Thanks Jayman! I read through both those links and got quite the education on motor oil. I live in sunny San Diego and am fairly easy on cars. No short trips on a regular basis. (I walk my DD to preschool for exercise 98% of the time.) My '95 Corolla receommends oil changes every 7500 miles and most places have given me a hard time for sticking to that. They want me in there every 3K despite my manual and Toyota's reputation (more money for them). The car has over 120K miles and still runs fine, so I think I'll stick to Toyota's guidelines.
sorry i wasn't clear on my first post... it's what the dealer called a "service" a 5k service a 10k service a 15k service... the $90 is with a coupon i got in the mail too!!! 1. i will ask them what they do in a "service" vs. "oil change only" 2. stupid bmw and mini that offers free maintanence, now i have no idea how much a "service" is suppose to cost 3. thanks to all that replied!
The time the dealer did my oil change it was with in a few dollars + tax of the other place I use. I think there is a general area price for this service.
I got my oil change + 25 point checks for $19.95 w/ coupon at my dealer. If I wanted tire rotation, it's another $30 I believe. But you can do that yourself or have a tire place do it for $10. Other ppl even said some tire places do free tire rotations. So I don't see how they can charge you for $90. What's listed on the bill?
Well, I won't be able to report how much my first four services will eventually cost me 'cause my dealer provided the first four free with the vehicle. At the rate we drive that will cover the first couple of years of ownership. And by service I mean SERVICE at our dealer Nanaimo Toyota, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,BC, Canada. Ya' all come up and visit, ya hear! Gary