Yeah I agree. Its a poll people...participate in the poll...don't participate in the poll. Why waste your energy trying to put people down who are interested in such things out of curiosity? As to why 37% of respondents replied $105,000+ and purchased lower equipped models. Why didn't I buy a Mercedes S550? I mean...just because you in theory "can" afford something doesn't mean you want to...or should. Income polls such as these are simply statistical, income levels are fairly meaningless when you figure the swings in the cost of living throughout this country.
Perhaps I need to restate my question. I cannot see the value in buying something for 90 cents, then paying 10 cents more for something that works less well than what I could have purchased for $1.
People think they can pay 90 cents and then pay 3 cents more. You see that in new houses all the time, people don't buy the granite and kitchen upgrades, don't put decks on and figure they will do it themselves for cheaper after the fact...and then never get around to it or realize its not as cheap as they thought to do it themselves...and never do it. When they call me 7 years later to sell their house...they have a sliding door that goes nowhere instead of a deck, and laminate counters Your assumption that people do that because they cannot afford the upgrades when purchasing, meaning they are buying outside their means, isn't really true. For instance...houses that are foreclosures usually have ALL the options. People who buy what they can't afford tend to go whole hog.
Yes In addition, wealth is best manifested in contentment. Being content with what you have is far more valuable than rolling in dough. Half of my family (at least) are basket cases, forever concerned with what tomorrow may bring. Contentment is best evidenced by knowing you don't want any more. Take the person with fourteen kids. That person is very likely content ... as they certainly don't want any more. .
20.000+....I wish....try 35000 for a Prius II in Canada, perhaps around 45000+ for the Prius V. If I were in the USA, I'd get
yep! i got my tech package (solar roof, nav, etc) (i think it's a prius 4 but curiously it's the most expensive in canada) for 39 999.99$ with tax. (i told him i wouldn't spent a penny more than 40K!) with the dollar almost at par, it's to wonder why prices are not at par!
Yep, options do make a difference... I can get a V w/Nav for a few hundred less than a IV w/Solar! But, I can't get a V w/Solar at any price!
A lot of people here taking umbrage. Don't be so uptight. If you don't want to answer the poll don't, nobody is forcing you to. I did answer the poll. We do decently but are relatively conservative with our money. Our other vehicle is a van worth about $5k.
I though I was being funny (but I have been told my sense of humor borders on bizzar so there you go)....look who's taking themselves too seriously...Seriously though when you do travel to Europe here is some advice... Don't ask people how what they do unless they volunteer and Dont grab merchandize off the shelf in a small French Grocery I the "ugly American" did both and found out the hard way why it was considered inappropriate. I agree this is a free can eat junk can be a can say whatever you want...and of course I can reluctantly respond to this thread one more time thus pushing it to the top again...but I can also cram the thread down to the next page (which some of you know I have done with other threads). You know what, a lot of the responses are really interesting afterall so I don't mind the thread least there is honest and meaningful discussion or "chat". I like all you guys even if I don't like all of what is said...In general best forum I have been on and I have been on a lot.
Dont be mistaken, the rest of the world is also free ;-) It doesn't revolve around the US...And just because there is different customs doesn't mean there is no freedom, no free speech...And perhaps even a little less false honesty, but most definitely speech at normal volume
But the problem with this quote is that you are assuming that the people that make over $105k are the people that bought lesser-equipped models and are now complaining about it. There is no way you can make that assumption.
That's a nice looking colour for your Prius...I was thinking about getting that before I switched to BP.
Sure you can... Where do you think the ole saying comes from, when you assume, you make an nice person of u and me!