How to destroy America.

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Wildkow, Feb 11, 2006.

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  1. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    With all due respect Mr Schmika, WHO ARE YOU TO PASS A JUDGMENT on other peoples' lack of logic? Did it EVER occur to you that actually you yourself DISPLAY lack of logic with your cretinous moral judgement?

    Who are you? a priest and a cop at the same time?
  2. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    I nominate Mystery Squid
  3. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    You're right to a point. But, when one has done everything that needed to be done & gets zero results something's wrong. My whole original answer pertained to the numbers game. Here it's extra hard because too many people are flooding S FL. Like Isaid before, it's not a personal thing. I have never asked anyone for a handout. I just want gainful employment as I worked my butt off in college to get high grades and excel. Therefore, I expect to be rewarded. Isn't that why people go to college? Unfortunely, I've been out of college for 7+ years and have not been able land a decent job. I keep hearing about experience, but how does one get experience if he/she doesn't get hired?

    This whole post got way out of whack.

    There is no need for all the name calling and nastiness that's on this forum. Reasonable people respect other's opinions even if they disagree. I am like that. I respect other people's opinions. If I disagree with them it's no big deal.
  4. gschoen

    gschoen Member

    May 9, 2004
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    If "national unity" means everyone thinks the same and no dissent, you can keep it. They have that in North Korea and it's not working so great for them.

    The original Patriots of this county, the founding fathers, spoke out against the status quo, were branded as traitors by the government, and might have been executed had the colonies not won independence. Why today do we call the "patriot" the one who fails to dissent?

    When our whole country speaks in "unity" with one voice, we've betrayed our founding fathers and the ideals the country was founded.
  5. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    If I were a poor Mexican living relatively close to the US border, I'd be making my way over it, hoping to make a better life for my family. It would take less than a second for me to decide to leave Columbia.

    For the poor, conditions are horrendous in many countries. Maybe if we worked with those governments to improve the economies and living conditions in their countries, the US wouldn't be so innundated by people begging to get out.

    The Irish improved their economy within the past decade and most immigrants to the US have returned home.

    But Americans didn't scream bloody muder over illegal Irish immigrants.


    Might that be an indication of, err, "color preferences"?
  6. horton the elder

    horton the elder New Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    :mellow: Unfortunately, accepting responsibilities for his own troubles won't get him the job as I have found out. The immigration comments are just others way of saying "it's not fair and im pissed." Not necessarily indicative of him being racist. I would define empathy as the ability to put yourself into someone elses shoes who has had bad luck or different circumstances. Everyones responses just pretty much proved that americans don't have empathy, If you want proof of that just look at the responses. The responses are suggesting that you should have a job no matter how hard you look or try and it's all your own fault if you don't. If you want more proof than this I will be posting my survey results on my website, regarding corporate america, and how peachy everyone thinks it must be. Once again, the only way americans are capable of empathizing with one another is if everyone everywhere loses their jobs to outsourcing and has to take a job folding laundry somewhere or working for 1 tenth what they need to live. After that we'll all understand eachotherk, or vice versa, which I would much rather see, everyone has the job that they need to get by and live without worrying how they are going to eat. You could solve this quite easily as well, My solution is on my webpage if you want to read it. Three groups of pay at corporations, everyone in each group makes exactly the same. And then go and make college mandatory just like high school. Imagine that. If everyone had what they needed and we didn't have your marxist bastard regime in america where The rich get richer and poor get poorer. I just don't understand how in a democratic society we allow this type of crap.
    The marxist attitude by the way is what bred that hatred in the man that everyone has come to know as adolf hitler. Had the jews not sucked all the money up before the war, there may have never been a war.... And before you any remarks to this take a look at mein kompf, eng version published by houghton mifflin. Hitlers point of view and why he wanted to kill all these people. History has shown that an imbalance of society breeds hate in the hearts of the less fortunate. The best way to live is to balance the society and do away with the marxist concept without violence and by historical example. And if you all really believe in the conflict theory, which i know you don't. then we better start another civil war. I would really like to think that our society has matured past that stage since that time we have replaced the horse with a toyota prius and airplanes that fly past the speed of sound. In todays world marxism is quite obsolete because of democracy. The two words contradict eachother.
  7. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius

    And as far as the other comments about people on this forum not having empathy....we are trying to stand for the support of individuals who are abused and trying to make a better life for themselves. Can I be empathetic to someone who obviously is centered on his own woes? Not really, nor do I think I need to be. He has already said that he is too good for these jobs, he knows how he could improve his chance of getting the job he wants but has taken no steps to improve his language skills.

    Success is seen in the individual paths of the educated and secure. The people who, when presented with a situation that does not respond to their current level of knowledge, make an attempt to adapt and learn. The individuals in this country who are unwilling to learn will be the ones who tear it apart.
  8. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    You know, I love it when people quote the "founding fathers".

    Times have changed a bit from when all you needed to over throw the gov. was to rally all the townsfolk and give them guns...

