Let me cruise by a theater major dressed as a Tree! Now that I own my Prius? I don't really care what gas prices are doing! I'm sure this new euphoria will wear off...but for now...Up, Down...I don't really care!
Filled up in Laguna Hills, CA for $3.89 yesterday. I use the Gas Buddy app for iPhone to find cheapest near me.
Price has dropped £1.40 to £1.32 in Newcastle upon Tyne England. Works £4.99 US Gallon $7.71US. Bargain by UK standards. Think yourself lucky myself and the grumpy cabbie are being exploited GT-N7100 ? 2
Seems to have leveled off @ 3.16 on the Riviera... Maybe Priuses will go on sale if it drops some more....
How much? It depends on whether I count the unpaid trillions of national debt, and the 1/3 or more of all fed taxes that go to run the military needed to secure our reserves in countries that hate us for meddling in their business . Or ... are we not talking about reality .... Bottom line ... the pump price is WAY below cost - even at twice what my pump price is
Got gas the other day from one of the cheaper stations for $3.759. Saw gas that same day or a bit earlier at a ripoff station for $4.159/gal for regular.
Fun fact: gasoline is one of the few things that our government allows price-fixing on. Kind of like with Debears & diamonds. I'm guessing the rationale with gasoline is - poor folks need a break ... & pricy areas can afford to pay more.
Our nation really needs a paradigm shift in its thinking. The reason most don't object to low gas costs at the pump (failing to pay actual costs ... health ... military ... cleanup hazards, etc), is because subsidized, and under taxed pricing, and price fixing that favors low income areas is easy, NOW. It's painful to pay up front. That's why we don't, as a nation. But if we WERE forced to pay actual prices for energy/fuel ... equally ... every where ... that pain would most likely result in reformation of our national energy policy (the lack thereof is a good part of what's bankrupting our country). Not paying "full price" puts the full price on our future, and that is not "as it should be" imo.