The "Geek Squad" said there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my computer but I still can't play this vid?!?!? *&R^$%# idiots all they did was laugh at me when I picked it up and charge me $79.00 for the diagnostics fee! Wildkow
Very entertaining. I've seen something similar, but I like these ideas better. I can't wait to try some of these out on my family and friends. For those who are having difficulty viewing, you may need to upgrade your operating system, browser, processor, or RAM. I couldn't get it to work with my Internet Explorer 2.0 on my Windows 3.1 80386 system, but it worked just fine when I used Internet Explorer 4.5 on my upgraded 75 MHz Pentium Windows 95 Gateway with 64 MB of RAM. I don't know if it made a difference, but I also have the Xvid video codec installed. You might want to try upgrading to something at least as new as what I used.
Back in the third grade (1962) there was a popular card that got passed around, identical on both sides: "How do you keep a moron occupied? (over)" Little known, excised verses from Genesis describe Adam writing that on both sides of a Sycamore leaf and handing it to Eve; she later brained him with an apple --- That's how old that joke is.
Believe me... that link does NOT work. Shouldn't work for anybody! Eeeeya. But hey, if it works for you...