  9. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    I have the PERFECT hat for that.
  10. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius

    i thought the responses said that just because you have a college degree does not mean you are entitled to anything. depending on the discipline, you may have to move to another place, depending on demand (or lack thereof) for people of your profession you may have to move or make a long commute. when you're entry-level, you do whatever you have to do to get past entry level... or you sit and complain about the mexicans.

    i would have loved to stay in my college town, get a job, and just live out my life there in peace. but no, there were no jobs in my discipline there, and getting a job in one of the nearby big cities isn't what i wanted. i moved across the country for grad school. when they send me on my way, i'll move across the country again to find a job. i could have just refused to do anything and then complained about how i didn't have a job that utilized my degree... but i didn't want to do that.

    now, your second point. this really doesn't sound, well, like it's saying anything good about the lower classes. sure, the have-nots are in some cases upset that they can't feed their kids while movies stars have 10 cars or more in their warehouse sized garages and multimillion dollar mansions. but you know, most of them don't care and are a little too busy procuring a living to worry about who has what.

    i grew up with not much of anything. it was a rough time and i don't care to repeat the situation for the next generation by, say, having kids right now in this stage of my life. the most useful thing i learned from all that is that you have to learn to be satisfied with what you can get or you'll never be happy in life. one of the greatest lessons my mother ever taught me. i think americans are too full of that "i'm american so i deserve this and this and this" attitude. no wonder noone's happy! they expect way too much from nothing, and instead of taking the blame for themselves they blame someone or something else.

    america has more than it's fair share of foolish, entitled-to-everything, completely blameless for their own problems people. how do people get hearts full of hatred? they put it there themselves. but many don't have the time or energy to spend on hatred so they don't bother.
  11. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    The whole "job displacement' thing is not just about the immigrant worker. Many older executives have been pushed into retirement or downsized and been unable to find new employment because they are now older than desired for their field. There is still a glass ceiling for women in the work place, as a nurse this is highly evident.

    I believe that a person's fate IS in their own hands. I can (and would) move for a job, I would (and have) returned to school to better my chances for a job, I can (and have) taken a lower paying position in order to get experience needed to advance my career.
  12. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH

    Huh????????? What judgement did I pass????Which of my examples did you find devoid of logic? Nope, not a priest!
  13. horton the elder

    horton the elder New Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Success is seen in the individual paths of the educated and secure. The people who, when presented with a situation that does not respond to their current level of knowledge, make an attempt to adapt and learn. The individuals in this country who are unwilling to learn will be the ones who tear it apart.
    :mellow: Here it is again, the idea that everyone has complete control over their destiny. If you think that you have complete control over your life, your in for a big surprise. You have an influence on your fate, but you dont control it. You can improve your chances by making a huge effort, but this doesn't always work. You are merely blowing around in the wind, tommorow could be your last day. You can work as hard as humanly possible, do an equal if not better job than everyone else, know more and still struggle to find work because you don't have have the right connections. You won't understand this until something happens to you that make it very clear to you that you don't have complete control over your life.
  14. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Here! Here!

    What song was it?

    "Your choices are half chance... are everyone else's..."
  15. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    Are you saying what I think you're saying with respect to the Jews in Germany before WWI?
  16. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    I just don't believe in the "Poor Pitiful Me Society". Things "happen" to people, I am not yet 50 but have seen my two brothers and my sister die very young before me of heart disease and cancer. I could not stop them from dying but how I choose to live my life after many losses gives me control. I could have just wallowed in self pity but that is not who I am.

    I was watching people driving home today and they are all so disconnected to the world in front of them, so few know how to interact, how to care about more than themselves and their tiny circle.

    "Had the Jews not sucked up all the money"...what a huge boulder you carry on your shoulders.
  17. Zacher

    Zacher New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    2006 Prius

    Funny, I pictured a BB up there...
  18. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    horton the elder, I'm calling you out. It's well over three hours since your post. I have a high tolerance for freedom of speech, but your remark is in the direction of anti-Semitism, if not itself an example.

    I'd like you to cite your references. I'm also putting a Moderator on notice, though I'm not asking yet that any action be taken against you.

  19. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005

    Why is it you can't say anything negative regarding Jewish people WITHOUT someone screaming anti-Semitism?
  20. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    A poll on this site said the largest income group that own Prius's is between $100-150K a year. I see posts talking about mexicans, Jews, and general BS.

    What does any of that have to do with getting gainful employment? I should have mentioned earlier that I am 55. If any of you think age discrimination is BS guess again. They say once you hit 40 it's hard to get a job.

    At age 55 it's all but impossible. Unless you will work as a slave to a suckhole like Walmart or some other horrible place. (I once worked at Walmart).

    Life is what you make it? Some of you live in the clouds. Reality is being forced to pay more taxes each year. Paying higher homeowner's insurance, auto, etc. always seem to take more. Expenses go up, pay doesn't. I am tired of paying for everyone else to live well while I have to fight for hours week to week. And adding insult to injury the maximum hours available with the school board are only 35/wk. Of course most every 2 week pay period has either a holiday or a 1/2 day so one can never get 35 hrs. I would be out of here today if someone offered me a job worth going to every day. I believe work should be something at least 1/2 interesting and not a place you don't want to be.

    If you work for a cheap nice person employer that doesn't raise your pay you have far less income to use for gas, entertainment, etc.

    My whole point was about not getting gainful employment through no fault of my own. I have not refused any offer of employment. I am tired of looking. It sucks.

    For a reason unknown to me some people think it's easy to get gainful employment. I'd sure like to know the secret to that one.
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