Gas is getting cheaper in the North East East Coast Hybrids Help Soften U.S. Demand for Fuel - Andrew O’Connell - The Daily Stat - Harvard Business Review
Driving a 2009 Prius is a risk taker. Brakes recall. Prius problems: Toyota recalls 250K hybrids for braking problems - Washington Times USA TODAY
When the oil first embargo happened, gas jumped to around a buck a gallon, but people were happy just to get gas.
It was $4.15 last night, but is $4.39 today. Of course, I waited until today to fill up. That said, I just paid the dealer to do an oil change (with my 0W-20), replaced the oil gasket and filter, rotate the tires, checked wheel alignment with a written report, test the 12v battery, top off all fluids, and check 20 other things - all for $29 with some coupons I had. Not bad.
It's been creeping up here on L.I. again- put $100 ($3.69/gal) in the boat Sunday, got to put another $100 in this week to fill-er-up for the weekend. And the JetSki needs 15gal too