Found some salting data from Finland and Germany, had to post it here In Finland there is 6500km roads what are saltet 90,000 metric tons every year. Varies 60.000-110.000 metric tons different winters. Not so much roads, but afterall our country isnt big. Roads what i mainly use are ones what get most salt to keep them open. At Germany they use up to 1.6 million metric tons of salt. This includes also sidewalks, i could not found road data.
For the sake of comparison: "Each year, about 23 million tons (20.9 metric tons) of road salt are applied to North America’s roads to melt away snow and ice, according to the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, N.Y." I'm not familiar with that news source, but I also found this from National Geographic: "Last year, [2013] U.S. officials applied about 17 million tons (15.4 metric tons) of salt to roads" Emphasis/unit conversion mine. Much of that salt is gathered by solution-mining. You'd think we'd be able to put in a proper drain diverter and capture the runoff brine to reform the salt and make it a closed loop by now.
Story about salt impact and alternatives: Why do we still use road salt and what are the alternatives? |