How to destroy America.

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Wildkow, Feb 11, 2006.

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  1. DeadPhish

    DeadPhish Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Outer Banks of NC.. Retired to play golf and poker
    2005 Prius
    It sure sounds a lot like what was said in the 19th Century about the Eyetalians and Micks and Jews. BTW there are still enclaves of separatism in certain areas. Oh and the ones that wanted to assimilate did and we are all better for it.

    This diversity and willingness to change is our strength. It's why many if not most of the significant developments in the last 100 yrs came from NA. Not perfected perhaps but certainly created from the cauldron of our diverse energy.

    I embrace change.
  2. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    I fully agree on both fronts.
  3. pfile

    pfile Member

    Dec 28, 2005
    bay area, ca
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    take note, everyone. this is why the left and progressivism is doomed in this country. this person should be a democrat but clearly he self-identifies as a conservative. by his own admission, he is a "have-not"... struggled hard, got an education, and yet... "where's my stuff?" if anyone should be a "liberal", here he is. but instead he sides with The Man, and swallows their propaganda hook, line and sinker.

    don't forget who is offshoring jobs and converting the american economy to a "service" economy. hint: it's not all democrats or "liberals". the overwhelming majority are card-carrying republicans - the CEOs and board members of every american corporation. don't forget who is spending billions and billions of dollars prosecuting a foreign war, while cutting budgets for education at home.

    i dont understand the obsession with "illegals"... they are doing jobs that no one else wants to do. does walker1 want to bus tables or pick strawberries? are those jobs standing between him and the work that he was trained to do? liberals want to crucify those who don't agree with their position? i thought conservatives were all about pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, self-reliance, hard work, and blaming no one but themselves when they fail. you know, all that ayn rand objectivist UberMench hooey. blaming immigrants for one's failures sure doesnt seem to fall into any of those categories. hmm.
  4. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    This pea-brained, inflammatory, racist crap is worthy of the Know-Nothings of the 1830s and the white supremacists of present-day northern Idaho.

    Wildkow, cdavid and walker: where were your forebears from? Were the six biolgical parents of the three of you Native Americans? If not, when each of them came to America, was he/she among the best-educated and/or skilled people to live here? For how many months or years did each---and his/her children---observe customs learned in the countries in which they were born, or continue to speak a language different from English, if that wasn't their native tongue?

    California nearly destroyed? The state with the fifth-largest economy of all the political entities in the world, including the 200-odd other nations? A state which has experienced Hispanic immigration for 150 years while it was achieving this growth? Please extract your heads from your butts.

    Is there a bill before Congress that I don't know about to make the US bilingual?

    How about a bit of recent history? In the 37 years from 1968 'til now, America has had five Republican Presidents whose terms totalled 25 years, and two Democrats with a combined 12. Only Gerald Ford and Bush I were considered even moderate Republicans. The others have been true conservatives, patriots all.

    Now: since WW II, have we been the strongest nation on the planet? Yes, we have. Has it been within our power to control our border with Mexico? (Even while we've been fighting four wars and assorted "police actions" during that time?) Yes, it has. Unquestionably.

    Then why would you suppose little or nothing was ever done during those 25 Republican years to secure our southern border? Did they cut secret deals with Mexican presidents? Were they on the take from the wealthy growers of cash crops in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California in whose obvious interests it has been to oppose any real crackdown on "illegals"? C'mon, Hispanic-bashers, tell me! And why has W gone 5 full years without doing anything about it, if he's the Great Conservative Hope?

    You boys are trashing the wrong culprits. You and I would do exactly the same as what those folks successfully sneaking into this country have done, were we in their shoes. But not one of their employers, to my knowledge, has ever been prosecuted for illegally paying non-citizen labor.

    Yes, we whites officially became less than 50% of California's population a couple of years ago. Am I scared? No. Bothered? No. Do I resent paying for the public education or health care of those Hispanic kids who, through no fault of their own, were born here? No again. As for the parents of those kids, I know exactly whom to blame for their presence in this state.

    Diversity and multiculturalism: do I worship them in and of themselves as if it should be national policy to strive for them? No. Do I resent it, or think "they" (which, in this state, includes at least 75 nationalities) are tearing the "social fabric" of CA or the US apart? No again. I think far more stress has been put on our "fabric" by indigenous American groups who variously traffic in drugs, porn and music that glorifies violence and hatred of/disrespect for females and legally-
    constituted authority.

    So take your "brilliant" perfessors and your profound silences and your 100% of conference attendees who simultaneously realized they were being flushed down the toilet by furriners---my, my, how did the author discover what was going on in the minds of all those profoundly silent folks?--- and run them past the Young Republicans at Liberty and Bob Jones, where they might be properly appreciated.
  5. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    Contemptible bulls*it.

