Nice..sarcasm. @mac master yes fuji is awesome, but pricy @ tpfun. I actually just checked kbb and my prius is worth around 24k. I had no idea it was worth that much. I can get a lot of car for 24k and honestly guys.. come on im in college. I want something with more rumble than whine.
to the OP, if you can swing it, put on a nice set of 17" wheels and tires. Won't be cheap and will be a pain. I'd also recommend keeping the stock wheels for when you sell the car. 17's will devalue the car as it did not come with them (buyers will be skeptical). fyi, the 15's, plastic hubcaps and all were somewhat of a factor in passing on the Pri this time around. I need to see the Prius go to finishing school.
I think you should give it back to your generous parents and start taking Unitrans. Fuji's looks expensive when you're in college, but once you start working you'll realize it's actually a great deal, and you might even regret not going there more. You're saying all you can eat sushi is pricey but you're about to make a huge financial mistake...? I'm utterly confused.
I bike to school. How is it a huge financial mistake? I'm selling the prius for it's value and buying another car of equal value.
^Then why do you need a car at all? Give it back to your parents for them to sell to help pay for your education. And to answer your question, because higher cost you'll be spending on gas, registration, license fees, and insurance is not something you should be worrying about when you're supposed to be concentrating in school.
That's him. I see a lot of new technologies cars in the area. We have the Fuel Cell Partnership just down the road in West Sac so you will often find fuel cell SUVs driving down I-80 from Sac to Davis (speculation on their destination).
Make no mistake, Prius is to be driven for its drivetrain. That's the Gold in the car. Sporty looks, cool factor, swagger, power, forget it, not going to happen. It's just super smart and does what most cars ought to do - be clean AMAP and not waste gas.
Get what you want the most and enjoy it. Hopefully it is something efficient and low in emissions so I don't have to suffer for your interests. We were all young once and some of us spent decades racing and modifying cars. I wasn't as wise as my friend macmaster05 when I was his age or I would have been driving a Civic instead of blown Mustangs. Get your education finished up and good luck to ya, man.
Your frat buddies sound like popped collar douches. Tell them to f*&^ off and tell them their mom loves your Prius, then pull out a 30 pack of Beast Ice and tell em you paid for it out of your gas fund. Men (even young dumbasses) respect someone who can take S#!*, and give it right back. Why are you trying to impress a bunch of dudes anyways? What are you gay
Well, I think you turned out okay. By the way, Burgers and Brew is another Davis gem. Just had to throw that in there.
I hate that place! Too loud, tables too small and the burgers are not even as good as Red Robin. If you want some good food hit up the Indian food joint (Kathmandu Kitchen)!
Xdpker, I think you should sell it, but come to that decision on your own terms. It's not a girls car, you're friends sound like douchebags. Understand that and then do whatever you need to do. But don't do it out of peer pressure with any lingering misconceptions. That's something you might regret. Its got nothing to do with cars, but it might tell you what kind of person you are. These are the years a man becomes the person he'll be for the rest of his life, or whatever Spiderman's uncle said.
bigger rims, tint, drop, and debage it. Im in college, but alot of people believe it or not do not know what kind of car my car is.
Uh UH! I admit the seating is too small, but the buns are just right. Ooo, I love Indian food. Oh yeah, and Steves Pizza > Woodstocks.
YEAH!! Now you're getting me excited! I'm down for Steve's. Indian is good but burns my stomach up for the whole day, lol.