how often do officers enforce front license plate laws?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by fortheanimals, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. fortheanimals

    fortheanimals Junior Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    portland, or
    2005 Prius
    i don't feel like i'm tempting them. i don't even consider myself lucky. but i'm generally a good and courteous driver. i often am out driving late and at all kinds of prime "drunk hours". in addition to no front plate, my windshield has been cracked for the past 3 years. it's cracked big and wide but just so, so that driver's sight is not affected.

    during the almost 60k i've driven the prius, i've been pulled over 3x. once for speeding on oregon freeway on a roadtrip- no ticket. once for last second jerk away from freeway onramp because i decided to go local- no ticket. and as it happens, i was actually pulled over last night for running a red light right in front of cop. i had just gotten back in town after a long 12 hours on the road. i was tired of driving. it was late and i didn't see anyone else around. the cop cited me, but he told me to go to court and seemed to be suggesting he wouldn't show up for my contestation.

    i've received a good number of parking tickets but no citation for window stickers in illegal spots, lack of front plate, cracked windshield, and who knows what else i've had wrong. i've dealt with 8-10 traffic stops in my driving career, and all but one of the officers have either been pleasant to deal with or even sympathetic and accommodating. this leads me to believe MOST cops are only evil when they deal with evil people. maybe i'm just a likable kid.

    all that said, i will be giving up the cali plates for oregon soon and plan to add front plate. i've really only kept the front plate off all this time because i could at least save myself that much more california hate.
  2. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Or maybe you're white. I've been stopped for speeding four times in my life. Every time the cop was polite and courteous. Three of the four resulted in tickets, which I paid by mail because I had been speeding. I don't believe in trying to avoid the consequences when I'm actually guilty. I've also been arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience several times. I think 8 times, though I could be missing one or two. In every case the cops were courteous and treated me as gently as possible.

    On the other hand, DWB (driving while black) often results in much harsher treatment. Your race is more likely to be a factor in how you are treated by the cops than whether or not you are "evil."