    As a liberal, I've yet to participate in a crucifixion. Nor have I ever participated in any effort to silence the frothy-mouthed "pro-lifers" shouting their filth at women's clinics; nor would I. They and I both know that their hard-won freedom to loudly say anything they want in public (except, said Justice Holmes, "Fire!" in a crowded theater) was secured by Angela Davis, Mario Savio and others at the People's Park in Berkeley in the 60's. I agree with the greatest proponent of personal liberty ever to write in English, John Stuart Mill, that we should bend over backwards to protect the speech of even a minority of one person, no matter how repellent his/her thoughts might be to any given majority, simply because such freedom is a natural right.

    I am three credit hours shy of an M.A. and have been unemployed for three years.
    Walker1 and I will get the jobs we "deserve" when some screening committee forwards our names to some supervisor who thinks we're the right persons for the job(s). No matter how "overlooked" I may feel, I sure as hell am not going to blame those who were hired during those three years for my inability to get hired. A job with full bennies? Yeah, right. All the Republican-supporting businesses are eliminating or reducing health care and/or retirement benefits because the largely conservative doctors have so far torpedoed our right to national health care while simultaneously driving health care costs (with the complicity of money-grubbing insurers) through the roof, while the corporations have either stolen the pension funds, never did keep sufficient reserves, or squandered funds on shaky investments.

    Who always ends up paying for business corruption and/or incompetence (savings & loan bailouts, current retirement fund bailouts)? Why, the same folks who pay for our ego-driven wars. You and me, babe.

    Call it the conservative influence. ;)
  6. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    How to destroy America? Easy...

    Attack the country in a visible, shocking manner (say, flying planes into the world trade centres), to incite dumb politicians to declare war on (the wrong country) on the other side of the world with no evidence they had anything to do with the attack...


    Keep up a few minor attacks in other countries (for example, London), to keep people scared and keep politicians frightened.

    Politicians then authorize spying on civilians in their own country, creating east-berlin style files on everyone, restricting people's freedoms and privacy, violating the constitution, numerous other dubious illegal acts "in order to fight terrorism", etc...

    Seems like the most effective way to destroy a country is to make the dumb politicians in charge scared enough to violate their own laws and not be accountable to anyone...

    Starts America down the path towards an Owellian 1984...

    As they'd say in counterstrike... "Terrorists Win"...

  7. slortz

    slortz New Member

    Jun 6, 2004
    It's amazing how many people out there believe that the guy who is allowed to sneak across the border to mow their lawns and clean their toilets for less than minimum wage has the ability to destroy America.

    It seems like the anti-immigrant BS that so many have bought into goes like this:
    Dissatified with your life? Then it must be the fault of that guy that's trying to pull himself out of the gutter of Mexico. He is screwing things up for you! Hate him, not me! We'll still allow everyone to hire them when they come across, no penalties there, just make sure you pay them dirt and blame them for the downfall of America.

    Now here's the thickest sarcastic tone I can muster:
    Now it couldn't possibly be the politically powerless rich people in this country espousing this idea, now could it? Poor, poor, rich people are always the know it sucks so bad to be them, and they would much rather have the sweet deal free-ride that them illegal aliens are getting than be burdened with all of their cursed money. Rich people, seeing how they are so unhappy with how things are, would be the last ones in this country to try to start a fire between the lower classes, right?
    I mean, the poor illegal aliens have sooo much power. True, they can't vote, and true, they don't really have the money to control the media, and true, the Big Impoverished Illegal Alien Lobby also isn't a big player in government, but dammit, trust me, they have tons of power somehow and they are so unlikable, and it's their fault that you are not rich like me. ;)
  8. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius

    Richard Douglas "Dick" Lamm (born September 12, 1935 in Madison, Wisconsin) is an American politician and lawyer. He served three terms as Governor of Colorado as a Democrat (1975–1987) and ran for the Reform Party's nomination for President of the United States in 1996.
  9. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius

    Illegal's have been coming to America long before NAFTA, IMO or International Agribusiness.

  10. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    How does unifying devalue a group of people? If you are going to make the charge at least provide some examples or perhaps I am misreading you entirely. The point seems to be, although I am no expert, that civilizations/nations with diverse groups of people and values that do not unify as a people often fail. He is not saying destroy their diverity in fact he says the opposite. . . "It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; " instead unify that diversity into the "Melting Pot" of America to make us strong. Because history shows that diversity without unity causes turmoil within nations and weakens them. Also, a non-cohesive population is exactly the problem. Sorry I am not about to change my values so that a group of people can feel comfortable what kind of an example would we set with ever changing values?

