HV cooling fan question

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by Aaron Vitolins, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Data Daedalus

    Data Daedalus Senior Member

    Jul 6, 2013
    Wembley, London
    2008 Prius
    Thank you for the write up! We are presently experiencing a late summer heatwave in London, with 5.00am temperatures of 21c, hitting 31c in the afternoons, with powerful solar radiation to boot. The temperatures even hit a scorching (for London), 34c in the afternoon!

    Consequently, I have taken to using my A/C on the way to work in the mornings (set manually to 19c and fan speed number one). I'm naturally trying to keep that HV battery cool. Paradoxically, the vehicles HSD propulsion seems to perform much better with the HV battery receiving the extra cooling solution. As I perform a large portion of the journey in an average speed zone area, I use cruise control. It's interesting to note that the vehicle seems to choose to run more on EV when the road conditions are right, and the charge seems to last much longer with a cooler HV battery.

    In the afternoons, the commute home is accomplished by driving the first half mile with windows down, while trying to reduce internal temperatures raised by solar radiation while the vehicle was in the car park. This is followed by bringing A/C online - now "aggressively" at 18c and fan speed setting number two - on internal recirculate mode (in the mornings, perhaps due to the lack of solar radiation - it's still dark at 5.10am - the system doesn't default to recirculating, even though it does automatically in the afternoon!). I cruise along for a short while further, till I feel cold air wafting out of the vents, then it's Windows up and a very comfortable and cool ride back home. Again, the A/C is very effective, and the HSD propulsion system seems to perform quite admirably, compared to driving it on a hot day with the windows down.

    Despite the blistering (by UK standards) heat outside, the interior of "The Spaceship" remains very cool. I'm thoroughly impressed with the Prius A/C. The mpg penalty is truly negligible and more than worth both staying very cool, and NOT hearing the HV battery whirring away in the back, as it struggles to battle the super hot temperatures.

    I too have a laser temp reading device, and have experimented very much the same way. I'm convinced that protecting the HV battery with the A/C this way, is indeed the best solution during hot climatic conditions.

    p.s. Nothing beats standing temporarily in traffic congestion, and having the climate control systems continue to run perfectly off the HV (as per design), while cars around you swelter when their stop start systems shut them down. It's difficult not to feel kinda smug!

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