That's funny- we're in the same boat. Leased it 3 years at 18k per year. I ran the numbers and it made just as much sense to lease then buy it out at the end. Made about $1000 difference. And, if we had decided we didnt like it, we wouldnt take the drop. I put on 2500 in my first month. I've had leases in the past and found I stared at the odometer. However, on this one we've decided not to worry about it and just drive it like we own it, as we'll probably buy it out anyway. We also have a Mercedes convertible and Volvo SUV, but they've rarely budged since the Prius. Just prefer the comfort of it over we love to go all the time too...making it nice to only use a couple gallons! Enjoy yours! Sorry to ramble....
Purchased the 2010 Prius III in April 2010, and I now have 10,323 miles (11/13/2010). At this rate, I should have another 10-15k miles to go for 20-25k total...
Calculations give roughly same figures for my Snow White... Dated March 2010, and 15030km now (18Nov2010) - 9339miles, Snow White may travel up to 14k miles annually.
One day short of a year, and I have 19333 miles since delivery (19543 miles on odometer--got it with 210 miles). For those of you who have full year gas mileage statistics, please go to the Gen III Fuel Economy forum and post your mileage at the Sticky thread for full year mileage stats. I'm one of the lower ones, only 46.3 mpg. Thanks!
MY V is 14 months old and has 26000 miles on it. I like your license plate. I should get one with the same text beginning next year.
42K miles, I just got new tires. I got the car with cash for clunkers. My commute just shortened so hopefully year 2 will be alot less.
good luck with that... i am pretty sure there are already 49 other versions besides mine. still havent decided if i should get one for my Leaf. still havent thought of anything good yet.
Just short of 13K, and haven't even been out of state with it. I have 5 motorcycles, and put lots of miles on those as well!