  11. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    Good luck Walker and the other couple of rational people here. I know that you already know, but this place is like the snakepit of liberalizm and your comments are stirring irrationality. Can you feel the heat.. or I guess properly placed.. the hate?

    Want to tell a woman that you will show her the baby growing inside her womb on sonogram before she has an abortion? It's free, no obligation to change your mind, but if you would like to talk with someone about this decision and to see your lump of tissue and his/her arms, legs, head, eyes, fingers, toes, beating heart... prior to going across the street to have an abortion, then you are welcome.

    Apparently woman have the right to choose and that's well supported. But apparently a woman's right to choose to have a sonogram and to discuss historical data on women who have had abortions and long term side effects is not within a woman's right to choose.

    Anyhow, the things that will gut this country from the inside out are the great moral abomonations against God that tend to be highly promoted by the liberal left.

    Good luck Walker and the conservative right... You need it on here...
  12. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius

    Hmmmm, you may need to take another look at your history book of China. The Great Wall was constructed. . . "as a military fortification against intrusion by tribes on the borders during the earlier Zhou Dynasty. Late in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC)" I believe that China prospered greatly in the centuries afterward through trade with other nations. Check out Marco Polo's journey's. Not until the 18-19th century did it start to decline. Also Lamm is not advocating barring all immigration (where did you get that?) he is advocating that the diverse groups coming in adopt our language, value's and culture. The influxes of immigrants in the past were happy to learn our language adopted our values and unified together as American's, this is not happening now or at least that is what I think he is saying perhaps I'll read it again.

  13. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius

    My reading of his speech seems to indicate that his problem is with unrestricted illegal immigration and the decline of unity in our nation due to a influx of people that would rather emphasize their cultural diversity than their unity as Americans. He sees the championing of diversity without unity as a danger to this country as do others and as indicated by history. I don't think he has any problem with legal aliens coming across the border to work. I believe the same attitude as GWB and his Administration as well as the prior Administration.

  14. bluejay

    bluejay New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    south jersey

    Not in these numbers and not as a political scapegoat.
  15. bluejay

    bluejay New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
    south jersey
    And this is the problem.
  16. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    1. barely enough
    2. close to
    3. yes and yes
    4. sure do

    i'm saying the ideas you're presenting are a little far fetched. unless, of course, you ARE competing with the migrant workers.
    and i did have a job like that- all thorough high school (i supported mysef) and all through college. i would continue to have a job like that had i not landed a fellowship. i have not had it easy as you'd like to think.

    yes, i'm one rich mofo, as i've clearly demonstrated here. however, i feel we are all humans and that we should not be judged by the country in which we were born but the merit of our actions and hearts.

    sorry to hear that. however, how many bilingual mexicans are certified to be teachers?
    or are you blaming this on the increasing spanish speaking population?
    times change. the smart ones adapt. go learn spanish then if you wan tto help yourself, as you say you do.

    i sense you're directing this to me. so let me just say, i got most of those ideas (with the exception of the berry picking) from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of either me or my husband.

    so can you.

    american self entitlement. yes. i was born in america so i deserve everything, and even if someone with a phd in my discipline from india and clearly more talent than i have, my potential employer should discriminate against the "foreigner" and hire me. because i'm american. which clearly makes me superior.

    get off your high horse. you're born in america so freakin' what? does that make you better than anyone else? with your attitude, i'd say it makes you an arrogant racist.
  17. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    It's not a partisan issue but one for the people of this country in general. Not being able to get past partisanship is proving the point. This kind of bickering is indicative of the real problem: That we're too divided and individualistic to be a cohesive people. The issue isn't illegal aliens specifically. The U.S. is made up of immigrants. Celebrating diversity is fine but to put it ahead of the country's cohesiveness is a real problem. The 'us vs. them' sentiment that is so rampant in this thread, and this country these days, is the problem precisely. George isn't the only person in this country who's putting his own self interests ahead of the national security but his antagonistic approach to everyone who disagrees with him is fanning the flames. And then the Democrats criticize him for it but fan the flames themselves. Stop fighting each other and try to see that your fellow Americans aren't the real problem. The problem isn't those bad old liberals or those bad old conservatives.
  18. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    ...although I do feel the need to clarify one thing:

    If an "illegal" person somehow manages to get in and work their asses off, they should be allowed to become Citizens on almost that fact alone. What I don't agree with, as probably many do, are the ones that come here and somehow manage to sit around on welfare and such.

    ..but hey, if Al Faroque Pradip Singh is an American Citizen who has the same education as I do, and is willing to work twice as many hours as me for less, I say, it's all fair game... I'm not going to be bitter against the company that hired him.
  19. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius


    Didn't I call that one?
  20. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    I actually agree with this, however I don't just blame Republicans... :rolleyes:
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