I read some more about it and I stand corrected. Apparently one has to measure drag with rotating tires and moving floor (treadmill style) to get exact results. BTW, how many replaced stock covers with these?
Wind tunnel tests focus on aerodynamics as opposed to dynamic rolling resistance of the tires and wheels. I would think that removing the wheel covers would pretty much offset the aerodynamic advantage vs the reduction of wheel weight. I know that the LRR tires are designed to be much lighter than conventional radial tires. Thus, less horse power used to get the car rolling. As for the purpose of the wheel covers, it's anyone's guess. Mine guess it that the design division had it's way.
not only that ... but this zombie thread is a zombie thread written after other plastic wheel cover zombie theads. It's a 9 year old deja vu all over again. .
With them on I get anywhere between 47mpg freeway and 52 city. I took them off and mpg dropped to 45. And on top of that it felt like the car was pulling a parachute. Just to keep it at the speed limit I had to go into power mode and the second I let off the gas I slow down drastically as of the parking break is on or something. I've tried it twice now hoping the first time was some other external effect like the wind or what not. Same thing happened the second time I reminded them.