OK, but if you want to sleep in a tree, will you climb out on the branch from below or above ? Check out JungleChat.com This is a difficult question for some.
OK - Who do I see to trade in my car issues or other life difficulties for the heart wrenching dilemma of hood closure???!
It's better to drop it gently as the hood is aluminum and can dent when pushing down on it. It does not take much pressure to dent or wave as someone else stated.
The next time someone open up the hood on the Prius, Can someone gets a tape measure and tell me the drop height in inches?
I've had a few years reading a few different forums, and always quietly learn tips and tricks for the latest car I've picked up at an auction. Sports cars, 4x4's and now a prius that has its own set of owners... Never in my life have I ever seen this type of question. It's a fake... Right? Haha. My post virginity has been taken, and measuring when to slam a freaking hood close makes it so worth it.
We need an instruction manual on the proper way to close the hood. I thought I knew how but now I am all confused.
Great News. After practicing, I was able to get the perfect height to drop the hood from. I was able to get the satisfying clanking sound without pushing it gently by hand and causing a "wave" marks.
And the magic height is? And then we need to formulate it for different temperatures, altitude elevations, and paint colours. Obviously the blizzard pearl with the extra pearlescant coat weighs more than a standard paint job, so it can be dropped from a slightly lower height for the same force at impact. I think you should tie some cabling to the hood and loop it down and under the Prius so you can pull up like a pulley and latch it from the inside. Then no paint deformities. Although, you would have to figure out what to do with the cable that sticks out after closing the hood from the inside...
Why don't ya'll start a petition to Toyota corporate to put automatic hood/bonnet opening/closing in the Gen 4? SCH-I535