Inn to the Fairgrounds/Alliant Energy Center: from: 4402 E Broadway, Madison, WI 53716 to: 43.042547,-89.379573 - Google Maps (We will be entering the Fair parking lot via Rusk Avenue through the Fair's Rusk Avenue Gate) WHERE/WHEN MEMBERS SHOULD CHECK IN AT HYBRIDFEST All Friday activities are at Olin Turville Park. (See above.) Member Check In Noon - 9pm Saturday Member Check In will be inside the Fair, in the lobby of Exhibit Hall B. 9:30am-5pm Sunday Member Check In will be inside the Fair, in the lobby of Exhibit Hall B. Noon -2pm MPG CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS (Friday) Arrive no later than noon on Friday at the Olin Turville Park pavilion for driver check in. You must check in between noon and 12:20pm If you do not arrive on time, your slot may be given to someone on the waiting list. Mandatory drivers meeting from 12:30pm - 12:50 pm at the Olin Turville Park pavilion. Maps, designated times, and other instructions will be discussed. OWNERS SHOWCASE PARTICIPANTS You will receive a separate email with more instructions the week of July 7th or sooner. There is additional information we will be seeking. Specifically we will be looking for any cars that are uniquely modified. (special body modification, computers, hacks, PHEV's, etc.) VOLUNTEERS You will receive a separate email with more instructions the week of July 7th or sooner. HYBRIDFEST SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The current schedule of events for Hybridfest Members can be found on the Hybridfest web site at Become a Member Member events are July 18th, 19th, and 20th. We also want to thank all of our generous sponsors that make Hybridfest possible: Diamond Sponsor: Toyota Ruby Sponsor: General Motors Gold Sponsor: Madison Gas & Electric Company Silver Sponsors: CleanMPG. com, ecomodder. com, Quaker Steak & Lube, Wisconsin Public Power, Inc. Bronze Sponsors: Bentley Publishing, Coastal Electronics, Johnson Controls - Saft Advanced Power Solutions, Linear Logic - Scangauge II, Wisconsin Clean Cities Please feel free to email or call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, The Hybridfest Planning Team
Ok I'm in, but won't have my Prius with since I'll be flying in. I'm still trying to find a Prius rental car but not having much luck. BTW, if anyone wants to carpool from Chicago to Madison and back, PM me. See you all next week!
I made my reservation at the Days Inn early on and had trouble, in fact the first time I called them they said that the place was already full. After an email from Eric I called them back and hopefully got a valid reservation, at least I have a conformation number and a rate. I will be leaving a week from today with a stop at my favorite motel in St. Clair, MO Thursday night, then on to Madison on Friday. See you-all soon.
All is set with my reservation, I just called them up this minute and double checked and they have me in their system. I reserved on the website and have my king business room all set, I'm so excited
I hope to be leaving Monday morning. Hope my nametag is delivered before then, or I won't have it with me.
Neicy, Approximately, what daytime will you be arriving? As long as you arrive on Friday (or Thursday) I'll just hold off mailing your nametag and give it to you at the hotel or at the Park on Friday. sparkyAZ, I just found out Budget rent a car in Madison at the airport has Prius in their fleet. Oh... oops... I see you must be flying into Chicago.
I'll be leaving very early Wednesday. So if my name tags wont be here before Tuesday you can hold mine too.
I'm thinking about going. I'll fly in to Chicago late Friday night, catch a ride or rent a car, and stay at Area 51. Is anyone going to be near the Chicago airport late Friday? Force, I hope to see you there.
Eric, When will you be mailing the nametags. I will be leaving Thursday before the mail gets here. If you don't think that it will get to Tulsa by Wednesday at the latest, you could hold it too. I plan on arriving sometime after noon on Friday.
I just printed name tags for people who registered by the Wednesday July 9th. We are mailing tomorrow morning. Monday morning we will print and mail the rest. Let me know if you don't get them before you go.
If I get out of here Mon AM I should arrive by Wed night. I will most likely be cancelling the hotel reservation I made and staying at the campsite. I can pick up the nametag there - my mail doesn't come until 4-5 PM on Mondays and by then I will be gone.
Yep, I'm flying into Chicago Midway. I spoke with an agent at Enterprise today who told me they have them in their fleet but they can't promise they will have one available, even if I 'reserve' one.
Although there are some Hybridfest members staying at the campgrounds there are not any Hybridfest activities taking place at the campgrounds. Member check in (and name tags ) will be in the following places. WHERE/WHEN MEMBERS SHOULD CHECK IN AT HYBRIDFEST All Friday activities are at Olin Turville Park. Member Check In Noon - 9pm Saturday Member Check In will be inside the Fair, in the lobby of Exhibit Hall B. 9:30am-5pm Sunday Member Check In will be inside the Fair, in the lobby of Exhibit Hall B. Noon -2pm There are pre-show activities and after-show activities that will take place at the hotel all weekend long. So at some point be sure to stop by and meet up with fellow Members!
I'm so EXCITED!!!!! My documents arrived today. I put them in the glove compartment right away so I don't forget them. Rod