I'd like to see how it competes with Davis, CA. Small population but high education ratio and lots of Prius!
I thought of this thread this morning. In my winter grey Prius, I saw two other winter grey prii on the road ahead of me, as well as a blue one, all at the same time.
I thought of this thread this afternoon as I was leaving work. I saw 7 on Capitol Hill, including my own, and another 7 in traffic on the way home. Home is 40 miles away through a major metropolitan commute, so I should have seen more. I might have except all the SUV's and pristine Pick Ups blocked the view. BTW, when you talk about all those clowns in Washington, NONE of them come from Washington. They are all sent to Washington by the other 50 states. Washington is an otherwise nice place. It is where Southern efficiency meets Norther hospitality, as they say... wait a minute...
I've seen just a few more as of late.. but still rare down here in the bayou (oil) country.. most drivers are female and/or of the more "mature" age I have observed...
Reading through this makes Northern Florida seem a bit embarrassing. Sometimes I go 30 miles without any on our main highway I-95 in Florida. Most people are still in SUV's and big trucks and often alone in their vehicle. I think it's a big pride like status to own a monster vehicle here for some people. They can keep that!:wave:
Last summer we drove from Minneapolis Minnesota to Keokuk Iowa and counted 80+ Prii heading down there. My wife & I play what we call the Prius game. When one of us sees one we call out with a kkkk sound and say the color and first, second or third gen. Call us nuts, but it is fun and keeps us awake as we travel the country Mike
Davis has more brains, but Santa Monica has more money (except my part of town-I live in the cheap section-but even that ain't cheap!)
There are a LOT of Prii in Massachusetts. I probably see about 10 on average on the 15 miles of interstate on drive one for my daily commute.
Here on Long Island in NY, the state DOT permits use of HOV lanes for 45+ mpg mileage vehicles on the Long Island Expressway. Given that the LIE has been (lovingly) called the "world's longest parking lot" since built, it will come as no surprise that many, many commuters have purchased Prii. I, for one, spent the better part of one Thursday commute last May crawling, watching the sweep second hand tick off the minutes on my 300C while gnashing my teeth, and counting no less than 59(!) Prii pass me by in the HOV lane. Purchased my 2010 III that Saturday morning, gave 'em my 300C (with its 15-17 mpg) and haven't looked back. Only regret is now that I love the Prius so much, I wish I had sprung for the extra $$ and gotten a V or at least a IV -- but who knew? I thought I was purchasing a commuter car but we take this buggy EVERYWHERE. (I can not win!) The sole exception being longer over-the-road trips with multiple passengers and gear, in which case we break out the boss's Sequoia.