If you bought the car March 1 that would be over 225 miles per day. Now that's a LOT of driving! What do you do that you put so many miles on the car; sales of some sort?
Year Of Your Prius: 2005 Miles On Your Prius: 42,000 Any Problems So Far? If So, What? Had to replace tires at 36,500 fuel tank bladder prevents fill up in winter Al
2005 118100 miles Only one problem...Wife prefers to drive her Tahoe or TSX (more power)instead of the Prius. No mechanical problems at all. Driver's seat is showing some wear on the left, lower bolstering (might need a repair or replace it with leather). LOVE MY PRIUS!!!!!
Year Of Your Prius: 2005 Miles On Your Prius: 64,500 Any Problems So Far: 1 taillight bulb burned out. $0.98 repair Ryan M? Are you from the Sacramento area?
2005 Just hit 50,000 Zero problems of any type, even though she takes a beating delivering the U.S. Mail.
May 2005 purchase with 104826 miles. 2 sets of tires, 5000 mile oil changes, 10000 mile tire rotations. One tail light burned out, the aforementioned warranty recalls and that is IT!
2005 (march) 51,100 mi after the latest road trip steering shaft recall done, upper glove box door replaced, window rattle fixed, visors wouldn't hold their position so we got new visors. tires at 28k, regular maintenance beyond that.
2005 (bought it 22 August, one week before hurricane Katrina) 48000 miles Not one single problem (The only other vehicle I've had this kind of luck with was another Toyota).
~ 2700 mi., since Jan., '08 Still smells new ! At this rate, I'll never make it into the 100,000 mi. club
My (Jan) 06 just turned 61,000 yeaterday. NOT one problem, still on original Goodyears. Great car! 51.5 mpg average.
April, 2005 Just approaching 30,000. Nothing but routine oil changes and the Toyota bulletin about the steering wheel.
2004, 53,000 miles. Bought it from my dad at 15K miles in late 2006 (after he took delivery of a 2007 Silver Pine Mica - because he wanted a Prius with the rear camera and didn't understand the concept of installing aftermarket). ECU reflash and steering shaft replaced per SSCs. MFD replaced under warranty. Two replacement sets of tires installed so far. Among the last to get CA carpool stickers, when the last 10,000 were made available in January 2007. We've put 38K miles on the 2004 in 1-1/2 years. My wife loves the car and wants us to keep it until it dies.
Geeezzzzz!!! 2008-April delivery (only one month later than you) 16,789??, Ah, no....more like 591. This we agree on, Absolutely no problems. Gman, you don't drive your car, you LIVE in your car. ZC1