Phnom Penh, Cambodia Gen I : Rarely see one Gen II : Countless (and it is increasing days by days) Gen III : 2 (one with a stolen hybrid battery during transportation not working - maybe replace new battery by now) and (one more is mine driving everyday). Take note: import tax here is 120% of the value. Future: Prius V (five), the dealer is still auction on it and soon to be seen in here.
On my daily school-run, which is about 8 miles of city driving, I see lots of them. Probably at least 10 every day. 50/50 split Gen 2 and 3s. Most of the Gen 3s are white (mine is silver). My first post BTW
I think I see at least 20 prii's. Gen II & III and even I's. I do drive 100 miles total commute from the OC to LA.
The Prius was launched a couple of months ago in Thailand. In my neighborhood today, I saw six, five Gen III and one Gen II. 4 blizzard white, 1 black and 1 light blue metallic.
Gen I : I rarely see any at all. Gen II and III are pretty common in Northern Florida. I see more II's around then III's. Usually spot about one or two per 12 mile trip to work. My very observent 5 year old neice always reports that her "Prius eyes" spot more on the freeway/highway than in the city. She always gives the color report too. Blizzard Pearl always wins here in FL (such a nice light color too).
Ok, I was going home yesterday and started to count how many prius' I see again. I count 109 prius' total on my way home from LA to OC. I saw 2 first gen and most were gen 2 and gen 3's as well. I also saw a lot of Civic hybrids, a tesla and even one cr-z. SoCal is def. the number one area for hybrids. Its good to see so many hybrids on the road.
Here is a twist. I see as many Volts on my once a week commute to work (I work from home the rest of the week). The Prius is a much hated car here in Metro Detroit, AND, living in a Northern Detroit suburb, many of my neighbors are GM engineers, which explains why I see so many Volts on the road around here. I doubt many, if any, of the Volts I see have been purchased.
1 once in a while around my town in western RI. During my commute to metro Boston area, tons. Especially after I get on I 95/128.
In the bay area, they are probably the most common car by far. I was at a four way intersection a week ago and there were literally three in a row in one section and one going the other way at the same time.
There are 4 Prii in our work parking lot. One of them parks in the handicap spot but other three including me always try to park next to each other. (Although we don't know who the other Prii's belong to) lol I will try to get a pic sometime.
I guess you all live in more responsible areas of the country than I do. I see perhaps 2 or 3, sometimes up to 6 or so in a 40 mile commute down the 295 / 95 corridor to DC. Most of the vehicles are SUVs, Pickups and mini-vans with one person in them. The big showy models, too. Will probably never see a bag of mulch in their lives.
On my daily 140-mile commute in Central Maine I see hardly one per week. Every time I see a Prius I scream "Sisterrrrrrr!!!!"" and waive to the driver. Since we are a rarity here, I normally get a waive back. Southern Maine is different -- in Portland, ME I started screaming "Sisterrrrr!!" but in 15 minutes I had to shut up – too many sisters-relatives around, the family became way too expanded.
I see several on my short 5.5 mile ride to work. However, my new 2011 Prius is number 5 in the parking lot and we have about 60 people on staff. That is a pretty good %'age. I took off the wheel covers and bought the center caps-looks nicer even though I did not have them yet for this picture.
I just saw a Gen 1 the other day. I thought those were only sold in Japan. I also have a Gen 2 and a Gen 3 owned by neighbors within 3 houses of me. I usually see 3 or 4 more on my 2 mile drive to work.
I think Santa Monica, Ca. must have the most Prii per capata of any city in the states, I bought one to fit in.